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Reddit is the WORST Steroid Forum on Earth

yeah oral steroids for sure build muscle. theres literally no logical argument to say they don't. It's nonsense.
I agree with this but I'd say the argument is more if you can only run an oral for say 6 weeks (some scared to do longer) how much can you add in 6 weeks? Also you hold a lot of water with dboll so it's not really blowing you up faster than an injectable.

Overall I try to throw them in during cutting to help keep muscle when calories are low. I know some use them as a pre workout too. Reminds me I haven't used orals in a while may start some var.

I also like to use them when I take a break from insulation. Insulin comes out for a while, enter an oral like var
Terrible information.

The chat is filled with people over exaggerating to the fullest, or kids saying “talked to a girl at the gym today” “damn dude wish I could do that, what’s your cycle”

Apparently EVERYTHING is hormone related too or a side effect of some drug. “Feeling sad my mom died” “estrogen is high, up the AI”
Terrible information.

The chat is filled with people over exaggerating to the fullest, or kids saying “talked to a girl at the gym today” “damn dude wish I could do that, what’s your cycle”

Apparently EVERYTHING is hormone related too or a side effect of some drug. “Feeling sad my mom died” “estrogen is high, up the AI”
Sounds like meso actually.
"im running 200mg test how much AI do I need my nips itch?"
"should I workout or use tren or might it raise my E2 too much ive been carefully working with a HRT doc to dial in using an aromasin and HCG cycle"
"look at the screenshot of a text this girl sent me!"
"I got some undeclinate test, how infrequent can I inject will once a month work and can I do it sub Q so it doesn't hurt?"
Never got into Reddit, aside from finding an NFL games link there once in google search...But before I got a script I was directed over there by a buddy to get smoke (dude had an open thread there selling different strains).

Do they sell roids on there too or just a bunch of bro-science talk?!
You would trigger all the Know-it-alls with real science and studies. It is the blind leading the blind over there!
I mean, I'll probably get that everywhere. Androgens boost confidence and abuse of them is associated with a host of personality disorders. The difference to me when I looked at that reddit was that it was some in the leadership there that were heavily invested in promoting their own very poor interpretations of science, and that was sort of their bread-and-butter, rather than actual practice or good science. I never even ventured onto that board except to have a plagiarized work removed that the mods were kind enough to handle, so at least not all of them are bad, and maybe even good bros. That was just my impression.
Never got into Reddit, aside from finding an NFL games link there once in google search...But before I got a script I was directed over there by a buddy to get smoke (dude had an open thread there selling different strains).

Do they sell roids on there too or just a bunch of bro-science talk?!
I don't think they sell. It's the kids you see in the gym who wear Crocs and carry tripods videoing each other in packs of 3 talking juice online.
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As a Redditor, I can confirm that we are complete fucking morons.

I believe the term is "retards" .... or is that only if one YOLOs on options and loses everything? 🤣
There are definitely subreddits posting sources regularly. Not sure which ones but I’ve seen it.

The bandwagon effect applies to any forum, even here, but damn does it seem to be particularly strong over there. I think as a community, PM has seen it all and is reluctant to take random advice as easily.

If you’ve never injected cow abortion drugs, man did you miss out on a BLAST! Was a wonderful miracle drug that kept you full and shred those single digits. I think I lived on the toilet with an obliterated asshole and did nothing but chug water trying to stay half hydrated. Can’t say I didn’t lose some weight 😂

What I hate about reddit is how you can seemingly say anything and some dipshit will find a way to make it related to politics.
It's not that Reddit is the worst Steroid Forum on Earth.
It's just the worst forum as a whole.
And not just in the Solar System.
So basically to cut thru all the crap you have to search :)
I don't browse the forums other then r/weightroom. I'll just search in Google "reddit anavar kidneys" or "reddit pjr pullover" or "reddit beef liver vitamin a toxicity" as examples
I think a bit is the format. Regular forums people are encouraged to search. Regular forums, someone posts and a number of people will opine or at least see it so that if a nimrod posts it gets caught. Also if the topic is grey/controversial you get multiple opinions and maybe even some healthy discussion. Reddit, you often get one random dude and one random answer without any checks.
Hate how it is "organized" and also I DON'T need others to decide what is the most useful response for me, I will do that for myself with this thing I use daily called my brain. Reddit is a step above sm platforms IMO as far as usefulness goes and only because the posts don't just disappear like they do on other platforms.

For me the organization and searchability of forums still REIGN SUPREME!!!
Yea lol reddit is the absolute worst... literally all 19 year olds
Definitely a resource for poor or low information. Reddit and Quora have so many subforums and traffic (reddit/~¥%)
It has massive vultures of all kinds . I do see a lot of companies , owners of small businesses pumping their business “as a customer” . After I found out it basically makes you download their App ; I stopped going on it. The physician and lawyer area (for free advice), lol. It has a ton of people giving each other info/ answers/advise (as a professional) and it’s probably some basement creep. 😂

I find the entire reddit system to be frustrating and nonsensical. A good bodybuilding forum like PM is all one needs.

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