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Lost my training partner

Apparently he was still texting her and she was going to show his new girlfriend who was sitting near us. I guess he didn't want that to happen. When she came over to show his gf, it set him off. I guess fear of his new gf finding out about his continued "interest" in her was enough! Tough spot to be in.
Do you think he will be able to "grow" by eating just baloney sandwiches and doing enough push up's?:p

Yes Miss Q you can, by ordering jars of peanut butter through the
commissary and spread on your delicious two month old two tone baloney.
Then find yourself the biggest guy in your dorm to sit on your back..
Been there, done it.....;)

Be aware that when cops pull you over or judge you and run his name, they will be harder on you and assume you are the same type of person. I need a hot GF, this pussy has two and I'm jerking off.
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He sounds like a real pussy or mentally unstable.
There is no excuse to assault anyone.. Even females have to know that it is not ok to smack a man just because hey are they"weaker" sex.. I have 5 sisters.. One has a tendency to smack and hit her husband when she gets angry.. She knows he won't do anything.. Been going on for years and years... Well one day he had enough... She hit him in the face and he grabbed her hands so she couldn't hit him.. She the kneed him in the jewels.. He finally had it.. Snapped.. Nailed hr in the head right in front of people.. Cops showd up and asked questions.. Found out she was the agressor.. Arrested her..lol... Judge ripped the crap out of her in court.. That was years ago.. Never has she hit him again.. My mom and dad were actually on his side..(should have just left her years ago but hats a different story)

So although I am against hitting women.. My father was very old Irish.. You never touch a women.. But hitting anyone can get a response you may not like.. Assault is assault whether a penis or vagina.. It's like saying no man over 200 pounds can touch another guy who weighs 130 no matter what he does based on the fact he is weaker.. My thought is the man at 130 should know his limitations lol..Again, no one should assault no one.. Unless you are protecting yourself.. but welcome to human beings..
Simplyhuge, u think I will be associated with him in their system from just giving a statement to the deputy? Not cool. I surely hope that's not how things work.
Simplyhuge, u think I will be associated with him in their system from just giving a statement to the deputy? Not cool. I surely hope that's not how things work.

Don't worry about it. Doesn't work that way.
There is no excuse to assault anyone.. Even females have to know that it is not ok to smack a man just because hey are they"weaker" sex.. I have 5 sisters.. One has a tendency to smack and hit her husband when she gets angry.. She knows he won't do anything.. Been going on for years and years... Well one day he had enough... She hit him in the face and he grabbed her hands so she couldn't hit him.. She the kneed him in the jewels.. He finally had it.. Snapped.. Nailed hr in the head right in front of people.. Cops showd up and asked questions.. Found out she was the agressor.. Arrested her..lol... Judge ripped the crap out of her in court.. That was years ago.. Never has she hit him again.. My mom and dad were actually on his side..(should have just left her years ago but hats a different story)

So although I am against hitting women.. My father was very old Irish.. You never touch a women.. But hitting anyone can get a response you may not like.. Assault is assault whether a penis or vagina.. It's like saying no man over 200 pounds can touch another guy who weighs 130 no matter what he does based on the fact he is weaker.. My thought is the man at 130 should know his limitations lol..Again, no one should assault no one.. Unless you are protecting yourself.. but welcome to human beings..

My ex was having an affair behind my back few years ago, she'd come
home drunk off captain morgan 5:30 in the morning. Finally got fed up and confronted her and when I went back to bed locked the bedroom door, the bitch kicked it in, punched me and broke my nose. I was so mad and tired of her shit not being the first time, went to grab her she fell back and said she's calling the cops.

The only good that came from this, it was broke before pointing to the left and she straightened it out.........
Hey EJ, you did the right thing. Maybe pull him off if you could but for people suggesting you jump in, I can tell you it's never a good idea unless you think she is going to get badly hurt.

I grew up in a bad home, father beat the s out of my mom. Left me at the opposite end of the spectrum. I tend to jump in when I shouldn't and go way far past restraining the guy. Let me tell you, it doesn't work out well legally. Got two agg assaults in college over it, both never stuck,but they had my eligibility in question for months.

Have a third pending. The guy was literally punching his girl in the face outside a bar... But the problem was, once I had hit him a few times and he was down, I was no longer protecting anyone, I was assaulting him. And after what he did, I didn't stop at getting him down. Bottom line is you did the smart thing. No one who gets involved in those things gets anything but grief. It was still worth pounding his face for me, but if your instinct is to diffuse things, it's the right one. My actions are not being a hero, it's being a angry guy basically beating down my dad, not health or legally helpful, I assure you.

Your lifting partner is the worst kind of scum, dude like you deserves way better gym mates. Best of luck.
stay away from the guy, hopefully he will be in jail for a long time taking it up the ass. coward.
Hitemhigh, hate that u had to see ur mom treated like that. Can't imagine having those images in my mind like u do. Ur dad.... well I don't wanna say bad things about him, I hope u eventually work through it all. Dont know if I could. I'd prolly dislike him forever. Best of luck to u.
Stevo, how'd it play out? Aside from the straightening of ur nose, did the cops come, etc?
I hope that former training partner ends up meeting Bubba in jail, what kinda punk ass bitch hits a woman? Worthless piece of trash

I dont know man.....in this case he shouldnt have hit her. But there are literally millions of situations I can imagine where hitting a woman would be justified if not necessitated....

Not all women are sweet angels with golden hearts. One moment you are eating dinner, the next you are tied up to your bed, your penis chopped off and in the garbage disposal and a bunch of women on TV laughing at your misfortune..........all because you dared to ask for divorce.

And to OP, stay far away from your ex training partner, seems like he has no impulse control.
I dont know man.....in this case he shouldnt have hit her. But there are literally millions of situations I can imagine where hitting a woman would be justified if not necessitated....

Not all women are sweet angels with golden hearts. One moment you are eating dinner, the next you are tied up to your bed, your penis chopped off and in the garbage disposal and a bunch of women on TV laughing at your misfortune..........all because you dared to ask for divorce.

And to OP, stay far away from your ex training partner, seems like he has no impulse control.

Why would you associate with someone who provokes you to violence? Whether a man or a woman, if someone is pulling shit which makes you that angry, then the smart move isn't hitting them, but to start hanging with a new set of people.

I won't even raise my voice with a woman. The second a woman starts pulling that shit, slamming doors, yelling, calling names, the relationship is over. I treat everyone with a basic level of respect and as soon as someone deviates from that standard with me, they can GTFO.

Life is too short to spend your time with assholes. And I am in the Army, I already spend all day with loud assholes. Shit ain't happening at home.
Why would you associate with someone who provokes you to violence? Whether a man or a woman, if someone is pulling shit which makes you that angry, then the smart move isn't hitting them, but to start hanging with a new set of people.

I won't even raise my voice with a woman. The second a woman starts pulling that shit, slamming doors, yelling, calling names, the relationship is over. I treat everyone with a basic level of respect and as soon as someone deviates from that standard with me, they can GTFO.

Life is too short to spend your time with assholes. And I am in the Army, I already spend all day with loud assholes. Shit ain't happening at home.

This is the most intelligent response here. :)
ZAOSHA.. 100 percent agree.. why would anyone stick around.. i dont raise my voice to my wife.. i expect her to do the same.. i see couples that just mistreat each other and they think it is normal.. probably based on how they were raised.. yet they stay.. i never raise my voice or try and bitch at anyone.. once they do that to me or others i generally dont have anything to do with them again..
Zaosha, nice post. Good way to live ones life. Much thanks to u for ur service to our great nation.
Stevo, how'd it play out? Aside from the straightening of ur nose, did the cops come, etc?

E.J. Seeing I was the bloody one she sobered up and had visions of
handcuffs......... so she thoiught twice.
Thoughts of takin a backseat ride will often change ones attitude. Lol.

Hope she's changed her ways. Out drinkin and cheating is no way to treat ur spouse.
So I assume she didn't file an assault charge yet otherwise he would have been arrested by now surely?

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