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HRT guys help me understand, please.


Active member
Jun 3, 2009
Got talking to a guy I've known for while today and he asked me what I thought aboutadding dbol to his HRT. He has some medical issues and is currently on HRT via the patch? I trust this person so I provided him with some basic info and told him to hit the boards (promuscle to be exact:))and read for himself. My question is how does the patch version work? Is it like Sust in a way where the test is time released with different esters? He told me his doc wasn't to sure about the while HRT thing and had to read up on it!!! He also said the doc started out giving him injections with a ("little needle)...subq. instead of intermuscular? Does this sound right? Any thoughts?
dbol was absolute poison for me, im on trt, everyone is different
some people have success with sub Q and and doc that would give dbol for hrt does not know what hes doing. No endocrenolgist would do that not for HRT. The patch is a slow release transdermal low dose of any variety of testosterones. Garbage but i guess better than nothing.
It's 1% testosterone and the biggest dosage is equivilant to 50mg. I was presribed the gel that was only about 10mg a day. It will make you feel better, but the estroidal sides can still happen. Vitamins, BCAA and some DAA will do more good.
dbol is most likely going to give him alot of sides. If he wants to add something maybe he should just get some sust and do that once every seven or ten days at a decent dose, or test e at like 200 per week.
I guess I should clarify. The doc wasn't going to give him the dbol..he came up with it all on his own ( I think). He said he googled it but wanted to hear first hand the pros/cons. If it were me, I would ditch the patch and try to get a script for something a little stronger, but I'm not one to tell someone what to do to with their body/health. I want to help him out but I don't want to "push" him into aas..know what I mean? That's why I told him to hit the boards.

BTW...Since I'm not familiar with HRT, will they prescribe test e for HRT?
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test E or test C is used in HRT. d-bol has no place in a legitamate program. Its only to replace what your body lacks, ie. 75mg-100mg every 5-7 days.
test E or test C is used in HRT. d-bol has no place in a legitamate program. Its only to replace what your body lacks, ie. 75mg-100mg every 5-7 days.

Precisely - well said!
I can see how adding another substance to a legit program would not be a good idea for a number of reasons. I guess the impression I got from my friend was he is frustrated with his doc and doesn't actually feel any better with his current program, thus he wants to add something extra on his own. He isn't a bodybuilder and doesn't care about size/strength. I believe he thinks if he adds some dbol it will "kick start" his HRT or something to that effect. I can understand why he may think that, but wouldn't it be wiser to revisit his HRT program and make the changes there? Or even find a different doctor.
then skip the patch and give yourself your own trt, thats what i do, just keep an eye on your rbc
I can see how adding another substance to a legit program would not be a good idea for a number of reasons. I guess the impression I got from my friend was he is frustrated with his doc and doesn't actually feel any better with his current program, thus he wants to add something extra on his own. He isn't a bodybuilder and doesn't care about size/strength. I believe he thinks if he adds some dbol it will "kick start" his HRT or something to that effect. I can understand why he may think that, but wouldn't it be wiser to revisit his HRT program and make the changes there? Or even find a different doctor.

The patch and the gel suck! Injectable is the way to go if he can get his doc on board with that.

How old is the guy?
yeah, if your natty is toast androgel isnt going to cut it, after 2.5 months on 4 pumps a day, 2 on each shoulder each morning..which amounts to 35mg a week, my level was 330.....with 280 being the bottom.............not good enuff for me

i would imagine the patch isnt much better

and to be honest, id rather give myself my own than let the health care industry suck any more money out of me or my ins company for dr prescribed im....................the prices are unacceptable
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I believe he is about 42..early to mid fourties?

Thanks for all your input. If possible I am going to have him read this for himself.
I believe he is about 42..early to mid fourties?

Thanks for all your input. If possible I am going to have him read this for himself.

I am always amazed at how some people will tell you that a product sucks or doesnt work just because they dont like it or it didnt work as well as they wanted it to. I am 43 yrs old. My bloodwork showed test at 220 / free test 5.5. After just one month of Androgel 5g a day my test levels were 680 & free went up to 6.3. A huge increase. Dont let anyone tell you that Androgel isnt gonna work. Most of the people saying gels suck are just parroting what theyve heard from others. Give it a chance. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. It sounds to me that your "friend" is expecting to do more than just normalize his hormone levels. Adding more drugs or hormones to the mix is only going to lead to side effects down the road. Run it for a month or two and have blood work. Better yet, get on the internet and read clinical studies and exams, you know............ actual medical studies. They are far more reliable than some know it all telling you what his feelings are. As far as "kick starting" a cycle, Androgel is absorbed rapidly and usually peaks in less than 3 hrs. How much faster do you need it to be?
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I am always amazed at how some people will tell you that a product sucks or doesnt work just because they dont like it or it didnt work as well as they wanted it to. I am 43 yrs old. My bloodwork showed test at 220 / free test 5.5. After just one month of Androgel 5g a day my test levels were 680 & free went up to 6.3. A huge increase. Dont let anyone tell you that Androgel isnt gonna work. Most of the people saying gels suck are just parroting what theyve heard from others. Give it a chance. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. It sounds to me that your "friend" is expecting to do more than just normalize his hormone levels. Adding more drugs or hormones to the mix is only going to lead to side effects down the road. Run it for a month or two and have blood work. Better yet, get on the internet and read clinical studies and exams, you know............ actual medical studies. They are far more reliable than some know it all telling you what his feelings are. As far as "kick starting" a cycle, Androgel is absorbed rapidly and usually peaks in less than 3 hrs. How much faster do you need it to be?
Dam Bro making that shit seems like it works then.... why all the negative feedback on the issue then?
It works for HRT. Its not gonna put on tons of muscle like injecting 1,000 mgs of test will. I suppose if you were up to it, and had enough of the gel you could get great results. 5 grams a day is not a bodybuilding dose by any means but very respectable for a HRT dose to establish a "normal" test level in most adult males. No needles, no soreness, no abcesses, no worries about bunk underground gear. There are some good qualities about it. Like everything it depends on dosage. I cant stress enough that not everyone is gonna respond the same to hormones. If I do anything over 300mgs a week of test IM my hair starts thinning/fallin out. Kinda sucks. I dont really know why all the negativity mate. Go figure.
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Thanks for all the input. Seriously though, I do/did not know anything about HRT so yes I was asking for another person. My friend approached me because he "assumed" I was up on AAS usage. I have been passing on all the info to him so he can make up his own mind. Not sure if he has discovered the board yet or not. I hope he has because I don't like having "secret conversaions" at the gym..if you know what I mean.

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