There is no one you can call or nothing you can do to stop this pathetic abuse of justice. See.... we are normal other wise law abiding citizens ... most of us are middle class Americans who work and have normal lives.
Its VERY easy to pick on us. The cops know we are not a danger when it comes to busts.... we wont shoot at them like Meth or cocaine dealers do. They know that if they bust one dude usually they will sing like a fucking bird to get out of it just to keep there LEGALLY bought house and cars. They can look at us and see pretty much who to pic on. Most of all, when they bust a high profile dealer it looks really good in the papers and they are making alot of money off of the confiscated money, homes, cars, guns ect.... its easy money and an easy job.
In other words there to CHICKEN SHIT to go catch REAL criminals who will actually blow there well deserved fucking heads off for busting up there crime/drug ring.
To put it all in a nut shell = they are PUSSIES that just hide behind that little badge and gun.