Bolo, that is good information.
Let me go over it here to summarize. (please jump in and make corrections when/if I am unclear in my thinking)
The picture you have in your mind doesn't sound unreasonable to me: You want a woman in your life who loves you, finds you sexually attractive, and contributes to the financial stability of the marriage. You aren't saying she has to look like a PLAYBOY centerfold.
Here is the reality of your situation as I understand it: You have been in a relationship where sex is withheld for seven years. When you do have sex it is as if she is doing you a favor. Regardless of her lack of sex drive, she hasn't bothered to think of your feelings enough to attempt to take care of your needs. (very normal needs) You have, out of loyalty, stayed in this miserable situation for seven years, the passion is gone, and you have had to resort to seeking an outlet for your sexuality with others. Additionally, your wife has chosen what is best for herself once again, in the financial realm of this marriage. All we can do is look at her actions, in spite of whatever she says! She is in no way putting the marriage above her needs, which is paramount if the marriage is to be harmonious. Her action in this area indicates she is not a team player. Now, you have a huge financial burden to go along with your torn emotional situation. Seven years have gone by and your positions have hardened. The best time to make postive changes in a relationship is when there is still some passion left.
Now, we have to take her out of the equation to a degree. Whose behavior can you control? You obviously can't control her. The only person you can control is yourself.
So you have a choice. What can you DO to move in the direction that brings you closer to the ideal picture in your mind of marriage. Do you really believe she can still be someone who fulfills the picture in your mind of a partner who you'd like to share the rest of your life with?
You are unhappy and have been for a long time. Here is my understanding (again, correct me if I am misunderstanding the situation) of what you have chosen to do so far, in terms of DIRECTION and DOING. a. You've been supportive of her condition. b. You've have attempted to show your interest in her sexually c. You have stayed in the marriage in hopes that things would somehow improve. d. You have sought to stay in the marriage by satisfying your normal sexual urges outside the marriage. e. You have argued with her out of frustration and anger. As I understand it, the above actions are what you've chosen to do so far.
Question: How has what you've been doing so far worked for you?
Question: Have the actions you've taken thus far brought you closer together or farther apart?
Question: If you came home tonight and found every one of her personal belongings gone, a note taped to your refridgerator saying "so long, I don't want to live like this anymore", would you be more relieved than unhappy?
Bolo, we are getting somethings headed in the right direction. If nothing else it helps to share it with someone and clarify your thoughts. I am not attackinng you in any way. I am on your side. I think under the circumstances you've been a better man than I would be. However, I hope you can agree that what you've done so far is NOT working. So I am just wondering how long you are going to continue pursuing a course of action that is NOT bringing you closer to your goals? What I am hoping you see here is that regardless of the financial situation, you still have choices. Some of them are hard, but so is what you've chosen to do so far! Very, very, hard.
I am interested in helping you to be a happier person.