And here comes the shit talking about Trey...
Can any of you guys EVER give this guy a break? I mean, it really is mostly jealousy. He has a ton of potential... just doesn't have the greatest head on his shoulders and has made bad decisions.
1- He's bigger than 99% of you, which makes you feel bad about yourself.
2- He's had more exposure than most of you who've competed at a high level, which makes you feel bad about yourself.
3- He doesn't have an unkind word to say about anything or anybody.
WTF? How many guys do you see doing off-season training videos who are very lean and NOT black? I promise you that most of them are not superheavyweights.
The only things I see wrong with Trey...
1- Poor diet in the off-season
2- Poor exercise form in general, leading to future injuries.
3- Poor choices in who he uses for his prep.
He's still a baby! Once he gets the hang of eating healthy, trains properly, and sticks with a smart, experienced trainer... he'll do very well... in which case all of you will still bitch about how your friend heard from his boss's cousin's uncle who lives next door to Trey's aunt that he uses 10g of test and 20iu GH.
Look at yourself before you look at him. He's in the gym training, working as hard as he feels he needs to, and stays out of the gossipy bullshit. This is starting to become an internet version of The Real Housewives of ProMuscle.