All of us who bodybuild at the highest level get like this. It's an unconscious thing - from years of following the pros you subconsciously internalize that's what a good bodybuilder looks like even though the top pros are vastly genetically superior to you and I. There's no easy way to shake this, you just have to keep reminding yourself they do this for a living while the rest of us do it as a hobby. And if you can get close to their level while doing it as a hobby then you're really fucking good.7g of aas, t3, clen, very high gh, slin fast and slow etc. Appreciate your experience, thanks for sharing!
I have pretty severe dysmorphia. At the stage where im comparing myself to top level pros and wondering what they are doing that im not. I totally get what you are saying. It sounds stupid. I posted pics this time last year in the pics thread of my prep then, was about 7-8kg lighter. This time around I havent taken a single photo during prep, actually i have taken a couple and deleted them straight away because i thought i looked terrible.
If you posted pics here I'm sure you'd get many guys saying how good you look - if you're truly a lean SHW then you're easily in the top 10% of members here.