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One of the Funniest Things About Our Sport

Dusty Hanshaw

IFBB Pro / Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
May 24, 2007
One thing that I love about this sport is how as athletes we can actually see what all of the arm chair quarterbacks have to say about us as athletes. It is absolutely amazing to me as a competitor to see just how far fans and anti fans will go to show where they stand on placings and physiques. While some are giving sound assessments others are clearly blinded by lack of knowledge and emotion. For example when I lost the overall I hated hearing how I "got screwed" and how "Matt Lowden should have never beaten you." By my friends and fans. I mean I had no problem with the call and I was the "loser." It was a preference made by the judges and we know entering this sport that it is subjective. During the show I got to know Matt learned a lot about him and have nothing but respect for him as an athlete and just all around good guy. He did not make the decision and was a gracious winner.

Fast forward six weeks and I have people telling me I got screwed and K.W. is a joke, B. Yerskey is a this, R. Burneika is a fat slob. Then I also see from others that I am a disgrace to the sport and have all of these weak body parts and my physique is just ugly. It was a joke that I beat Kuclo...yada yada yada.

My point here is simple. Number one if you get into this understand with every person that thinks you are great there will be yet another telling you you are a joke. One guy will say you got screwed and another will say your placings are a gift. To me it is just funny because the REAL ATHLETES who bust their ass to be the best they can possibly be share a mutual respect that is awesome. Did I see some things in my class and in others that I thought could have been different? Damn right!! But that doesn't mean I am right. It's just my opinion. What is truly awesome being a part the brotherhood that takes place between athletes that understand the sacrifices that they and all of the other athletes made to reach the pinnacle of the NPC of bodybuilding.

The most enjoyable part of both the Jr Nats and USA's was hanging with the people who share my passion. I now consider Steve K, Matt L, R Burneika, C Lacount, P Cicone, and so many others friends. Some are better athletes than me others I am better than and it means absolutely nothing. We are all working toward improvement and want to see our friends/competition do the same. This sport is a brotherhood and I for one couldn't be more happy than I am to be a part of it no matter who ends up winning when the dust settles and the lights go down.
2 years ago at the Maryland i saw my boy Rob Kreider. I didnt really know him but i knew he gave Dave Henry a run for his money one year at nats and was top national Middlewt. Well this day...he was ltheavy in my class.

I introduced myself to him. I had see him in magazines and on vids. I was nervous going against him. He was really cool. We hit it off....even though we would be onstage in a few hours battling it out. We sat backstage together, and when it came time we went out and he beat me by like 5 placings. it was all good.

We exchanged numbers and have been good friends ever since. We speak about once a week and he hooked us up for Kari's Bday with bad ass Washington Nationals seats!

So yes, the brother hood is the coolest things about this sport. some guys are assholes, some are not, but in the course of being involved with bodybuilding ive met some very good people and very good friends.

There was a time when, Kevin Levrone, Brandon ray, Carlos Vieta and PMs own stormshadow, and Faseeshus all trained at the same gym. On day Kevin was helping Bray with posing and it was like in the Arnold days. we would watch,Learn and ask things, then hang out afterward.

I look at bodybuilding as a fraternity. Once you cut your teeth you understand how things are, and have mutual respect for everyone trying to do the same for you.
I think one of the funniest things is when a bodybuilder calls himself an "athlete" or his physique competition a "sport".

uh what?
Dusty I hear what you are saying, but would you prefer no comentary at all? Like if a person who is a fan of yours feels you should have done better, should they not say it? Or is it in the manner that some people express their opinion?

I don't think most of us disagree with the brotherhood thing or lack respect for other BBers than our faves. Or maybe I'm just naive, LOL. For example, I am a fan of yours and respect the hell out of what you've done with your shortish time on the scene. For example, I like your physique better than Burneika. But that doesn't mean I don't also like or respect HIM too. He is an awesome competitor and seems really cool. I like watching his videos and seeing what kind of training he does etc. I hope I can someday come close to ANY of the top 10 at the USA's this year. I'll still allways have faves though.
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I think one of the funniest things is when a bodybuilder calls himself an "athlete" or his physique competition a "sport".

You are incorect, Bodybuilding is a sport and yes bb-ers are athletes.
I think one of the funniest things is when a bodybuilder calls himself an "athlete" or his physique competition a "sport".

Sports have many affinities with art. For example, figure skating, artistic gymnastics, dancesport, and Tai chi can be considered artistic spectacles. Similarly, there are other activities that have elements of sport and art in their execution, such as bodybuilding, free running, martial arts, performance art, Yoga, bossaball, dressage, and culinary arts. Perhaps the best example is bull-fighting, which in Spain is reported in the arts pages of newspapers.

All sports involve physical and mental activities that are pursued for more than simply utilitarian reasons. For instance, running, when done as a sport, occurs for reasons beyond simply moving from one place to another. Value is gained from this activity when it is conducted simply for its own sake. This is similar to the concept of aesthetic value, which is seeing something over and above the strictly functional value coming from an object's normal use. For instance, an aesthetically pleasing car is one which doesn't just get from A to B, but which impresses with its grace, poise, and charisma. In the same way, a sporting performance such as jumping doesn't just impress as being an effective way to avoid obstacles. It impresses because of the ability, skill, and style that is demonstrated in its performance.

Art and sports were clearly linked at the time of Ancient Greece, when gymnastics and calisthenics invoked admiration and aesthetic appreciation for the physical build, prowess and 'arete' displayed by participants. The modern term 'art' as skill, is related to this ancient Greek term 'arete'. The closeness of art and sport in these times was revealed by the nature of the Olympic Games, which were celebrations of both sporting and artistic achievements, poetry, sculpture and architecture.
You are incorect, Bodybuilding is a sport and yes bb-ers are athletes.

I agree. I use to hear that all the time, I also know that to build muscle is
the toughest thing to do no matter who you are....
Branch Warren has said that he doesnt worry about what others look like coming into a show. He is solely focused on him and what he needs to do. Dusty is it like that for you?

By the way I like your out look on all this.
for every fan, there is a hater... this is why you guys are pros and we're not (or not yet).

You take the criticism and the praise and keep doing what you do.
One thing that I love about this sport is how as athletes we can actually see what all of the arm chair quarterbacks have to say about us as athletes. It is absolutely amazing to me as a competitor to see just how far fans and anti fans will go to show where they stand on placings and physiques. While some are giving sound assessments others are clearly blinded by lack of knowledge and emotion. For example when I lost the overall I hated hearing how I "got screwed" and how "Matt Lowden should have never beaten you." By my friends and fans. I mean I had no problem with the call and I was the "loser." It was a preference made by the judges and we know entering this sport that it is subjective. During the show I got to know Matt learned a lot about him and have nothing but respect for him as an athlete and just all around good guy. He did not make the decision and was a gracious winner.

Fast forward six weeks and I have people telling me I got screwed and K.W. is a joke, B. Yerskey is a this, R. Burneika is a fat slob. Then I also see from others that I am a disgrace to the sport and have all of these weak body parts and my physique is just ugly. It was a joke that I beat Kuclo...yada yada yada.

My point here is simple. Number one if you get into this understand with every person that thinks you are great there will be yet another telling you you are a joke. One guy will say you got screwed and another will say your placings are a gift. To me it is just funny because the REAL ATHLETES who bust their ass to be the best they can possibly be share a mutual respect that is awesome. Did I see some things in my class and in others that I thought could have been different? Damn right!! But that doesn't mean I am right. It's just my opinion. What is truly awesome being a part the brotherhood that takes place between athletes that understand the sacrifices that they and all of the other athletes made to reach the pinnacle of the NPC of bodybuilding.

The most enjoyable part of both the Jr Nats and USA's was hanging with the people who share my passion. I now consider Steve K, Matt L, R Burneika, C Lacount, P Cicone, and so many others friends. Some are better athletes than me others I am better than and it means absolutely nothing. We are all working toward improvement and want to see our friends/competition do the same. This sport is a brotherhood and I for one couldn't be more happy than I am to be a part of it no matter who ends up winning when the dust settles and the lights go down.

Strange questions here.

When your around guys that massive, Even though your at least as big as most and bigger than some. Do you ever look at someone who you know your bigger/leaner than and think.."holy crap that guy's huge."?
To me it is just funny because the REAL ATHLETES who bust their ass to be the best they can possibly be share a mutual respect that is awesome.

I guess I'll be a party pooper and say that in my experience there is an amazing amount of shit talking "behind the scenes". Many bodybuilders may be complimentary to your face but when they talk to their own crew in private they may say you look like a turd.

What you see especially anonymous fans saying on forums is a lot like what the private conversations may sound like when even athletes talk with their own fanboys. No one can say what they really think all the time or they would get their ass kicked and have no friends at all, so in a way forums might be a good way to eavesdrop on what people are thinking.

I'm not saying every bb is like this, but surely you must agree that a lot of the time bodybuilders are jealous and downright hateful about each other.:eek::(
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You must remember he context in which the admiration/abuse exists. An example is someone saying that Joe Montana sucks...... or John Elway sucks .......or Lawrence Taylor sucks.....it is in comparison to their " team" or another favorite player. Now, in REALITY, does Joe Montana REALLY suck? .......Um, no
Well, I am certainly a fan Dusty! I am not gonna say anything about the competitors. I looked at the pictures and all of you guys looked pretty awesome.

Hell, I am working on the hopes that one day I will see my abs and maybe compete at a local level show, that's my reality.

You guys are freaky, insane with your physiques! Walking around at what, 5-7 and 260 pounds ripped? That is insane right there! My hat is off to you and your family. The amount of dedication, time and personal sacrifice you endured is hard to understand, or empathize with, when you haven't been there yourself.

Arm chair quarterback is the right wording choice, but you proved you ARE the quarterback! I hope you enjoy some well deserved time off!!
Congratulations and a great post Dusty.

You are a winner in my book Dusty, regardless
of your placing, or if you never lifted another
weight in your life. You are a person who has his
priorities in order. I like your style.

Here is my take on what Dusty is saying . . . I think
for him it is as much about people as it is about
the physique. Sure the transformation process is
great, to see and be responsible for the changes in
your body, but ultimately, you are not alone and
must face the fact, that in this "sport", it comes down
to other people, your interaction with them and
how you are perceived. Because unless you live
alone on the planet Mars, you are stuck with those
around you so you better get used to it, embrace it,
and learn to live with it, and thrive. And that Dusty
has done so well. And if you can have a great bod
like his, and be appreciated for that as well (he
is), then it's all good in my book.

There will always be people that talk behind you
back. That is life, get used to it. Time to move on
and as long as you don't do the same, rise above it,
the better for you and the sport.

So, would, does, Dusty want to be Number 1, hell yes.
Is he disappointed, well . . . in many regards I think
so. That would only be a natural and a rational response
after all the blood, sweat and tears, the risks, and the
sacrifices spent in the in the process. After all, who
competes and aspires to be number 2, 3, 4 etc . . . ?

Now when he says . . . "Time to spoil my soon to be
wife like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I know he is well, sane,
and has is priorities in order.

Enough said.
Youre the man.

Dusty, great post...you hang onto that attitude sir it will serve you well in the coming hard months/years..,.you will also bring up others around you into that attitude.

What a great post. After meeting you at Jr Nationals and talking with you for a bit, your heart is the best thing about you. You said it best and is exactly how I feel about the "brotherhood" we all share.

Congrads on your placing and I hope to see you again soon bro. You should be proud of everything because a lot of us and the others cannot and will not come close to the pinnacle of the top of where you are at right now my friend.
Dusty, I don't know much about you, but your post explains a lot about what kind of guy you are. Respect! This world needs more people such as yourself. This SPORT is all about improving yourself every year. Sounds like you did everything you needed to do this year...and viewing your pics...it showed. All that matters is that you are satisfied with your results..that's when you know you have done every thing you could have done for that season...congrats Dusty!...Oh and the dude that said BB is not a sport....obviously has never competed.:eek:
Arm chair quarterbacking exist in every sport. The big difference is how close the pros are in bodybuilding to the fans. In other sports fans don't have this kind of access to the elite athletes. .... And probably for good reason in many cases.

Bodybuilding is such a personal and subjective sport that it's easy for everyone to have an opinion and even easier if you've got no knowledge of the sport or the competitor.

Enjoy the ride Dusty.

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