being oral has nothing to do with the strength or aggression it gives your furthermore If your getting aggression from anavar then your shit is fake , or its purely a placebo effect.
if you are taking an anabolic between heavy cycles then your not "off cycle" you are bridging between cycles , granted that anavar is a very mild drug retivly speeking it being presant in your body when you stop say 500mg/wk will keep you from getting your body/natural test back to 100% before you start again.
If your gonna bridge with anything you may as well take enough to hold all or most of what you gained , 50mg/ed of anavar is a great dose and will keep alot if not all of what you had gained on your cycle (depending on dose) and at the same time help with getting rid of of some bodyfat.
As for taking it every other day or just the days your train , well in my oppinion the days you train are not the days your grow and the drug should be presant in the body when it needs to grow and heal so...
Personaly i would run 40-50mg/ed with 10g of a quality creatine , take the anavar preworkout so that its half life carries you through the night when you body needs to be anabolic and grow , or split the dose up to 3-4 doses and tak it throughout the day so that the blood levels stay at a nice ven plane