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Whats your stats (with pic)

Be 45 next month.
5ā€9 256lb this am.
Started back 3 weeks ago on 400 test 200 mast. Going to keep upping as progress stops.

Around the same time I put a leash on my nutrition as I am getting to old to eat a fast food meal and also a couple frozen pizzas every night. View attachment 192026

Very impressive bro

Thickness for days. Thanks for sharing

I am a night eater as well.

That was last night. Definitely not all the ice cream and cin buns though lol


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Very impressive bro

Thickness for days. Thanks for sharing

I am a night eater as well.

That was last night. Definitely not all the ice cream and cin buns though lol
Lol I get it!!!
I put pics up of wife yesterday and she nails the plan everyday. In last couple months I have almost felt guilty at night. If we set down on couch together for last meal she eats chicken or salmon or whatever Dom has on the planā€¦.meā€¦usually two, not one frozen pizzas or other bullshit. So it was definitely time to change. Cleaned up eating and started peds and just going wherever it takes me. Right now Iā€™m at 5k clean and lost 10 lbs of water and bullshit in 3 weeks. As of now I plan on doing just one cheat meal a week whenever the wife gets hers.
Lol I get it!!!
I put pics up of wife yesterday and she nails the plan everyday. In last couple months I have almost felt guilty at night. If we set down on couch together for last meal she eats chicken or salmon or whatever Dom has on the planā€¦.meā€¦usually two, not one frozen pizzas or other bullshit. So it was definitely time to change. Cleaned up eating and started peds and just going wherever it takes me. Right now Iā€™m at 5k clean and lost 10 lbs of water and bullshit in 3 weeks. As of now I plan on doing just one cheat meal a week whenever the wife gets hers.

Haha my gf stays over 3 or 4 time a week. She's dieting so I clean it up those days
Thereā€™s something to be said for guys who start off powerlifting and switch to bodybuilding. Paves the foundation for thick, solid muscle which then you can dial the form in on.

Your build and physique reminds me of Johnny Jackson. Very similar background- powerlifting to bodybuilding with insane thickness and upper body.

Youā€™re def lucky on the Sdrol. I would ride the test and other compounds as long as you can. Swiper knew what he was doing and talking about.

Tren is unlike anything, but so is the cardiovascular impact, sleep issues, aggression and other things can cause if youā€™re body doesnā€™t respond well with it. Iā€™ll never forget what Meadowā€™s said- ā€œI thought I needed tren to compete, until I realized I didnā€™t.ā€

Donā€™t get me wrong, I LOVE tren. But I ā€œhateā€ how it makes me feel once the dosage pushes up. If itā€™s not broke, donā€™t fix it. Iā€™d stick to whatā€™s been working for you until itā€™s time for prep, then implement it if you want to then.

Either way canā€™t go wrong with your base and build! Excited to keep following your progress.
The Johnny Jackson comparison is the best compliment you could have given me haha. Always been one of my favorite physiques, and he and Branch were some of my biggest inspirations when I started lifting. I love that old school powerbuilding style

Definitely no rush on Tren, but itā€™s enticing, not going to lie. Almost as enticing as going from Natty to Juiced, it feels like an ace card I still have to play. Iā€™ll give it a bit as Iā€™m feeling good, making gains, and my life is in order mentally. Between combat deployments and FFing thereā€™s some mental stuff that Iā€™m always afraid will come back front and center if I add in compounds like that. Iā€™m in a great place so no need to rock the boat. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m scared to take EQ as well, because of the anxiety some get

But I got a great deal on Primo and have stocked up. Im currently running the 700 test, 700 mast like I said. Which do you think would be a better option, dropping the Mast and going to 700 primo? Possibly 1g test 1g Primo? Keeping the 10ius of HGH in.
Was going to PM you to ask but Iā€™ll leave this public in case anyone else wants to chime in. Like I said Iā€™m pretty inexperienced with gear so any advice is appreciated
The Johnny Jackson comparison is the best compliment you could have given me haha. Always been one of my favorite physiques, and he and Branch were some of my biggest inspirations when I started lifting. I love that old school powerbuilding style

Definitely no rush on Tren, but itā€™s enticing, not going to lie. Almost as enticing as going from Natty to Juiced, it feels like an ace card I still have to play. Iā€™ll give it a bit as Iā€™m feeling good, making gains, and my life is in order mentally. Between combat deployments and FFing thereā€™s some mental stuff that Iā€™m always afraid will come back front and center if I add in compounds like that. Iā€™m in a great place so no need to rock the boat. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m scared to take EQ as well, because of the anxiety some get

But I got a great deal on Primo and have stocked up. Im currently running the 700 test, 700 mast like I said. Which do you think would be a better option, dropping the Mast and going to 700 primo? Possibly 1g test 1g Primo? Keeping the 10ius of HGH in.
Was going to PM you to ask but Iā€™ll leave this public in case anyone else wants to chime in. Like I said Iā€™m pretty inexperienced with gear so any advice is appreciated
Hands down Test and Primo will be a better cycle IMO. If I could handle the PIP I would use primo over NPP as the look it gives is one of its own. It doesnā€™t give the strength and size of tren, but is better for gaining than Mast IMO.

Perfect analogy on tren as it will make you feel like youā€™re using gear for the first time. BUT if you need mental calmness and clarity I would tread lightly. The only guys saying it doesnā€™t impact their mood are the ones pissed off currently on tren usually. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Half way kidding with that one as few arenā€™t impacted but most are.

Iā€™d give the EQ a go at some point as I am very prone to anxiety and itā€™s never given me an ounce of anxiousness. Test and EQ are my foundation. But if you can tolerate Primo well it will hold its own.
Lol I get it!!!
I put pics up of wife yesterday and she nails the plan everyday. In last couple months I have almost felt guilty at night. If we set down on couch together for last meal she eats chicken or salmon or whatever Dom has on the planā€¦.meā€¦usually two, not one frozen pizzas or other bullshit. So it was definitely time to change. Cleaned up eating and started peds and just going wherever it takes me. Right now Iā€™m at 5k clean and lost 10 lbs of water and bullshit in 3 weeks. As of now I plan on doing just one cheat meal a week whenever the wife gets hers.

That's tonight.. little better šŸ˜…


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The Johnny Jackson comparison is the best compliment you could have given me haha. Always been one of my favorite physiques, and he and Branch were some of my biggest inspirations when I started lifting. I love that old school powerbuilding style

Definitely no rush on Tren, but itā€™s enticing, not going to lie. Almost as enticing as going from Natty to Juiced, it feels like an ace card I still have to play. Iā€™ll give it a bit as Iā€™m feeling good, making gains, and my life is in order mentally. Between combat deployments and FFing thereā€™s some mental stuff that Iā€™m always afraid will come back front and center if I add in compounds like that. Iā€™m in a great place so no need to rock the boat. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m scared to take EQ as well, because of the anxiety some get

But I got a great deal on Primo and have stocked up. Im currently running the 700 test, 700 mast like I said. Which do you think would be a better option, dropping the Mast and going to 700 primo? Possibly 1g test 1g Primo? Keeping the 10ius of HGH in.
Was going to PM you to ask but Iā€™ll leave this public in case anyone else wants to chime in. Like I said Iā€™m pretty inexperienced with gear so any advice is appreciated
Personally I would set the primo at some solid base dose like 700-1000mg and go with the test as high as I can - of course I would only increase its dose if progress stops or slows down significantly
It has definitely been tempting to jump on tren haha

Typically for back, first exercise Iā€™ll rotate between standard barbell rows and snatch grip deads for 3x10

BB rows: 405x10, 455x10, 495x max still trying to get to 10. Good-ish form, canā€™t get too sloppy

Chest supported movement like a t-bar row or dumbbells on incline bench: 8x8

Wide grip pull-ups 5 second negative, 50 total reps

Dumbbell row or 1 arm hammer strength (depending on if Iā€™ve done dumbbells or tbar earlier), 5 second negative, same weight: 15,14,12,10, max reps, 60 seconds rest

Cable pullovers: 10x10, 20 seconds rest, really getting as much blood in there as possible

Zercher shrugs: 4x10

Sometimes Iā€™ll throw lat pulldowns in depending on how smoked I am from the pull-ups

Abs I really just do 1-300 reps on the rogue GHD sit-up machine 2-3 times a week. Sometimes twisting like doing bicycles. Wish I could answer that better but itā€™s pretty mindless and caveman like šŸ˜‚
Really good physique and solid power stats! You donĀ“t like regular deadlifting anymore?
Now that is a pair of legs damn!

Only training 3 times per week?
Thank you very much!

I currently train twice a week divided into posterior and gluteal muscles on Wednesday and quadriceps on Saturday.

If I have energy and recovered, I stimulate the quadriceps twice on Wednesday (15 to 25 repetitions) and do the same on Saturday but for the posterior and glutes.

What makes a total difference is that I train very hard, I train with a partner who weighs 123 kg and I weigh 86 kg, keeping up with him is difficult šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

As @b-boy says, hard training is always the turning point šŸš€šŸ’ŖšŸ§ 
Really good physique and solid power stats! You donĀ“t like regular deadlifting anymore?
Appreciate it man!
Deadlifting is my all time favorite exercise, itā€™s like a religion to me. But if I deadlift heavy, thatā€™s all Iā€™m able to do that day. If I do deadlift itā€™s on a ā€œhamstringā€ day that I throw in from time to time. I found better ways to gain muscle that were less taxing.
I still do variations like Snatch grip SLDLs which are slowly becoming a favorite. Iā€™m very close to 605x15 on those, and my back has been blowing up from them

I also find if Iā€™m rowing heavy and doing variations like that I only have to deadlift once every 1-2 months to maintain and even gain strength on deads
It has definitely been tempting to jump on tren haha

Typically for back, first exercise Iā€™ll rotate between standard barbell rows and snatch grip deads for 3x10

BB rows: 405x10, 455x10, 495x max still trying to get to 10. Good-ish form, canā€™t get too sloppy

Chest supported movement like a t-bar row or dumbbells on incline bench: 8x8

Wide grip pull-ups 5 second negative, 50 total reps

Dumbbell row or 1 arm hammer strength (depending on if Iā€™ve done dumbbells or tbar earlier), 5 second negative, same weight: 15,14,12,10, max reps, 60 seconds rest

Cable pullovers: 10x10, 20 seconds rest, really getting as much blood in there as possible

Zercher shrugs: 4x10

Sometimes Iā€™ll throw lat pulldowns in depending on how smoked I am from the pull-ups

Abs I really just do 1-300 reps on the rogue GHD sit-up machine 2-3 times a week. Sometimes twisting like doing bicycles. Wish I could answer that better but itā€™s pretty mindless and caveman like šŸ˜‚
You do these straight? If so then that is world class strength brother keep pushing
You do these straight? If so then that is world class strength brother keep pushing
Oh definitely not haha, but that is the goal eventually. I do these rest pause style, with 10-20 seconds max rest between reps. First set Iā€™ll usually get 20 but by the end Iā€™m doing 5ā€™s.
Appreciate it man!
Deadlifting is my all time favorite exercise, itā€™s like a religion to me. But if I deadlift heavy, thatā€™s all Iā€™m able to do that day. If I do deadlift itā€™s on a ā€œhamstringā€ day that I throw in from time to time. I found better ways to gain muscle that were less taxing.
I still do variations like Snatch grip SLDLs which are slowly becoming a favorite. Iā€™m very close to 605x15 on those, and my back has been blowing up from them

I also find if Iā€™m rowing heavy and doing variations like that I only have to deadlift once every 1-2 months to maintain and even gain strength on deads

I will have to try those snatch grip deads.

At the moment I do regular deads, sldl but using the same grip as a reg dead and trap bar deads

Are you focusing more on hamstrings or back ? I guess with the grip you would get both. I will attempt tomorrow and report back. Maybe take a vid lol šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø
Appreciate it man!
Deadlifting is my all time favorite exercise, itā€™s like a religion to me. But if I deadlift heavy, thatā€™s all Iā€™m able to do that day. If I do deadlift itā€™s on a ā€œhamstringā€ day that I throw in from time to time. I found better ways to gain muscle that were less taxing.
I still do variations like Snatch grip SLDLs which are slowly becoming a favorite. Iā€™m very close to 605x15 on those, and my back has been blowing up from them

I also find if Iā€™m rowing heavy and doing variations like that I only have to deadlift once every 1-2 months to maintain and even gain strength on deads
Wait, SLDL's with 605 for 15 reps in a row (no R/P) & decent ROM? If so, you need to ask Larry Wheels for a colab, as that would school even him - maybe Brian Shaw too. Also would love to see a video of that. Damn man 5 plates on bb rows for 10 is insane also - Coleman land!
Wait, SLDL's with 605 for 15 reps in a row (no R/P) & decent ROM? If so, you need to ask Larry Wheels for a colab, as that would school even him - maybe Brian Shaw too. Also would love to see a video of that. Damn man 5 plates on bb rows for 10 is insane also - Coleman land!
Thanks man, even though I sense heavy sarcasm and passive aggression. Im not surprised though and am actually surprised I didnā€™t get it sooner from someone on here.
No, that wouldnā€™t smoke Larry Wheels or definitely not Brian Shaw haha. Mentioning Larry Wheels as the standard for strength sports makes me believe that you donā€™t follow either powerlifting or strongman very closely anyway. Itā€™s a decent level, but nothing crazy impressive and Iā€™ve always been much better at high rep deads versus a 1 rep max
Comparing anything Iā€™ve done to Brian Shaw is the equivalent of someone posting their stats as 5ā€™9 240lbs and being like ā€œWow! You must be Branch Warren!ā€

And plus I said ā€œalmostā€ and ā€œsoonā€ for the 495 barbell row for 10, which Iā€™m getting anywhere between 5 and 7 reps with depending on the week. I see guys doing 5 plate BB rows all the time actually, there is actually another guy in my gym who does them every week that Iā€™m trying to chase. Literally hundreds of guys on IG can do that, especially if you follow powerlifting.

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