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CONFUSION, in every sinse of the word


New member
Mar 31, 2007
CONFUSION, in every sense of the word

hello everyone, I am new to this board...well actually I am new to the whole message board thing period...anyway, I have done alot of reading over the past few days since I have found this place, and I have been checking out some other boards also, but this one is far superior...anyway, here is my point, i was at work today looking through some other boards and I saw this posted...this guy want to drink all of his meals on his workout days which are M-W-F...it will look like this:
7am- waxy maize
9 am- sip liqiud beef aminos
11am-waxy maize
1pm- sip liquid beef aminos
3pm - wazy maize
5pm-sip liquid beef aminos during workout
7pm-waxy maize
he also named off some other stuff he was going to be taking...it all was like multi vitamins and shit....oh, he also is going to be on a cycle of test 500mgs week and deca 400 mgs a week and 20mgs of dbol

he said he would be getting about 200 grams of carbs because he dosnt want to go over 300 grams and he plans to go through a half of bottle of liqiud beef aminos on these days of his liquid diet which would be all the protein he needs.....now, i guess this same person also visits this board because there is a big hype right now about LBA's here at proffesional muscle....... and in BIG A's "growth principles for beginners" he talks about working out m-w-f and not going over 300grams of carbs....and then Phil Hernon said that if you drink a 1/2 bottle a day of LBA's that would be all the protein you will need and phil talked about how he would drink most of his meals...so I know this person is probably reading this thread right now, because he obvioulsy comes to this board.... .but could someone please explain why this person would do this and if it is a good idea or a bad idea...thanks guys
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You can trust Phil. He knows what he is doing.
from what i have read, everyone here trust Phil, believe me i am in no way doubting Phil, shit, in 3 weeks I will be ordering some LBA's...i just want to know about this diet plan..is it good, bad....??
Kaiser is right

I hired Phil and am very happy with the way things are going in just the first 2months I've been working with him.

I'm going to try the liquid diet for 2 weeks when I get my aminos, but I'm going to do it a little differently than that guy. Want to see how my body responds to it and then I'll decide if I want to keep going or if anything needs to be adjusted.
ok, im not trying to get info for free or anything, seeing that you guys are paying for this info.... but would this be a correct way of running a liquid diet?
HOY said:
from what i have read, everyone here trust Phil, believe me i am in no way doubting Phil, shit, in 3 weeks I will be ordering some LBA's...i just want to know about this diet plan..is it good, bad....??

No offense to anyone here but to follow the diet as outlined isn't easy as you would have to be VERY DISCIPLINED! I doubt many have tried it but I have no doubt that it would work as Phil was (and still is) ahead of his time when he was competing.

I'm sorry I can't add anything other than my opinion to this thread as I know you are probably looking for an actual testimonial. I'm sure they are out there, just be patient and I'm sure someone with a lot more knowledge will post his experience :D
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looks like that would be too easy. if the LBA's are really that effiecient i would really do my training days like that. i would just add some oats 20 mins after the waxy maize every meal.
HOY said:
ok, im not trying to get info for free or anything, seeing that you guys are paying for this info.... but would this be a correct way of running a liquid diet?

I don't see any good fat's in the diet, which isn't necessarily a bad thing - I guess it depends on what your trying to do (I'm not diet expert).

I would do a search on low carb/no-fat diets and see what ratio people are doing of carbs and protein when they don't have any fats in their diet.
im pretty sure this is what he wants to do:

VERY simple. Very important that you try to get as
close to 500g of protein per day. Easiest way to do
that is to have a whey protein shake in water with
every meal. Fats and carbs don't matter. Calories
don't count, macro nutrients (protein, fat, carb) do.
If you get to add fat on, just cut out the fats and
keep your carbs bellow 300g/day. That's all it is!
Very simple, but hard to stick to, so not many people
get results. On gear, the more protein you eat, the
more you grow. Is as simple as that. Gear maximises
protein synthesis......

I guess he is substituting the LBA's for the whey in order to get his daily protein...i will see if I can get the actual thread from the other board, but i dont know if it would be against board rules to post something from another board....actually, you know what, I am not going to post the thread, it dosnt matter who the person is, i just want to know if this will actually work

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