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Training Delts


Kilo Klub Member
Nov 19, 2009
So we have seen thread on your favorite exercises legs, chest and back. But I have not seen one on Delts.

Let see what you guys enjoy the most.
10 to 15 sets total

3 to 4 exercises
1st one being a press of some kind.....HEAVY
i like bells or smith

after that......volume, volume, volume

Like it Tenny. Using the fresh strength and muscle to pound the heavy weight then focus on drawing the blood into the muscle getting them so full that the muscle fascia has no choice but to grow :headbang:
10 to 15 sets total

3 to 4 exercises
1st one being a press of some kind.....HEAVY
i like bells or smith

after that......volume, volume, volume

Tenny do you personally work ea muscle once a week. With 10-15 sets, I can't see working them twice a week
Tenny do you personally work ea muscle once a week. With 10-15 sets, I can't see working them twice a week

delts get once a week

as they are NOT a weak bodypart for me


Like it Tenny. Using the fresh strength and muscle to pound the heavy weight then focus on drawing the blood into the muscle getting them so full that the muscle fascia has no choice but to grow :headbang:

You are a good guy but you are so confused running from routine to routine.....its crazy. Explain this in bold??
Who says I run from routine to routine? I runt he some routine but I mix up rep ranges and sets. I rarely change the whole program over all.

From what I read on the boards and from trustworthy members, I have gathered information that supports his or her statements on forcing the much volume into the muscle.
However, I did not realize what I was saying when I said blood increases muscle fascia...so thats my stupidity. I was thinking one thing and said another and walked out to go train.

Stretching is a way to increase the muscle fascia. My fault. But I am not here to cause any contraversy so I would much discontinue this thread. I apologize for even starting a new thread.

Who says I run from routine to routine? I runt he some routine but I mix up rep ranges and sets. I rarely change the whole program over all.

From what I read on the boards and from trustworthy members, I have gathered information that supports his or her statements on forcing the much volume into the muscle.
However, I did not realize what I was saying when I said blood increases muscle fascia...so thats my stupidity. I was thinking one thing and said another and walked out to go train.

Stretching is a way to increase the muscle fascia. My fault. But I am not here to cause any contraversy so I would much discontinue this thread. I apologize for even starting a new thread.

Are you ok man? You seem do defensive and unstable..........really, are you ok???
Probably my favorite Delt exercise is "up the rack" lateral raises. My training partner hates me for this but I get good results from them. For those who dont know about these and wanna give them a shot below is an example:

1 set is comprised of the following with no rest other than the time it takes to switch dumbells.

20 reps @ 5lb dumbells
15 reps @ 10lb dumbells
12 reps @ 15lb dumbells
8 reps @ 20lb dumbells

rest 1-2 mins and repeat for 3 sets total, or 4 if your feeling crazy. :D

Now the weight listed above is just theoretical, but the key is that you want to go up in weight and down in reps. So, if you try the weight above and get to the 8 reps @ 20lb dumbells and are not reaching a failure point at the eighth rep, then increase weight. And remember this is only one set, do NOT rest in between these 4 different waves.

I encourage you to try these if you have never done them before, it will create some serious DOMS.


Probably my favorite Delt exercise is "up the rack" lateral raises. My training partner hates me for this but I get good results from them. For those who dont know about these and wanna give them a shot below is an example:

1 set is comprised of the following with no rest other than the time it takes to switch dumbells.

20 reps @ 5lb dumbells
15 reps @ 10lb dumbells
12 reps @ 15lb dumbells
8 reps @ 20lb dumbells

rest 1-2 mins and repeat for 3 sets total, or 4 if your feeling crazy. :D

Now the weight listed above is just theoretical, but the key is that you want to go up in weight and down in reps. So, if you try the weight above and get to the 8 reps @ 20lb dumbells and are not reaching a failure point at the eighth rep, then increase weight. And remember this is only one set, do NOT rest in between these 4 different waves.

I encourage you to try these if you have never done them before, it will create some serious DOMS.


Awesome........I think side laterals are so underrated.
Who says I run from routine to routine? I runt he some routine but I mix up rep ranges and sets. I rarely change the whole program over all.

From what I read on the boards and from trustworthy members, I have gathered information that supports his or her statements on forcing the much volume into the muscle.
However, I did not realize what I was saying when I said blood increases muscle fascia...so thats my stupidity. I was thinking one thing and said another and walked out to go train.

Stretching is a way to increase the muscle fascia. My fault. But I am not here to cause any contraversy so I would much discontinue this thread. I apologize for even starting a new thread.

na bro
its a good thread

Phils being Phil

and hes right......delts get hit from ALOT of different movements
theres really no need to do delts twice in 1 week

but........let me clarify also
i have a "SHOULDER DAY" that includes DELTS side and rear, traps
i hardly EVER train FRONT delts

my main focus on shoulder day is the roundness and thickness
of the shoulder (emphasis on rear and side) to get as WIDE
as possible, along with trap.....as my traps are shallow

yes......we know delts get hit with bench
we know delts get hit with back and row movements

hes just trying to show you the other side of the coin

he means no harm brother
Probably my favorite Delt exercise is "up the rack" lateral raises. My training partner hates me for this but I get good results from them. For those who dont know about these and wanna give them a shot below is an example:

1 set is comprised of the following with no rest other than the time it takes to switch dumbells.

20 reps @ 5lb dumbells
15 reps @ 10lb dumbells
12 reps @ 15lb dumbells
8 reps @ 20lb dumbells

rest 1-2 mins and repeat for 3 sets total, or 4 if your feeling crazy. :D

Now the weight listed above is just theoretical, but the key is that you want to go up in weight and down in reps. So, if you try the weight above and get to the 8 reps @ 20lb dumbells and are not reaching a failure point at the eighth rep, then increase weight. And remember this is only one set, do NOT rest in between these 4 different waves.

I encourage you to try these if you have never done them before, it will create some serious DOMS.


ha.......i do the same......but come back down the rack also

na bro
its a good thread

Phils being Phil

and hes right......delts get hit from ALOT of different movements
theres really no need to do delts twice in 1 week

but........let me clarify also
i have a "SHOULDER DAY" that includes DELTS side and rear, traps
i hardly EVER train FRONT delts

my main focus on shoulder day is the roundness and thickness
of the shoulder (emphasis on rear and side) to get as WIDE
as possible, along with trap.....as my traps are shallow

yes......we know delts get hit with bench
we know delts get hit with back and row movements

hes just trying to show you the other side of the coin

he means no harm brother

Of course I meant no harm.......gee wizzz smalltown, you are like a gal on her period...........I mean come on, passive agressive internet take my ball and go home nonsense is exaltly that.......nonsense.
Of course I meant no harm.......gee wizzz smalltown, you are like a gal on her period...........I mean come on, passive agressive internet take my ball and go home nonsense is exaltly that.......nonsense.

i love an exercise like standing or seated shoulder press...

then hitting the side laterals, rears and traps...

love shoulder workout...fave day!
Lol I am not offended Phil, not at all. I know how you are and get a kick out of it. People may think your dick but some of your post..but that is just how you post sometimes...same with me...this is how I respond sometimes.
na bro
its a good thread

Phils being Phil

and hes right......delts get hit from ALOT of different movements
theres really no need to do delts twice in 1 week

but........let me clarify also
i have a "SHOULDER DAY" that includes DELTS side and rear, traps
i hardly EVER train FRONT delts

my main focus on shoulder day is the roundness and thickness
of the shoulder (emphasis on rear and side
) to get as WIDE
as possible, along with trap.....as my traps are shallow

yes......we know delts get hit with bench
we know delts get hit with back and row movements

hes just trying to show you the other side of the coin

he means no harm brother
I do the same thing man. Big round melon delts are bad-ass, I just need some, lol

Lol I am not offended Phil, not at all. I know how you are and get a kick out of it. People may think your dick but some of your post..but that is just how you post sometimes...same with me...this is how I respond sometimes.

a dick huh? hahahaha some people? Some people think you are a bitch by your posts......but its just how you post........I understand it.....does that sound offensive to you? Presonally, I do not need to know if people think I am a dick or you are a bitch.........so if you know this, just dont tell me....I maen, is it positive?
a dick huh? hahahaha some people? Some people think you are a bitch by your posts......but its just how you post........I understand it.....does that sound offensive to you? Presonally, I do not need to know if people think I am a dick or you are a bitch.........so if you know this, just dont tell me....I maen, is it positive?

Always positive.:D

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