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Push pull legs training


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jan 23, 2014
So I been doing bro split since I started my bodybuilding journey and love it but I want to try something new this off season. Started at 140 to 230lbs in 10 years

So i want to switch to a different type of training:

One week
Week 2

For those who switched to hitting muscle group twice a week,
how do you like it?
is your volume high or do you prefer higher intensity? Or both?

Most importantly how’s your recovery?
I recover fine hitting smaller muscles up to 3x a week. Usually take my regular volume I'd do on the bro split (say 9 sets for Tris) and split it between the additional days so weekly volume is the same. Then consider ramping it up a few sets per week if desired. I wouldn't just double your total weekly volume week one of the new split
Volume, intensity (formally defined as %1RM),and frequency are the major program design parameters. They all can't be high at once or at least not for an appreciable length of time.

Pet peave. Push/pull done 2x per week is a classic power and strength layout. Someone seems to have taken it years ago and made it into a cooler sounding body part split with push/pull/legs... this is really just the classic bodypart chest, back, legs, maybe day off and repeat. BTW I'll use this split myself at times (especially to save time and shorten workouts) so it's neither good nor bad but it's a body part split NOT push pull.
I always like to change things up throughout the years but seem to return to push pull legs routine over and over.

Also, you just explained you grew roughly 9lbs a year and want to change things up. Why complicate things other than boredom if its working for you.
I always like to change things up throughout the years but seem to return to push pull legs routine over and over.

Also, you just explained you grew roughly 9lbs a year and want to change things up. Why complicate things other than boredom if its working for you.
not complicating it; I just want to change things up and learn from it how my body responses to it.
So the bro split volume let’s say, chest day and split it on the push 2 days a week?

So what’s the benefit of doing it like this instead a combined volume for 1 chest day?

I need to research more
I've been using a similar plan for a while now, with great success. But, I keep it a little simpler, and more focused on the major muscles.
One leg day is more quad focused, one for hams
One push day is more shoulders, one is more chest. This day includes some triceps at the end
Pull day incorporates biceps at the end

If I want, can do some arms and abs on one of the off days

Improvements are noticeable since switching to this. Recovery is great. Training is intense, and incorporates cluster sets, drop sets, and heavy rep sets
So the bro split volume let’s say, chest day and split it on the push 2 days a week?

So what’s the benefit of doing it like this instead a combined volume for 1 chest day?

I need to research more
Supposedly the science says its better to stimulate the muscle 2x per week than just 1x. Then you can start to add volume.

If someone can get their volume to say 20 sets for chest, 20 in one workout would be ridiculous. But 10 on each push day is more doable.
Supposedly the science says its better to stimulate the muscle 2x per week than just 1x. Then you can start to add volume.

If someone can get their volume to say 20 sets for chest, 20 in one workout would be ridiculous. But 10 on each push day is more doable.
Makes sense.

I been watching hunter labradas videos on his push and pull days.. intense training
I like a 4 day split much better as I have found my arm and delt training slack on push/pull days.

Chest/Legs/Back/Delts and arms , but may add some tri after chest or bi after back, no too much. The Push pull legs split does work ,though and many people love it. I always wondered how a true push/pull split would do. Push(Chest,tri, quad, delt) Pull (Back, bi, hamstrings) . Theoretically , you could do any way with rest, even doing push/pull/push/pull/push/ rest. The rest day could go in anywhere and you'd be getting a ton of frequency, but volume would have to be lower.
So I been doing bro split since I started my bodybuilding journey and love it but I want to try something new this off season. Started at 140 to 230lbs in 10 years

So i want to switch to a different type of training:

One week
Week 2

For those who switched to hitting muscle group twice a week,
how do you like it?
is your volume high or do you prefer higher intensity? Or both?

Most importantly how’s your recovery?
I always quickly end up back on my bro-split. High frequency training and my connective tissue don't gel well, no matter how little volume I do.

Also, and this may seem/sound strange, but I've found I get stronger quicker on a higher frequency routine but the size never follows... In fact I've shrunk several times while getting stronger and while being in a caloric surplus on a high frequency routine 🤔

Just my opinion but I'm not a fan of them.
So the bro split volume let’s say, chest day and split it on the push 2 days a week?

So what’s the benefit of doing it like this instead a combined volume for 1 chest day?

I need to research more
The reasoning is that you'll be fresher for the other half of your volume.

According to science up until now, for hypertrophy purposes training frequency (1x a week vs 2, 3, ...) doesn't matter AS LONG AS THEY ARE EQUATED FOR VOLUME. This doesn't surprise me based on my own experience.
All of that being said, should you like it and start training harder again (subconsciously, I'm not saying you don't train hard) because of the increased enthusiasm, it may very well work well for you.

I'm a firm believer in the best split being the one that ignites your inner fire the most rather than there actually being one.
So the bro split volume let’s say, chest day and split it on the push 2 days a week?

So what’s the benefit of doing it like this instead a combined volume for 1 chest day?

I need to research more

Put in the most simple way, there is only so much growth you will stimulate in one workout and most do more than they need which only adds to needed recovery demand. 15-18 sets of back in one session isn't really going to give more growth than 6-10 hard sets in one session (if it did we'd all be doing 100 sets in each session). Idea is you do a lower volume which stimulates likely the same amount of growth but doesn't trounce your recovery and then you are able to come back in the same week and hit it again and have another growth stimulating working.

The flip side to that is even in a "bro split" you are often hitting muscles in a secondary fashion....

Back Day: if you do deadlifts you are hitting quads and hams. Biceps also hit
Chest Day: Shoulders and Triceps hit
Leg Day: Some back depending on your program, but mostly lower body
Shoulders: Chest, triceps
Arms: depends on exercise selection but could be back and chest (chin ups, dips, close grip bench, etc)

It's also the reason why on PPL you really have to watch the volume because you will hit all the primary moving muscles for the day but may hit them secondarily. For instance on your first day you will get triceps work on 2 push days and your arm day so essentially three days a week. This is one of the reasons (besides time) many folks do a 4-5 day PPL split like the below:
The reasoning is that you'll be fresher for the other half of your volume.

According to science up until now, for hypertrophy purposes training frequency (1x a week vs 2, 3, ...) doesn't matter AS LONG AS THEY ARE EQUATED FOR VOLUME. This doesn't surprise me based on my own experience.
I always quickly end up back on my bro-split. High frequency training and my connective tissue don't gel well, no matter how little volume I do.

Also, and this may seem/sound strange, but I've found I get stronger quicker on a higher frequency routine but the size never follows... In fact I've shrunk several times while getting stronger and while being in a caloric surplus on a high frequency routine 🤔

Just my opinion but I'm not a fan of them.
yup, for every person that says theres a study that higher frequency is better, theres another studies that says if volume is equated for during the week then its all similar.

I did ppl for the past couple years and switched to a bro split within the last 6 months. Switching was best thing i ever did. With ppl, I was an obsessor of the log book, got way stronger, but i didnt really see that huge translation to physique relative to strength. With bro split Im fuller all day long, feel less beat up, and actually making awesome progress on arms giving them their own day. Also my big thing is after working long days, i find a push/pull can be very time consuming. Bro split i jump right in after first exercise with that same muscle already pumped.
yup, for every person that says theres a study that higher frequency is better, theres another studies that says if volume is equated for during the week then its all similar.

I did ppl for the past couple years and switched to a bro split within the last 6 months. Switching was best thing i ever did. With ppl, I was an obsessor of the log book, got way stronger, but i didnt really see that huge translation to physique relative to strength. With bro split Im fuller all day long, feel less beat up, and actually making awesome progress on arms giving them their own day. Also my big thing is after working long days, i find a push/pull can be very time consuming. Bro split i jump right in after first exercise with that same muscle already pumped.
This is my view. I enjoy the bro split best and it's most efficient , but in theory pplppl is better. I find a happy medium by doing some sets for arms and shoulders on other days since they are parts I want to bring up.

Bro split with maybe 2;sets of Tris on chest day, 2 sets of bis on back day, hit some side delts on legs or chest day.
Ive done both and prefer a mix.
PPL seems great for intermediate lifters but at a certain point in time, you need specialization on certain body parts....stuff that PPL cannot do.

And i'm a huge PPL fan as i'm a JP fan. I did his PPL routine for 2-3 years and had great results. Push, pull, off, legs, off, repeat.
Eventually i needed more shoulders+arms work and it evolved into a Push, off, pull, off, arm/shoulders, legs, off.

It honestly comes down to recovery and what you can or cannot handle. I think a mix of progressive overload + pump work is the best of both worlds.
So logbook the 1-2 major lifts and then use the rest as pump submaximal volume work.
I have pretty much (90% of the time) done Pull, Push, Legs for as long as I can remember. I have days off when I simply need them. I have trained 3-6 days per week with the average being 4-5 for a long time. I usually have an off day after legs but if I need one (or 2) any other time I add it in. I have issues with my lower back so volume/frequency for certain movements is closely monitored week by week. Although when I do a stiff leg deadlift variation it's on pull day. Hams on leg day are mainly curls.

Everything is covered but if I want to train a certain body part more I simply increase the volume on it's day. Generally the volume for presses, flyes and rows etc are all monitored/controlled meaning if I do a heavy shoulder press I will likely just do one heavy chest press with a flye and dip. Some days I may do 3-4 pressing movements it all depends on how I feel but if I do that the rep ranges will vary. So my routine is flexible but very similar week to week.

I always aim to get stronger in all rep ranges but it's by no means vital and there are many factors that make up training intensity. Recently I have been incorporating more supersets using a variety of techniques. As TOO55 posted I think a mix of progressive overload and pump work is a great combination for any training day/plan.
I have been on and off with PPL for year as well myself. I guess I go back to it so often cuz it’s always worked well for me personally. But I do and am not afraid to switch it up whenever I need to just cuz I won’t do something if it’s not enjoyable or seems like the same”record” again. So I’ll go to a bro split sometimes or read some books or skim through books I’ve read and find a program I like and stay with that . For me it’s just a matter of finding the routine that doesn’t become redundant and makes me want to go to the gym. I totally get what your saying beastmode. Don’t be afraid to just try something different or add spice to your routine cuz if your like me I can’t stand when I had a shitty day and I’m goin to the gym I feel like a robot just goin through the movements. Do what you need to do to keep it fun

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