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Training one bodypart each day


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 20, 2009
Im wondering if anyone has ever used a routine like this? Not that I would try it myself. I notice some of the trainers at my gym kind of go and do a set randomly throughout the day, rather than train the traditional way (do your whole workout consecutive in one hour, then rest till its time to lift again).

Or maybe extreme rest between sets. Say your chest routine is 3x10 on the bench press. Do a set before work, a set at lunch, and then stop by the gym after work and do your final set.

Anyone think a routine like this would give good results? I would think you could lift more weight with every set, due to the rest.
Im wondering if anyone has ever used a routine like this? Not that I would try it myself. I notice some of the trainers at my gym kind of go and do a set randomly throughout the day, rather than train the traditional way (do your whole workout consecutive in one hour, then rest till its time to lift again).

Or maybe extreme rest between sets. Say your chest routine is 3x10 on the bench press. Do a set before work, a set at lunch, and then stop by the gym after work and do your final set.

Anyone think a routine like this would give good results? I would think you could lift more weight with every set, due to the rest.

personal opinion here but i really think progressive overload is the best way to grow. i cant see this being beneficial in the long run. im sure its just for the "pump".
Even Mike Mentzer wouldn't have driven to the gym to do just one set, he would have done one set each on two exercises!
well i train one bodypart per day....

but i certainly dont split the workout up throughout the day. Nor do i think this would be beneficial. I think it would cause a lot of wasted time constantly trying to warm up just to do one set?! And then theres guys that dont warm up at all, and i see this as disaster waiting to happen for them as far as injuries go..
Im wondering if anyone has ever used a routine like this? Not that I would try it myself. I notice some of the trainers at my gym kind of go and do a set randomly throughout the day, rather than train the traditional way (do your whole workout consecutive in one hour, then rest till its time to lift again).

Or maybe extreme rest between sets. Say your chest routine is 3x10 on the bench press. Do a set before work, a set at lunch, and then stop by the gym after work and do your final set.

Anyone think a routine like this would give good results? I would think you could lift more weight with every set, due to the rest.

You can try it and see how this works for you but for myself I work at least 2-3 bodyparts each workout. In the gym 45 minutes and Im out. 4 x per wk MAX.
I work one body part per workout. But I also run everyday I don't train as a body builder much anymore more an endurance athlete. Im happy with it as I am weekend warrior softball football. Training this way has increased my agility endurance and speed but have had to sacrafice some strenghth but alot of size. but the whole spliting a routine throughout the day seems counter productive to me. I think the trainers you see may just be bored or trying to hold a pump for the ladys.
I do one bodypart every eight to nine days. Personally, Ive never looked or felt better. More rest the better if you ask me..

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