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The most effective compound for hair loss: Oral Minoxidil ( AKA Oral Rogaine )

now that I am 42 ... I am starting to get some thinning !
scalp is starting to show ....

thank you for all the great information

I am starting the fina today 1mg M/W/F
I guess I need to order minoxidil next - plan is 2.5mg ED

I will take some pictures

thank BB
now that I am 42 ... I am starting to get some thinning !
scalp is starting to show ....

thank you for all the great information

I am starting the fina today 1mg M/W/F
I guess I need to order minoxidil next - plan is 2.5mg ED

I will take some pictures

thank BB

With finasteride, most won't see any difference in hair until after 6-8 months. If you see lots of shedding now, often it will immediately stop with finasteride. 1 mg MWF is too much for some guys as well in terms of side effects. So remember you can use as little as 0.25 mg daily and 0.5 mg mon/wed/fri or daily as well.

Oral minox; you can see results in hair growth as soon as 2 months in many cases.
With finasteride, most won't see any difference in hair until after 6-8 months. If you see lots of shedding now, often it will immediately stop with finasteride. 1 mg MWF is too much for some guys as well in terms of side effects. So remember you can use as little as 0.25 mg daily and 0.5 mg mon/wed/fri or daily as well.

Oral minox; you can see results in hair growth as soon as 2 months in many cases.
Where to get oral minoxidil please ?
European online no prescription "pharmacies" dont carry it
BB, can you be a little more specific on the sides from finasteride please ?
thank you of the follow up
I will modify to 1/2 tab ".50mg" to start then.

TRT for the first year at 15mg ed hair actually got better...
then did some Winny,Tren,Var... all micro does .. daily and there was not much loss
went back down to TRT / 15mg ed for 6 months

thinning increased when I bumped test up to 50mg for 8 week
I brought back down , but figured it would be wise to address hair issue now.
With finasteride, most won't see any difference in hair until after 6-8 months. If you see lots of shedding now, often it will immediately stop with finasteride. 1 mg MWF is too much for some guys as well in terms of side effects. So remember you can use as little as 0.25 mg daily and 0.5 mg mon/wed/fri or daily as well.

Oral minox; you can see results in hair growth as soon as 2 months in many cases.
👍 Took me a couple of months and then boom. I got pretty good results so says my dermi. And this on someone who started losing my hair in my early 20’s. I am 69 now. So a lot of follicles have been dormant for some time. Been on Minox for about 7 months now. Regrowth seems to have slowed. Just started Fina about 6 weeks ago, .25 daily. This is going to be the long game. I figured I’m in or I’m out. I’m in. And the stuff is dirt cheap; one even lowers your bp, the other helps the prostate. Two, two for ones. Will let you know how it goes in another year if I am still alive 😉
I'll jump in here with some recent feedback.

I reached out to @Black Beard a couple months ago after reading some of his posts. I had a lot of thinning in the crown and some receding hairline as well. I believe 75% of this is due to 15 straight years of at least test and then a lot of androgen heavy cycles over time as well. I ended up going with Happy Head because they gave me the least trouble. Had a script for oral minox 2.5mg/day and finasteride 1mg/day. I've only been taking the finasteride 1mg every other day because of the fear of sides.

So far absolutely zero side effects whatsoever, and for whatever it's worth I've historically been a sides bitch with regard to anabolics.

I've had crazy regrowth already around the crown and the actual hairs feel thicker. My hairline has sprung so many either new or maybe dormant hairs around my hairline - my hairline is more gradual than the crown, but TBD.

@Black Beard knows what the fuck he's talking about with this whole thing. Appreciate your contributions to the board sir as it has enhanced my every day life. My wife is fucking thrilled!

This place really has been gold over the years
The combination of oral minoxidil 2.5-5 mg + oral finasteride or dutasteride can fully reverse and cure balding in a high percentage of patients. Especially if caught and treated early enough.

Finasteride/dutasteride will SOMETIMES regrow thin hair/bald spots, but generally takes +7 months to see an effect, most will see hair loss stop and some will continue to go bald. Oral minoxidil will lead to significant regrowth/thickening as soon as 2 months.

The cure to hair loss/balding:

1. Early intervention. The earlier the better but you would be surprised at the hairloss that can be reversed that is already quite severe with the combination below.

2. Oral finasteride. Dose as low as 0.25 mg daily is as effective as 1 mg daily with sharply decreased risk of side effects. Many side effects will resolve after 2 weeks. Many find that TRT +150 mg can attenuate most sides especially erection issues. It is not just the drop in serum and scalp DHT but the change of the T/E2/DHT ratio in the hair follicle that likely causes the positive effect we see on hair growth and health from 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

3. Oral minoxidil. The true powerhouse. Finasteride puts the fire out (stops androgenetic/male pattern hairloss), oral minoxidil plants new trees in the forest. 2.5 mg daily is a good sweet spot dosage, 1.25 mg is also effective. 5 mg is the max before sides to benefit ratio increases.

Just one example from reddit :

View attachment 181632


(oral minoxidil is significantly superior to both topical minoxidil, oral finasteride, and even oral dutasteride)

View attachment 181629
From experience, I can say this combination definitely works! However, you will not just grow hair on your head, you will have hair growth everywhere and you will have to shave more frequently. But if that doesn't matter, the oral route work great on your head!
oral Fin and oral min together at an early stage might actually keep or regrow hair on your stack.
Any thoughts on any of these things for beard growth, I dont have MPD issues at all but can't grow a good beard high test or not....
Any thoughts on any of these things for beard growth, I dont have MPD issues at all but can't grow a good beard high test or not....

What a pain in the ass.

You can have some of mine.

Yes they are a pain in the ass but my wife likes it so we compromise; winter, yes, summer, no. But I keep it very short and cutt a neckline.

And test has never effected it 🙂, 600mg ew. was the highest.
I should have also mentioned, my beard has grown new hair and thickened. Before jumping in on this I read about everything online I could find, and that is a very common theme.
I'll jump in here with some recent feedback.

I reached out to @Black Beard a couple months ago after reading some of his posts. I had a lot of thinning in the crown and some receding hairline as well. I believe 75% of this is due to 15 straight years of at least test and then a lot of androgen heavy cycles over time as well. I ended up going with Happy Head because they gave me the least trouble. Had a script for oral minox 2.5mg/day and finasteride 1mg/day. I've only been taking the finasteride 1mg every other day because of the fear of sides.

So far absolutely zero side effects whatsoever, and for whatever it's worth I've historically been a sides bitch with regard to anabolics.

I've had crazy regrowth already around the crown and the actual hairs feel thicker. My hairline has sprung so many either new or maybe dormant hairs around my hairline - my hairline is more gradual than the crown, but TBD.

@Black Beard knows what the fuck he's talking about with this whole thing. Appreciate your contributions to the board sir as it has enhanced my every day life. My wife is fucking thrilled!

This place really has been gold over the years
Interesting. This has only been a couple months then? I've been on the oral minox 2.5mg for a couple months. Nothing yet, maybe a bit lower blood pressure which I'll gladly take.

I've just been holding out on the fina, but maybe it's time.
Interesting. This has only been a couple months then? I've been on the oral minox 2.5mg for a couple months. Nothing yet, maybe a bit lower blood pressure which I'll gladly take.

I've just been holding out on the fina, but maybe it's time.

Without Fina, you're taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back if you have male pattern hair loss with minox only. You gotta put out the fire first, then you can plant new trees. You're trying to plant trees in a forest that is still ablaze, to use a metaphor.
Anyone who has had slow progress with Minoxidil? I had a hair transplant eight months ago, two months after the surgery I started with oral minoxidil 5mg and a month later the shedding started. Now currently been on minoxidil for 6 months and the shedding has not stopped, progress is slow.
So, I started the oral minoxidil on Wednesday..I’m a person who can go into a very violent mindset and sometimes actions very easily..I had an instance like that on Wednesday. I took one of the minoxidils and it calmed me down significantly!

Everytime I’ve taken it I have a crazy calming effect..

This for real, or placebo?

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