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Anavar Dilemma


Old School Moderator
Staff member
Jun 20, 2002
I've always been told Anavar is one of the most user friendly, side effect free anabolics available. My experience has always been quite the opposite. Within a day or two I'm lethargic, fuzzy headed and just want to sleep all day. I used to think my Anavar was something else being touted as real Anavar until I was able to obtain a prescription for pharmacy grade oxandrolone from my TRT doctor. I paid a small fortune for it too and was incredibly disappointed when my experience was the same as in the past. Within a few days I'm feeling like total crap. The punch line to this is that I can run orals like Anadrol, Winstrol with relatively no problems. Can anyone explain what's going on with my reaction to Anavar/Oxandrolone?
I mean if one had to choose on oral with the least sides, I would say Anavar, but all orals kind of make me feel like crap. Tired/loss of appetite etc. Anavar is no exception for me. Why is this the case? Not sure but it has to do something negative to the digestive system. At least for me anyway.
I've always been told Anavar is one of the most user friendly, side effect free anabolics available. My experience has always been quite the opposite. Within a day or two I'm lethargic, fuzzy headed and just want to sleep all day. I used to think my Anavar was something else being touted as real Anavar until I was able to obtain a prescription for pharmacy grade oxandrolone from my TRT doctor. I paid a small fortune for it too and was incredibly disappointed when my experience was the same as in the past. Within a few days I'm feeling like total crap. The punch line to this is that I can run orals like Anadrol, Winstrol with relatively no problems. Can anyone explain what's going on with my reaction to Anavar/Oxandrolone?
What else are you running?
Why the draw to Anavar?
Are you in a cut or a gaining phase?
What else are you running?
Why the draw to Anavar?
Are you in a cut or a gaining phase?
I've never ran a bunch of things at once. Typically Test as a base and another injectable anabolic. This time it was Test Cyp and Primo. My draw to Anavar was the alleged side effect free, mild anabolic and my age. I'm not young anymore so I'm trying to avoid stronger compounds. I want to feel good, not just look good. Most times I've ran it, I'm cutting. At this point in my life I'm not doing much if any bulking cycles. Just trying to stay lean and hard.
Have you ever tried starting very low and adding just 5mg every 3-4 days?
Yes sir, that's exactly how I tried it this last time. By the time I was up to 15-20mg I started noticing the lethargy coming on.
I've never ran a bunch of things at once. Typically Test as a base and another injectable anabolic. This time it was Test Cyp and Primo. My draw to Anavar was the alleged side effect free, mild anabolic and my age. I'm not young anymore so I'm trying to avoid stronger compounds. I want to feel good, not just look good. Most times I've ran it, I'm cutting. At this point in my life I'm not doing much if any bulking cycles. Just trying to stay lean and hard.
It’s likely just the dosage knowing that. While it is milder in side effects it is still a DHT derivative.

It is also still liver toxic even though a good percentage of it is excreted through the kidneys. You could check glutathione and injectable EOD to offset any issues here.

It doesn’t aromatize so are not e2 issues.

It also has a positive impact on dopamine.

Knowing all this it’s likely dosage and could potentially be a mild mast cell aggravation causing the issue which could easily be checked by using things I mentioned in my histamine thread.

My personal opinion- I think there are better options and would just use a different compound if it’s giving you issues. Especially knowing it can drop HDL up to 50%.
Yes sir, that's exactly how I tried it this last time. By the time I was up to 15-20mg I started noticing the lethargy coming on.
Since Anadrol does not bother you, I'd switch to that. Far milder than what most people still believe in reasonable doses (so a viable option for your goals and concerns) and IMO fits perfectly in a cutting phase to sustain fullness and strength without blurring your definition as long as your E2 isn't out of control.
Sounds like liver enzymes IMO. I'd check AST, ALT, and GGT as well.
I have Anavar from a compounding pharmacy

It’s great even at low doses 12.5 mgs per day, but it does increase my anxiety (upregulates sympathetic drive like most DHTs)

Orals in general are better used sparingly as you get older and aren’t competing. There’s really no direct benefit from them in an accruing tissue context over injectables. Just gives a certain look and can aid in strength (which might help break plateaus for progressive overload) and collagen synthesis (oxandrolone)
Sounds like liver enzymes IMO. I'd check AST, ALT, and GGT as well.
If all orals made me feel that way, I would definitely think liver. With that said though I'm going to do a liver panel this coming Friday.
If all orals made me feel that way, I would definitely think liver. With that said though I'm going to do a liver panel this coming Friday.
What is your age? Has it been awhile since your ran other orals?

At 50, I cannot tolerate even Winstrol or Anavar like I could at 40 or 44.

I tried adding in Inj winstrol at the beginning of May. Had to cut it out 2 weeks later and I'm still struggling with appetite, lethargy, etc.
I just experienced the same with anavar a few weeks ago. No other side just being disgustingly tired, stopped taking it and it went away in a few days.
No other oral or tren or even mtren did that to me. Usually dont have any side with anything but this time anavar sure kicked my ass.
Anavar can decrease cortisol levels too much, causing the lethargy. I take pregnenolone when using anavar and it helps some.
Perhaps trial a varied usage schedule.
- use every second day
- 2 days on one day off
- 2 on 2 off
- 3 on 2 off.... etc.

Maybe try pyramid up dosage with 1 day off example:
Day 1 5 mg
Day 2 10 mg
Day 3 15 mg
Day 4 off.
I remember back in the days M1T did that to me.
I get the same exact thing with Var. Tired, lethargic, brain fog, zero motivation or drive

Anadrol makes me feel great though
I’m in the “all orals make me feel like shit” camp. Once awhile I throw something in and it’ll be ok for a bit, but after a couple weeks it’s back to feeling like garbage. I just do one androgenic, 1 anabolic and gh at the most now. Usually just test and gh and then a “blast” once in awhile of deca or tren. I feel much better like that.
I find the only thing that helped was taking it only EOD. No matter the dose ED dosing makes me feel shitty
What is your age? Has it been awhile since your ran other orals?

At 50, I cannot tolerate even Winstrol or Anavar like I could at 40 or 44.

I tried adding in Inj winstrol at the beginning of May. Had to cut it out 2 weeks later and I'm still struggling with appetite, lethargy, etc.
I'm the same age as you...I have ran some orals not long ago with no problem. The only other oral I have taken in the past that made as lethargic as Anavar is Superdrol. My gear intake is getting less and less as I age so maybe I should drop the orals all together at this point? Getting a liver panel in a few days so we will see what that looks like.

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