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New member
Apr 1, 2003
Isopure is getting too expensive for my friend,so he wants to switch to a cheaper brand.He said he can get 40lbs Whey for $110 plus $20 shipping.I told him to stick with quality,but what the hell do i know.Should he go with cheaper or not? thanks
Why not mix isolate with egg protein? The whey concentrate is high in lactose, and inferior to whey isolate. At least thats what I do to cut cost some as I use the stuff like crazy! :eek:
You get what you pay for.
my protien of choice is optimum's 100% whey, its cheap avail in bulk, i pay 48.00 for 10lb bag, its not bullshit concentrate which hopefully soon will be obsolete.. its CFM ion exchanged, around 2 carbs, 1.5 fat, 22 protien a serving...
Daveb_19 said:
my protien of choice is optimum's 100% whey, its cheap avail in bulk, i pay 48.00 for 10lb bag, its not bullshit concentrate which hopefully soon will be obsolete.. its CFM ion exchanged, around 2 carbs, 1.5 fat, 22 protien a serving...

I hate seeing people getting ripped off like this.

These are facts:
There is only one company in the world that has the WORLD rights to manufacture and distribute whey. Every single supplement manufacturer has to buy from them. There is no way around it. Because this company has the world rights, their discounts are next to nothing. Even in LARGE quantities, as a supplement company you cannot buy from them real pure whey isolate for $4.80/lb! Never mind this company retailing it for that much! Sure you can buy a blend of inferior whey's, but not undenatured whey isolate.
I wish that the supplement industry be regulated so all these sharlatans would stop ripping people off.
There's a different reason rather than greed why some companies charge more for their products compared to other companies, although the product is seemingly the same.

This reminds me of this company I know that sells more creatine each month than it manufacturers... Think about it!
well for me I cannot afford to buy in bulk, and 10lbs a bag is basically as cheap it gets in stores around here, so you were saying its all pretty much the same, optimum is still the cheapest around here in stores.
Daveb_19 said:
well for me I cannot afford to buy in bulk, and 10lbs a bag is basically as cheap it gets in stores around here, so you were saying its all pretty much the same, optimum is still the cheapest around here in stores.

No, what I am saying is don't trust the labels as if they sell for what they do they CAN'T have in them what they claim.
My answer might have been different a month ago, but since trying "Synthepure" I'll keep using the stuff until they stop making it! lol;)
Big A said:

I hate seeing people getting ripped off like this.

These are facts:
There is only one company in the world that has the WORLD rights to manufacture and distribute whey. Every single supplement manufacturer has to buy from them. There is no way around it. Because this company has the world rights, their discounts are next to nothing. Even in LARGE quantities, as a supplement company you cannot buy from them real pure whey isolate for $4.80/lb! Never mind this company retailing it for that much! Sure you can buy a blend of inferior whey's, but not undenatured whey isolate.
I wish that the supplement industry be regulated so all these sharlatans would stop ripping people off.
There's a different reason rather than greed why some companies charge more for their products compared to other companies, although the product is seemingly the same.

This reminds me of this company I know that sells more creatine each month than it manufacturers... Think about it!

big A who is this company??? How come there are no other producers of whey??? with all the supplement companies out there no one produces their own whey?? this is amazaing. Thank you for the info.
I likle muscle milk by Cytosport and designer whey. Plus I cannot get enough of those detour bars! Yumm I also have tried sythepure and that stuff is really good to! I have tried the Optimum brand and I think it is desent but with the designer and the MM and synthepure I always feel "swole" while taking these! Its a feeling I do not get with the optimum and I dunno why! If it works for ya go with it!
those detour bars are slamming but very high in sugar if i remember correctly my friend tested them and they were oposite. the protien cals were carbs and the carb grams were actually the ammount of protien in it. i don't remember the exact details.
Daveb_19 said:
my protien of choice is optimum's 100% whey, its cheap avail in bulk, i pay 48.00 for 10lb bag, its not bullshit concentrate which hopefully soon will be obsolete.. its CFM ion exchanged, around 2 carbs, 1.5 fat, 22 protien a serving...
Why would you want Concentrate to be obsolete? Doesn't it have a higher biological value than red meat,chicken,and eggs? My friend only takes 150g of Isopure/day,i couldn't even imagine what your protein budgets looks like.Don't alot of you take like 400-500g/day?
I got this off of Protein Customizer and Synthetek's website

Whey Protein Concentrate 80% $3.50 per pound

Whey Protein Concentrate is the simplest and cheapest form of whey protein by far, derived from sweet dairy whey and used extensively by many supplement companies in an effort to bolster protein content at an extremely favorable price, thus profit margin. Concentrate can vary anywhere from 34-80% protein, so even in the best form, there is only 80% useable product. Whey Concentrate is much higher in fat and carbs (lactose) than the premium Whey Isolates, therefore resulting in far less assimilation by the stomach and intestines. If someone has upset stomach problems with supplemental protein shakes the culprit is almost always Whey Concentrate.

Ion Exchange Whey Isolate $7.00 per pound

Is a term you have no doubt seen used in many of the products out there, but what is it really, and how can it benefit the athlete? Ion Exchange is a procedure that separates the proteins based upon their electrical charge. The extraction process happens by controlling the electrical charge on the proteins using chemicals, and therefore attaching them to resins in the reaction vessel. The finished product is fat and lactose free and contains some of the microfractions necessary for muscle repair and overall health.

Ion Exchange is a procedure that separates the proteins based upon their electrical charge. The extraction process happens by controlling the electrical charge on the proteins using chemicals, and therefore attaching them to resins in the reaction vessel. The finished product is fat and lactose free and contains some of the microfractions necessary for muscle repair and overall health. Ion Exchange whey isolate is slightly higher in actual protein content than it’s competing isolate product (Cross Flow Microfiltered) however that does not necessarily guarantee it a superior product as it has a different mineral profile and some people feel the ceramic microfiltered method is a cleaner / more pure manufacturing process.

CFM Whey Protein Isolate 7.00/pound


Cross Flow Microfiltration Whey Isolate is arguably slightly higher in quality than Ion Exchange due to the higher levels of subfractions present, however the percentage of protein is a couple points lower. This manufacturing process involves the use of natural ceramic filters to separate whey proteins from a variety of undesirables such as fat and lactose. Advantages of this process include minimal protein denaturing, preserved protein microfractions and a better mineral profile than Ion Exchange as it has more calcium and less sodium. If using a whey isolate, CFM is generally recommended over Ion Exchange.

Hydrolyzed Whey Regular

Description: 7.25 a pound

Hydrolyzed Whey Protein is produced through a specific enzymatic process which breaks down the whey protein into it’s di and tri peptides. This process allows for a whey protein system which is absorbed by the body rapidly through the small intestine as the peptides can bypass the stomach due to the fact that they are already partially digested. PC offers two degrees of hydrolysis on our whey proteins, this being the standard version which means it is hydrolyzed however not nearly to the degree of the Ultra version. The standard version has a larger molecular weight and while it may not be absorbed as rapidly as the Ultra, it is designed to provide the benefits of hydrolysis while maintaining a taste nowhere near as bitter as the fully hydrolyzed product. This version is the one major supplement companies will use on a retail product (if they use hydrolyzed whey) in order to maintain decent flavor.

Hydrolyzed Whey Ultra Grade

Description: 8.75 a pound

Hydrolyzed whey protein is the most advanced form of whey protein, specifically produced to elicit an anabolic response in the body. This protein is partially digested through a highly specific enzymatic process down to di and tri peptides, hence the term you may have heard used: "whey peptides". Up to 80% of these peptides actually bypass the stomach upon ingestion and are absorbed very very rapidly into the bloodstream through the small intestine. PC offers 2 grades of hydrolysis on our whey protein, this (Ultra) version is basically a fully hydrolyzed product with an extremely small molecular weight. This version will be the most rapidly absorbed by the body due to this extensive enzymatic hydrolyzing process. Customer be warned that because of this benefit however the taste of this product is absolutely brutal. When one sees hydrolyzed whey peptides on a label of a retail product you must understand that this is NOT the version major supplement companies use. They must use the larger molecular weight version or more likely an isolate to keep the flavor of the product acceptable to the masses. Unless you can actually handle the taste of this product you will want to only use it in a post workout drink with enough dextrose and maltodextrin and/or fructose to help partially cover it up, or add small amounts of it to a regular whey isolate shake.

SynthePURE™ - Pure Protein

INGREDIENTS: Undenatured Whey Protein Isolate 2lb (907g) container.....

This is the ultimate protein powder! It contains the highest quality protein in the world - whey protein isolate,and NOTHING else added! It has no inferior proteins, sugars, fillers or colours added. It is PURE protein of the highest grade! Each 100g of SynthePURE™ contains 96g of whey protein isolate, 0.8g of carbohydrate and 0.3g of fat! No other protein supplement in the world compares!
Thought I would attach a pic too! Hope this helps guys...oh and it is 45.95 for the tub (2lb tub) Serving size is 60 grams I think....


  • synthepure.jpg
    8.2 KB · Views: 585
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If Hydrolyzed Whey is the best and Synthepure is Isolate,wouldn't that make Synthpure not the best? Someone explain this to me,please.I'm just trying to understand Protien.THANKS
if u wanna stick with isopure I think they make an 8.8 lb tub that goes for between 60-70$.
i like beverly's ultra size and muscle provider or optimum's pro complex.

ok this isnt gonna be a popular statement so.....

i buy 96% pure whey isolate with the same stats as the synthpure and pay $6/lb. + $24 for delivery.... on a 50lb order.

so that comes to 6.48/lb with delivery included..

2lbs synthpure = 45
2lbs for me = 12.96

packaging and marketing is expensive.
Go with Synthepure

You will NOT be dissapointed. Trust me bro.
Re: ...

G.E.R.M said:
ok this isnt gonna be a popular statement so.....

i buy 96% pure whey isolate with the same stats as the synthpure and pay $6/lb. + $24 for delivery.... on a 50lb order.

so that comes to 6.48/lb with delivery included..

2lbs synthpure = 45
2lbs for me = 12.96

packaging and marketing is expensive.
If you know that's what your getting,than that's real good for isolate,but i see now that Isolate isn't the best.CFM is better than Ion exchange,Hydrolyzed better than Isolate and Ultra Hydro better than regular.I want the best,i don't care how much it is.

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