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ever feel like you have to "earn" each shot?


Feb 25, 2010
I think taking aas should be a privilege that you earn with a bunch of years going natty under your belt, and when you start, know your shit, ask tons of questions, and always stay moderate.
But the past few days I've been off morning stims and I cannot wake up enough to lift. So today is supposed to be my shot day and I feel guilty that I didn't work out like I was supposed to and that I haven't "earned" my shot. I'll take them because I have to keep blood levels steady, I just feel kinda like a cheater and cheap. Anyone else ever have that mentality? Oh and my stomach has been upset the past few days and my diet has sucked. Not enough protein. I feel guilty about that even though it's not my fault. I'm such a perfectionist.
And to all the guys who seem to be dropping like flies from heart issues- Praying for you, and hoping you realize that you're alive and that's all that matters, and it really is helping us younger, less experienced folks (well, myself at least) to even further take into account how important diet and training is above all else, and when using drugs, to always stay moderate and take care of the only body you've been given. Thanks guys.
I can relate to that line of thinking

Yeah I do not like missing workouts. However, like you mentioned, it is important to keep those blood levels steady. I just like to get the most bang for my buck, so by missing workouts I feel like I am shortchanging myself. And in more ways than just this reason. I mean, one of the factors of using aas is the enhanced recovery time, so missing workouts kind of defeats this purpose. It is ok to miss one here and there, or to push one back a day, as the body can use the extra rest sometimes, but it should not become a habit. I train DC, M,W,F, so I have no excuse. I get plenty of rest, but sometimes I have to force myself to the gym --the reluctance stems mostly from the idiots there, not outright laziness. :)
Yeah I do not like missing workouts. However, like you mentioned, it is important to keep those blood levels steady. I just like to get the most bang for my buck, so by missing workouts I feel like I am shortchanging myself. And in more ways than just this reason. I mean, one of the factors of using aas is the enhanced recovery time, so missing workouts kind of defeats this purpose. It is ok to miss one here and there, or to push one back a day, as the body can use the extra rest sometimes, but it should not become a habit. I train DC, M,W,F, so I have no excuse. I get plenty of rest, but sometimes I have to force myself to the gym --the reluctance stems mostly from the idiots there, not outright laziness. :)

How are you finding DC to be? Only 3 days of lifting? I'm doing 5 right now. I'm getting the DC training DVD to see what's up with it. Oh I hear you about going when there's idiots. I go when it's the retired/elderly crowd with just a couple douche's I have to avoid that piss me off if they get in my way. Yeah I'm not gonna miss another work out, back at it tomorrow, I missed 2 in a row and I'm not having it. I guess it means going back on a stim to get myself awake enough, but I'll rotate them and take time off from them as a regular schedule kind of thing from now on.
I love DC training

I really do --I find myself much more primed and ready for a workout in between days than when I workout 3 days in a row then 1 day rest. I do sweat more w/ DC training though. It is exhausting while I am in the workout, and some of these gym morons look over at me and think I am being lazy or something. I can see their faces when I am already racking my weights and moving on to the next exercise. It gets annoying. I am cool with it though, because I just do my deadlifts, squats, and other compound movements while they do these ridiculous throwing the weights up and down movements (they think they are so cool and "advanced" or something lol) and yet i am the one who keeps growing.. huh.. :)
I really do --I find myself much more primed and ready for a workout in between days than when I workout 3 days in a row then 1 day rest. I do sweat more w/ DC training though. It is exhausting while I am in the workout, and some of these gym morons look over at me and think I am being lazy or something. I can see their faces when I am already racking my weights and moving on to the next exercise. It gets annoying. I am cool with it though, because I just do my deadlifts, squats, and other compound movements while they do these ridiculous throwing the weights up and down movements (they think they are so cool and "advanced" or something lol) and yet i am the one who keeps growing.. huh.. :)
LOL I hear ya! I've got guys in my gym with perpetual chicken legs. They may have a tiny bit of decent upper bodies, (typically pretty high in body fat) but they have no calves and you just know their quads are nonexistent. ALWAYS at the squat rack using it for bicep curls and I have to sit and wait for it to use it for what it's meant for- squats and deads! DERRRRR! Yeah I'm like, ok so you've got 25 lb plates on the squat bar and you're doing bi curls I'm supposed to be impressed? Meanwhile I'm fucking waiting to use the damn thing. Mostly though it gets untouched. Smith yeah a lot of guys use that but it's rare to see guys squatting at my gym. I think I've seen 2 dead lift. Then they end up talking between sets for like 10 minutes. ARGH! So I just get pretty aggressive and go up and say hey, I NEED to use that wtf is up? SO annoying! I use about 14 plates on the leg press with full ROM and as far as I know I'm the only person using that many, and as I increase in strength I'm running out of places to put the plates so I'm gonna have to ask one of those douches to sit on top of it while I'm using it LMAO wouldn't that be classic? Hey bro could I use your measly 165 lb body to add to my leg press weight? Someone's gotta get a picture of that when that happens LMAO I'll totally post it.
That would be a kool picture Cev79...

I always go to the gym after 8pm. That way there is not that many people there. I hate going when its crowded. I hate having to wait for certain machines...
That would be a kool picture Cev79...

I always go to the gym after 8pm. That way there is not that many people there. I hate going when its crowded. I hate having to wait for certain machines...

Oh I know I go as early as possible like I said, it's the elderly crowd and they're just so nice and leave me alone, just usually a couple d bags when I'm there. When I work out I wear really baggy clothes, it's just more comfy for me. But when I'm ripped I'm gonna wear a tank and show off my shit one day and freak them all out! I did that last year when I was comp ready, wore baggy clothes until one day I felt ready and "revealed" myself and I had people coming up to me constantly wanting to know "what I did, what I use, training, diet, blah blah". Now I just carry my coach's business card around with me.
I'd be laughing so hard I'd pee myself if one of those d bags climbed on top of the leg press bwahahahahahah.

You have your training component, your diet component, and your AAS component...and I'm sure it could be further delineated, but, you can slip in one, and not feel bad about doing the others. Other commitments, injuries, and life in general, can get in the way of our endeavors. When stuff happens, it motivates me to get right back at it.
You have your training component, your diet component, and your AAS component...and I'm sure it could be further delineated, but, you can slip in one, and not feel bad about doing the others. Other commitments, injuries, and life in general, can get in the way of our endeavors. When stuff happens, it motivates me to get right back at it.

When I am on, I tend to forgive myself more if I miss a workout. I guess b/c I know i'm not going to lose my strength or any muscle. There have been cycles where I took an entire week off, however I don't make a habit of it.

When I am not on tho' I get pissed off when I miss a scheduled w/o. My body loses strength fairly quickly if I'm not on. I have to remember to not let it get to carried away b/c that can be counterproductive as well. You stress yourself out too much and then end up over compensating and IMO thats not always beneficial.

I guess what I am trying to say is to not let yourself get pissed off every time u miss something. It's ok to cheat on a diet or miss a w/o even a week off won't hurt as long as it's not week after week.
You have your training component, your diet component, and your AAS component...and I'm sure it could be further delineated, but, you can slip in one, and not feel bad about doing the others. Other commitments, injuries, and life in general, can get in the way of our endeavors. When stuff happens, it motivates me to get right back at it.

When I am on, I tend to forgive myself more if I miss a workout. I guess b/c I know i'm not going to lose my strength or any muscle. There have been cycles where I took an entire week off, however I don't make a habit of it.

When I am not on tho' I get pissed off when I miss a scheduled w/o. My body loses strength fairly quickly if I'm not on. I have to remember to not let it get to carried away b/c that can be counterproductive as well. You stress yourself out too much and then end up over compensating and IMO thats not always beneficial.

I guess what I am trying to say is to not let yourself get pissed off every time u miss something. It's ok to cheat on a diet or miss a w/o even a week off won't hurt as long as it's not week after week.

oh yeah for sure, I'm just so OCD I gotta have my lifts, plus they do wonders for my serotonin levels so when I do miss more than a couple work outs I get pretty low. Lifting super heavy is my ultimate anti-depressant. I get awesome endorphins. I'm very lucky that way. Everyone gets them but I get a super boost of them. After I lift I am the most chill person on the planet. It's great.

I get this way if I've screwed up my diet the past few days (by not eating enough for example). Then I think, "That last shot was worthless b/c I screwed up for 3 days. So let's make this one count".
I get this way if I've screwed up my diet the past few days (by not eating enough for example). Then I think, "That last shot was worthless b/c I screwed up for 3 days. So let's make this one count".

Yeah! Exactly! You're in my head bro! That's exactly it, not eating enough protein and missing a work out combined when it's shot day I feel like that exactly. My stomach has been upset at the same time I've missed a couple work outs so I haven't gotten the proper protein so when I did my shots today I just felt so guilty lol. Making sure I'm sticking to my tons of chicken and beef today though.
Ok I got one for ya Cev

You wanna talk about numbnuts at the gym? LOL, Two days ago I am doing incline bench and I look over because I see some motion in my periphial view. To my utter amazement and surprise there are three complete idiots doing these...these..."exercises" -- they were ( i shit you not) standing with legs shoulder width apart, THROWING a dumbell in the air and catching it, and on the downward fall as they caught it, they propelled it in between their legs and threw it back in the air, switching hands. Their backs were jerking all over, and they were throwing the db's erratically. These fools thought they were doing some cutting edge stuff I guess, as they all made sure to grunt really loud and draw as much attention to them as possible while people literally were diving out of the way. Just another day at my
P90X ridden gym.

You wanna talk about numbnuts at the gym? LOL, Two days ago I am doing incline bench and I look over because I see some motion in my periphial view. To my utter amazement and surprise there are three complete idiots doing these...these..."exercises" -- they were ( i shit you not) standing with legs shoulder width apart, THROWING a dumbell in the air and catching it, and on the downward fall as they caught it, they propelled it in between their legs and threw it back in the air, switching hands. Their backs were jerking all over, and they were throwing the db's erratically. These fools thought they were doing some cutting edge stuff I guess, as they all made sure to grunt really loud and draw as much attention to them as possible while people literally were diving out of the way. Just another day at my
P90X ridden gym.


My back was hurting, just thinking about that!
I like the skinny guys that do 25 sets per bodypart and wonder why they stay the same size month after month!
oh yeah

It had injury written all over it! What is sad is some younger guys will be in there thinking about copying it. Now as usual the guys doing it were all 170 pounders, but still.. :(
You wanna talk about numbnuts at the gym? LOL, Two days ago I am doing incline bench and I look over because I see some motion in my periphial view. To my utter amazement and surprise there are three complete idiots doing these...these..."exercises" -- they were ( i shit you not) standing with legs shoulder width apart, THROWING a dumbell in the air and catching it, and on the downward fall as they caught it, they propelled it in between their legs and threw it back in the air, switching hands. Their backs were jerking all over, and they were throwing the db's erratically. These fools thought they were doing some cutting edge stuff I guess, as they all made sure to grunt really loud and draw as much attention to them as possible while people literally were diving out of the way. Just another day at my
P90X ridden gym.


I see guys doing that stuff with kettlebells all the time at my gym. Also everyone doing that unstable surface training. And half the time it's not their fault for being so dumb it's b/c that's what their Personal trainers are teaching them. i never understood the purpose. I understand the theory however misguided it is but, what sports are these people playing that has an unstable surface? They end up trying to balance so much that they can't even use any kind of weights on the exercises. IDK if they all just stuck to compound exercises and cardio they would be sooo much better off. It makes me want to become a PT and let all these people know that it doesn;t have to be so complicated but then I probably wouldn't get any business b/c they would think I didn't know what I was doing since I wouldn't have them do dumbbell presses on a bosu ball.
"It's All about activating the core muscles!":rolleyes:

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