Well I have been recently devorced. I was with my exwife for 12 years. Weve been devorced now for about 9 months am im slowly getting better. My training is going good finally. Although appetite is still shitty. Anyways my exwife is now financially in a rut. Not my problem. However my stepson who i consider my own is now calling me and asking for money. He is 15yrs old. I think his mother is talking finances out loud around him. Something is a miss. Hes stating that his mom is having a hard time paying for hockey, lunch money, gas money etc....... I think his mother put him up to this. Im not quite sure. However I feel guilty. I just took him out the other day and bought him some new shoes and a couple pare of jeans and a few shirts. Now his mom has a new boyfreind. However he has a shit job. Again not my problem. The thing is my wife left me. I feel like i dont owe her shit. However I love my son but agian I help with what I can. I too now have to survive on one income. It is life right???? Economize is what ive been doing. No more splurging of money. However the exwife goes out on the town every week end. Right before she left me she buys a BMW. What was she thinking???? Now I told her you reap what you sowe. Im not obligated to her at all. So what the hell do I do??????