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Why would...


New member
Jun 30, 2010
God allow humans to reproduce and then allow complications during pregnancy that cause miscarriage? I don't understand.

I learned last week that my girlfriend was pregnant and for the first time in my life I was extremely and truly delighted to bring another child into this world. Now today, she just called to tell me that she miscarried and lost the baby!

Why? Fucking tears man...tears.
Wow man sorry to hear that. Stay strong brother.
Im sorry to hear that brother. What happened? how long was she in the hospital?
I'm sorry to hear that man, that is horrible and I feel for you.
I see alot of fucked up shit in the medical field. Babies suffering, children suffering. I see no point in any of it and it has only reinforced my belief that there is no god. If I'm wrong and there is, he is a hateful, vindictive mother fucker.
I'm sorry to hear that bro. I have been through the same thing with my missus and it was one of the most painful things I have ever gone through.
I do beleive there is a God and my prayers are with you and your girl.
i'm sorry to hear that. hope you and your girlfriend are alright
Thanks alot guys for the kind words. I guess one of the hardest parts is we live six hours apart. I can't even be with her while she is going through all of this. And she is still going through it as we speak. I have been on the phone with her off and on.

She went to the hospital and one of her scores was 66. The doctor told her that the score was so low that either she had already passed the baby or was in the process. Well, a day later, today, everything started happening.

Now almost 24 hours after the hospital visit she is in extreme pain, and going through all of the stages of a miscarriage.

I just don't know what to do. I'm at loss. Walking around this damn house like a paced tiger, stomach is in knots. Horrible mental images etc... Just don't know what to do.
That is terrible bro! Stay strong.

I could go on about my views on religion but this thread would just get redirected to the affiliate board for such topics and I honestly do not think going in to that is going to do anything for your situation.

Wish you two the best.
Dude you need to be with her right now, no matter what. Figure it out and go be with her man, she needs you.

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I'm sorry to hear that man, that is horrible and I feel for you.
I see alot of fucked up shit in the medical field. Babies suffering, children suffering. I see no point in any of it and it has only reinforced my belief that there is no god. If I'm wrong and there is, he is a hateful, vindictive mother fucker.

There are things us human beings will always find difficult to understand. Children and innocent people suffering and dying has to be at the top of the list. However, don't let the apparent evil that happens in this world drive you further away from knowing God. He is neither hateful towards His creation nor vindictive toward us. Those terms are most appropriate for the devil, who in my opinion, has way more power here than he should have.

Just remember God is in control and He loves all of us. Please do not think otherwise.

da0s44...have faith and you'll get through this. My ex-girlfriend back in 1999 aborted our soon-to-be-child and I could do nothing to stop her (it was unplanned) and she was very pro-life. I still don't know why she did it. C'est la vie.

Remember the story of Job. Look what he went through, and for what? See how God rewarded his perseverance and faithfulness.
God gives you what you can handle! Pray about it; if you truly want to raise a child marry the woman.
da0s44- Been there and I'm praying for you. I agree that being with your girlfriend is a high priority right now.
Thanks alot guys for the kind words. I guess one of the hardest parts is we live six hours apart. I can't even be with her while she is going through all of this. And she is still going through it as we speak. I have been on the phone with her off and on.

She went to the hospital and one of her scores was 66. The doctor told her that the score was so low that either she had already passed the baby or was in the process. Well, a day later, today, everything started happening.

Now almost 24 hours after the hospital visit she is in extreme pain, and going through all of the stages of a miscarriage.

I just don't know what to do. I'm at loss. Walking around this damn house like a paced tiger, stomach is in knots. Horrible mental images etc... Just don't know what to do.

God will not come down and say "i'm sorry, here's another baby, we good?"
and what you're doing right now isn't gonna make anything better.
it's hard, i know. but you have two options here:
1- keep on blaming god as if he exists or whatever caused this... then just stay in the sorrow you are in trying to blame something where no is to blame on someone who you can't even see.

2- take action to move on forward... take a leave of absence from work if you can and go to your girlfriend... you're a man, and sadly culture is wired so that you provide comfort to your girl, and no one will provide comfort to you except yourself. tell yourself that it's gonna be fine and your first priority is to go to your girl and tell her it's ok. tell her the baby is in a better place now. tell her this happens more than you'd like to think and it's just natures way of saying "there's a genetic defect and the kid won't survive on the outside if it kept on growing"... Nature and evolution know these things better than you ever will. tell her that this baby is in "heaven" because this world would've been too hard for it to survive in. tell her you'll try again and next time, it'll be better. go comfort her. when you see she's feeling better, you'll feel better.

"god" won't wave his magic wand and say "abracadabra" and everything will just be fine.

you have to step up and take action.

you love her?
go make her feel better and comfort her...
if that happens and you truly love her, this burden will be lifted.
OP, sorry to hear about the miss carry, been there. Our species is very fragile, and vulnerable at this stage. The surprising thing to me was, after it happened, how many people you will meet who have also experinced this...I think I heard somewhere that 1 out of 3 pregnancies end in miss carriages.
My condolences, brother.

Go see your girlfriend.

Tell her you love her.

Let it show in your actions.
sorry to hear that. its amazing how many things can go wrong during a pregnancy. I thank god everyday that my daughter came out perfect as could be. you'll just have to try again, don't get discouraged.
I'm very sorry for your loss. Keep your head up!.

Re: GOD...

If God does exist, and I believe what I have been taught about God; then here is a brief explanation.

We are to believe God gave man free-will. I believe this concept of free-will is all-encompassing and can explain many things.

If we are to truly have free-will, that would mean that God does not intervene, or directly cause events to happen. God let's us be. Everything that happens/occurs to us on Earth is a consequence of our own doing or a consequence of natural process.
Sorry to hear that bro. Goes to show you how you can cherish the little things in life without even knowing they exist yet.
hey thanks alot to you all for the support.

things are looking up. for a while there i was really concerned about her health. she is doing fine physically now though. just a little spoting but nothing out of the norm. the hardest part (physically) i believe is over.

due to work constraints i could not leave earlier in the week but have made arrangements to go see her this thursday and through the weekend.

gonna take her out to a nice restaurant and really spend some good quality time with her. show her how much she means to me and how much i appreciate and love her.

this has really opened my eyes about how many things i took for granted and how precious the small things in life are.
Everything happens for a reason..

hey thanks alot to you all for the support.

things are looking up. for a while there i was really concerned about her health. she is doing fine physically now though. just a little spoting but nothing out of the norm. the hardest part (physically) i believe is over.

due to work constraints i could not leave earlier in the week but have made arrangements to go see her this thursday and through the weekend.

gonna take her out to a nice restaurant and really spend some good quality time with her. show her how much she means to me and how much i appreciate and love her.

this has really opened my eyes about how many things i took for granted and how precious the small things in life are.

even though we don't know or see the reason at first.
Sorry for the pain the two of you are going through. I will keep you in my prayers.

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