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What's the longest you've stayed on cycle and still made a good natural test recovery


Oct 4, 2010
What's the longest you've stayed on cycle and still made a good natural test recovery
8 weeks? 15 weeks? 20 weeks? How long did you go and still ressurect your nuts?
Everything about this post is hypothetical and for pretend. Drugs are bad
GREAT question.
I thinks mentioning the weekly dosage along with duration would be applicable.
Problem here is how does one know that you truly fully recovered? Nobody really ever gets their natural test level measured before they start messing with steroids and then have it measure again after they FEEL like they have "recovered". Its my gut feeling that things may never be back to normal again.
Good point. How about this? How long did you run and still were able to function normally sexually without "aid"
I'll bite...Keep in mind that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Having said that, I have never used PCT and I am willing to bet I'm not the only one who hasn't. I have done many cycles over the last 10 years...maybe one, two even three a year, ranging from 10, 12 weeks or even 20 weeks such is the case right now. My starting weight was approx. 175lbs before gear and I am currently just over 230lbs. I don't go crazy with dosages...500-800mg/wk of test usually with tren or deca and dbol or adrol. I keep the tren low (300wk) and the deca around 600mg/wk. With all that being said, my off cycle time usually lasts between 4-8 weeks, sometimes longer, and I have yet to see or feel any post cycle side effects. I'm a rockstar in the bedroom, no depression, no huge loss in gains (naturally strength drops a bit and I lose a few lbs. from water weight but nothing major). Knock on wood I have been blessed with a body/system that accepts outside stimulants very well.
I'll bite...Keep in mind that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Having said that, I have never used PCT and I am willing to bet I'm not the only one who hasn't. I have done many cycles over the last 10 years...maybe one, two even three a year, ranging from 10, 12 weeks or even 20 weeks such is the case right now. My starting weight was approx. 175lbs before gear and I am currently just over 230lbs. I don't go crazy with dosages...500-800mg/wk of test usually with tren or deca and dbol or adrol. I keep the tren low (300wk) and the deca around 600mg/wk. With all that being said, my off cycle time usually lasts between 4-8 weeks, sometimes longer, and I have yet to see or feel any post cycle side effects. I'm a rockstar in the bedroom, no depression, no huge loss in gains (naturally strength drops a bit and I lose a few lbs. from water weight but nothing major). Knock on wood I have been blessed with a body/system that accepts outside stimulants very well.
No you are not the only one that never has used PCT. I am another one. Just a quick question please......Your age? I ask because in this debate age will become very relevant. The older you are the lower your levels will get naturally. That is to say if man x has never touched aas in his life his test and hormones will reduce the older he gets, no probs with that........Throw in man y that has lfted hard almost all his life, used many cycles over many years, cycled sort of high (nothing insane) for comps and then decides enough is enough. I will guarantee that man y will have a much higher risk of permanent endocrine system malfunction that man x. Meaning man y's test will never recover to the same as man x's and we will give that both are born on the same day and year. So no age difference.
When I was 56 I was horny all the time. I started cycling that year and cycled (mostly on with 4 weeks off) for a year. Using up to 1 gram of test a week and Deca. Human Grade. Got very big - gained 50 lbs.

I quit using PCT. It was 2 years before I was near normal again and I've never been like I was before. My test bounced back to 400-500, but for some reason my libido never came back.

I also attribute some of the numbing effect to the GHB that I did during that year, which also affected my response to alcohol. Before cycling and GHB I used to get euphoric off of one or two drinks. Now all I get is anesthetized.
6 months did nolva and clomid for pct, stopped taking the pills after 3 or 4 weeks because I was hit by a damn bug that put me out with chills, fever, weakness for nearly two weeks and puffff pct was screwed up, not that it would have done any good...3 months later i was still screwed up...I did a few shots of HCG after reading Eleven11's thread was like new in less than a month..but I lost all gains....

after learning of HCG went on again, did less than 200ius e3d during entire cycle....kept almost all my weight gained, most of my strenght and libido had no hicups and has had none since then.....

Problem here is how does one know that you truly fully recovered? Nobody really ever gets their natural test level measured before they start messing with steroids and then have it measure again after they FEEL like they have "recovered". Its my gut feeling that things may never be back to normal again.
I have to agree with Mal here. The question is too vague to give a definite answer to. How many of you decided to go to your GP one day (pre-aas) and say "hey doc, can I get a full blood panel done for all my hormones liver values and kidney function please"? for the sole purposes of comparison to blood values done post AAS? My point is when you decided to take that first jab or first oral you probably did not think to do this. I would be willing to bet that most simply got the notion in thier heads (to use aas) and did it. Sure you planned cycles, doses, length of time on and length of time off. But how many really did get that first blood panel done and if you did how did it compare to now? (meaning time off of all aas including PCT) Keeping age relative here? That is the better question!
I have to agree with Mal here. The question is too vague to give a definite answer to. How many of you decided to go to your GP one day (pre-aas) and say "hey doc, can I get a full blood panel done for all my hormones liver values and kidney function please"? for the sole purposes of comparison to blood values done post AAS? My point is when you decided to take that first jab or first oral you probably did not think to do this. I would be willing to bet that most simply got the notion in thier heads (to use aas) and did it. Sure you planned cycles, doses, length of time on and length of time off. But how many really did get that first blood panel done and if you did how did it compare to now? (meaning time off of all aas including PCT) Keeping age relative here? That is the better question!

yep.....i missed Mals post
When I was 56 I was horny all the time. I started cycling that year and cycled (mostly on with 4 weeks off) for a year. Using up to 1 gram of test a week and Deca. Human Grade. Got very big - gained 50 lbs.

I quit using PCT. It was 2 years before I was near normal again and I've never been like I was before. My test bounced back to 400-500, but for some reason my libido never came back.
I also attribute some of the numbing effect to the GHB that I did during that year, which also affected my response to alcohol. Before cycling and GHB I used to get euphoric off of one or two drinks. Now all I get is anesthetized.
Your libido did not bounce back or it is just ED? The two are very different. ED is not rare among men who have never touched AAS of any description. your age is most relevant to this. ED hits many men in thier 40's and onwards. Your desire to have sex is your libido. As long as you actually think about and want to have sex then libido is fine. But erectile dysfunction is a common problem, and even more common among aas users.
Wow. Thanks for all the insight fellas. Tenny, you're a freakin machine! 9 months
What's the longest you've stayed on cycle and still made a good natural test recovery
8 weeks? 15 weeks? 20 weeks? How long did you go and still ressurect your nuts?
Everything about this post is hypothetical and for pretend. Drugs are bad
OH and I suppose we need to clarify "what is a cycle"? Some might stay "on" year round. SO what constitues a cycle in your eyes and what constitutes year round use? Yes there are those that just stay on. I suppose it is akin to HRT.
No you are not the only one that never has used PCT. I am another one. Just a quick question please......Your age? I ask because in this debate age will become very relevant. The older you are the lower your levels will get naturally. That is to say if man x has never touched aas in his life his test and hormones will reduce the older he gets, no probs with that........Throw in man y that has lfted hard almost all his life, used many cycles over many years, cycled sort of high (nothing insane) for comps and then decides enough is enough. I will guarantee that man y will have a much higher risk of permanent endocrine system malfunction that man x. Meaning man y's test will never recover to the same as man x's and we will give that both are born on the same day and year. So no age difference.

Good point, sir. I am 34yrs old. I should back up and clarify one thing first. There were a few years in the mix here and there where I did not cycle anything...for whats it's worth. I understand your debate and well, I agree. There is a good chance I will never be "normal" again and if/when that day comes I will have to face it like a man. This starts a whole new debate...why do we do the things we do??:confused:
When I was 56 I was horny all the time. I started cycling that year and cycled (mostly on with 4 weeks off) for a year. Using up to 1 gram of test a week and Deca. Human Grade. Got very big - gained 50 lbs.

I quit using PCT. It was 2 years before I was near normal again and I've never been like I was before. My test bounced back to 400-500, but for some reason my libido never came back.

I also attribute some of the numbing effect to the GHB that I did during that year, which also affected my response to alcohol. Before cycling and GHB I used to get euphoric off of one or two drinks. Now all I get is anesthetized.

Do you think your situation would have been different had the amount of test been lower, let's say 300-400/wk and the cycle been different, 10-12wks? Or, do you think your age was the real issue? The reason I ask is I have a friend who is in his late fifties and is about to start a cycle of test e. and is mildly concerned about shutting his system down for good.
Do you think your situation would have been different had the amount of test been lower, let's say 300-400/wk and the cycle been different, 10-12wks? Or, do you think your age was the real issue? The reason I ask is I have a friend who is in his late fifties and is about to start a cycle of test e. and is mildly concerned about shutting his system down for good.
I'll just jump in here and hope the older men here do as well. In your fifties your production is in serious decline, I would seriously consider just starting hrt and stay there until the end of days for me. Bumping up test levels in older men restores a quality of life and also has positive health spin off. I would certainly be less worried about natural production, which is declining as the years pass anyway than maintaining a higher level of test than other gentlemen in this age group. For many of us older guys it is all about chasing pussy until we die, feeling like a man until we die, going to the gym and having productive workouts till we die, being stronger and less frail and maintaining a reasonble physique (see chasing pussy) till we die. SO it all comes down to whether or not you want to look and feel like an old man or keep the dream alive for more years. Just to clarify, chasing pussy is also keeping the woman you love happy in the bedroom not chasing strays down the street!
LIKE OLDFELLA SAID.. age is one of the determining factors.. if you are on long enough (i.e. years and you are over 40 years old) then recovery is not happening.. at least to the extent you would hope.. and using the barometer of "i can get a boner" is not accurate..

basically i have come to grips with the fact that i will never have adequete levels again.. 1) because of long t erm gear use and 2) my age is not going to allow it anyway..

this is why you see guys who competed for years use hrt at minimum when they "retire" from the stage.. they try and return to what they remember as being normal.. those days are over based on the age factor.. it is hard to get over mentally..
LIKE OLDFELLA SAID.. age is one of the determining factors.. if you are on long enough (i.e. years and you are over 40 years old) then recovery is not happening.. at least to the extent you would hope.. and using the barometer of "i can get a boner" is not accurate..

basically i have come to grips with the fact that i will never have adequete levels again.. 1) because of long t erm gear use and 2) my age is not going to allow it anyway..

this is why you see guys who competed for years use hrt at minimum when they "retire" from the stage.. they try and return to what they remember as being normal.. those days are over based on the age factor.. it is hard to get over mentally..
Everything you just said and especially that (in bold). The mental aspect is the hardest to come to terms with. Acceptance is much easier spoken than practiced. But if you work on it it can happen. No one wants to get old.... for many it is a sign of weakness and frailty, but that is in the mind. Welcome to the club Lats!! :D

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