Never got into the game for the money (or lack there of), the women or anything else really. Sports got me into it, and those are over. Met alot of good bro's along the way, and they helped keep me in it when times where tough and shit hit the fan.
Biggest thing that keep me going these days, looking at myself in the mirror. Everyday i strive to be a better person overall. I've had days when i look in the mirror and aschammed of myself for things, and i've had days when all i could do is smile and gloat.
7 LARGE black and white pictures of Arnold grace the walls of my place. The Myth keeps me going. I swear to god i hear shit from the pictures sometimes!
I've been at rock bottom before in my life, and i will NEVER, EVER by any f-ing means go back. Everyday is a battle that i look forward to. Before i leave my bathroom in the mourning, i always look at myself in the mirror and say "Bring it B*tch!" And everyday i do my best to bring 100% of what i got to the table in all aspects; because they day i only bring 99.9%, is the day when i start losing all i've worked to acheive. May not be much, but i got just a lil bit of something.
That and the fact i have too much aggression
Pushing weight keeps my sane.
At least I think i still got all my marbles. LOL