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Urine drug test for juice for probation


New member
May 29, 2007
What parameters do they go by in getting a psoitive result in this type of drug test?
I would almost assume just for rec drugs... Maybe you should ask them :D
they testing for juice for sure, trying to see if its possible to stay on and pass.
this question has been asked a 1000 times....it will be and ex $200-$300- for them to test for AAS som i am sure they will not be doing that

Sometimes they do, you can't just blindly say "i am sure they will not be doing that".
If you are on probation and not for distribution of steroids then your test will be a five or six panel test. Which are opiates, marijuana, cocaine, pcp, amphetamines including methamphetamines, that is the 5 panel test if it is the six panel then add barbituates.
I was 'ON' the entire time i was on probation and got piss tested once a month. AAS was never even brought up or mentioned so that means they were not testing for it.

On the other hand, if you were popped for steriods or something like that then.......
I was on probation for gear years ago, a large amount, and they only tested me for rec drugs.
I was on during probation too. Intense supervision for 3 months then regular - once a month piss test. Nobody said anything even I started my heavy bulker and was in a clothing a size bigger every month. Only one PO next to my PO was suspecting something because he was a juicer too, I could see it but he never said anytrhing. Actually it's funnier then hell, I met that PO 2 years later in my gym and he says I want to be as big as you are, can you get any GH or test? Even thou he seemed cool I would never take a risk. And my reply of course was "Sure, I get that HGH in GMC. Good shit, just take more capsules than it says on the bottle".
i was busted for gear, so i was trying to assume they would test for it, is there a way to pass while on if they are testing for them?
Personally I would wait it out. Atleast till your first piss test. I am not sure how its done on your end but my PO used to give me a paperwork which indicated the lab I had to go to, time and drugs to be tested. First slip said I remember was 3 or 4 rec drugs. The next one and everyone after that was a lot more but they were all rec. drugs. Go take your first test, see what they test you for then go from there. Good luck!
If you are on probation and not for distribution of steroids then your test will be a five or six panel test. Which are opiates, marijuana, cocaine, pcp, amphetamines including methamphetamines, that is the 5 panel test if it is the six panel then add barbituates.
I will have to agree with what is posted above here ..... Gear is a little more $$$ to test for and the way the probation offices are funded these days it is not in thier budget...... Unless it was conditions of u being on paper....I was on paper for a yr and I got piss tested once and never again.... As long as u show up for ur appointments and do what they say .....shouldn't be a problem.... Just my opinion!!
Good luck bro!!
IF they test you for steriods ( they can if they want to) more than likely they will check your test levels only. So they won't specifically test you for things like Dbol, Tren, Winny etc just how high your test levels are. So if you used say Prop and stopped say a week before the test then you should be fine. It would be far too expensive to test for each individual drug. You could use an oral that won't raise level as well. I would definately wait till you take your first test. If they do not send the test out then they are only testing for rec drugs. I know several people that have gotten busted for gear and a few were tested for steriods.
Regardless of all the input here, is your freedom really worth running a cycle? I know mine isn't, I would just get my diet spot on, pick a protocol and hammer away at it. But that's just me. Being in my mid-30's now with different priorities has changed my views.
My tests are random and done at the probation office so tryng to time it is not gona work. My PO said the 150k machine they use can detect everything and anything to mask or dilute will cause a positive also. I didn't know if thats something they say to everyone regardless or if it was true. It's not worth my freedom but if they dont test for it then.... Does fake piss like quick fix work everytime? I appreciate all the input. thank you
Substitute type urine must be at the correct temperature or they will ask to be present immediately after to supervise another collection. Also there have been some which comeback as a diluted specimen meaning that the urine may have been tampered with.
I was on federal probataion for 4 years involving steroids. I was drug tested at least once a week...never tested for steroids once.

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