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Building Muscular Thighs...


Active member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 2, 2008
Take a look at some sprinter's thighs... just something to chew on.
Take a look at some sprinter's thighs... just something to chew on.

HIT type training > volume type training.

thats what i got from that..
less volume, higher intensity for a shorter period of time.
and if thats what you were stating, i totally agree.
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HIT type training > volume type training.

thats what i got from that..
less volume, higher intensity for a shorter period of time.
and if thats what you were stating, i totally agree.
I'll take tom platz legs over any sprinters legs in the universe...LOL and his training was ??????? ;)
I'll take tom platz legs over any sprinters legs in the universe...LOL and his training was ??????? ;)

I'll take Phil Heath's arm routine over anything Dante, Phil or you would do... LOL and his training was ?????? ;)

There's always exceptions to the rule. The other day a 17 year old kid was at my gym, learning how to squat for the first time. His quads trumped mine. He was a sprinter, lifting weights for the first time.
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I actually did some 40's yesterday, hiit style cardio kinda

my hams and adducters havent ever been this sore, and i work them weekly
I actually did some 40's yesterday, hiit style cardio kinda

my hams and adducters havent ever been this sore, and i work them weekly

Ya man... I added HIIT cardio to my routine for a while... when I started my lungs were burning and my legs were ready to give out lol

I'll take tom platz legs over any sprinters legs in the universe...LOL and his training was ??????? ;)

No fair bringing in "genetic freaks" BB! Goofball.
you want to talk about thick thighs, look at speed skaters, sprinters have got jack shit on them...
Chances are that if you are an elite sprinter you have genetics for explosive strength, easy muscle gains and powerfull legs... and chances are that if you are top 3 in the O with Phil´s age and experience you have predisposition to muscular development.... to prove something training wise you have to ponder some sort of before and afters or knowing the response and results somebody got from some kind of training as oposed to other kind of training... if Phil Heath were training with Dante, Milos or Hernon and dieted by Farah, Fakri, Palumbo or Shelby he would probably be more or less where he is know (I give props to Hany for getting him in killer shape every time though, a lot of competitors fail to do that and they got the succes they deserve some years later than they could have gotten it)
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Eric Heiden

you want to talk about thick thighs, look at speed skaters, sprinters have got jack shit on them...

Eric Heiden wrote:

Before the 1980 Olympics it wasn't uncommon for us to do the following:

Find an old truck tire intertube and cut out about one third of the tire (where the valve is). Seal one end by tying and taping with duct tape.

Fill intertube with either lead shot or pennies until alomost full. Seal off other end. I made several sizes but the biggest ones I figured weighed about 150lbs.

Swing the anaconda on your lower back and assume the speed skating position. Do 1 x 100 squats with each leg. Do that 5 x. Then repeat with both legs. Going down to slightly below 90 degrees.

Right after these we would drop the tube then do 15 - 20 squat jumps as high as you can bringing your legs up to your chest a the peak.

Usually the last one you would fall down because you could not support your weight anymore.

Dang, those were the days...and that was only workout number 1. usually we did 3 workouts a day.

Dryland skating simulation (duckwalk for 10k)



Read more: Can you do one legged squats?
Buy your shoes from LetsRun and save 20% everday **broken link removed**

Read more: Can you do one legged squats?
Buy your shoes from LetsRun and save 20% everday **broken link removed**
HIT type training > volume type training.

thats what i got from that..
less volume, higher intensity for a shorter period of time.
and if thats what you were stating, i totally agree.

Sprinters and speed skaters dont run/skate just once a week.

They practice several times a week.

Most likely its high frequency/low volume

you want to talk about thick thighs, look at speed skaters, sprinters have got jack shit on them...

Funny you say that, I thought the same thing at work today but couldn't post until now... HUGE thighs!
When it come to legs i feel lucky.I havent did a squat since high school.(did 680 in H.S).Been playing professional football for the past 6 seasons and never worked my legs in the gym but i guess with the training for football keep my legs up without weight.Now i decided to add legs into my routine since im done with football.On my 3rd leg workout i was able to press 1500 for reps on leg press.So to me sprinting will keep your legs as healthy and strong as weights.
I´ve been pounding very deep front squats lately (with the wooden piece under my heels for extra deepness) , to be honest I think nothing hits quads like this exercise, only bad thing is that progressing in weight is tough....
Intensity and Volume...

Basically a few pretty much summed up what I've been toying with lately (not saying it is THE answer)... High intensity, moderate-high frequency, low volume.

I remember in my track and field days of shot-put and discus the sprinters basically sat around half the practice! (I'm exaggerating....), but they'd run a few intense sprints and a couple drills and that'd be it- and this was almost every day. A little reminiscent of Haney's "stimulate- don't annihilate" or as an old friend of mine used to say "hit it and leave it"

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