just dont go and have like a whole cup of splenda or so, as it still has 1 gram of carbs per packet. so, if you arent careful, you will just be doing the same thing as taking in sugar.
as awn2004 said, you just are trying to keep the insulin spike from happening.
just dont use much. use stevia if you have to use some sweetner. just might help a bit.
Yeah, but seriously ....1g?!
i remember being told that i couldn't take it more than 20g of carbs without being kicked out ketosis .... HAHAHAA
But then realized i could literally have a dish of thai noodles, and nothing would happen .... .... i'd still be in ketosis without any problems.
Everyone reacts differently, so take it with a grain of salt and figure it out for yourself.
Just avoid anything containing Sorbitol - it's converted to fructose in the liver and will kick you out of ketosis.
And because i'm super-duper nice, i'll answer your 'how much weight will i lose' question (and because keto diets are pretty much all i DO know about!!) Depending on how you're cycling your keto diet, you'll lose quite a bit of weight the first week - the weight loss is primarily water and glycogen. The removal of carbohydrates from the diet and the reduction of glycogen can results in substantial bodyweight reductions, during the low carb period. A ketogenic diet is diuretic and supplements taken, such as the ECA stack will also add to this effect. This weight loss can range from 3-10 lbs. in most people.
One to two pounds of FAT lost per week is common ... And common sense comes into play, as the scale is not a good indicator of progress on this diet as you may become more efficient at storing muscle glycogen and adding some muscle while losing bodyfat. The scale may indicate no weight loss from week to week. This is why body composition measurements are used instead.