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Sep 19, 2002
Ry, on the UG you used to mention a short extremely high dose (like a gram a day high) cycle that you suggested to break through plateus. I believe you said the cycles were used for like 2 weeks to reach a weight, then for your next cycle you could use your usual dosage. How did you come up with this idea, and do you still practice it? Thanks.
Actually I was introduced by Paul Borrenson to them awhile ago to break plateaus. I would NOT suggest doing them more than 1-2 times per year and never longer than 4 weeks. It is usually broken down into 2-3 segments. SOmething like this:

Days 1-10
1gram Enanthate ED
150mcg Drol ED
25mcg T-3 Mon-Fri
Slin 10iu's x 4-5 times a day on Mon and Thurs ONLY

Days 11-20
400mg Deca ED
200mg Primo ED
25mcg T-3 Mon-Fri
Slin 10iu's x 4-5 times a day on Mon and Thurs ONLY

Days 21-28
200mg Prop ED
100mg WinV ED
25mcg T-3 Mon-Fri
Slin 10iu's x 4-5 times a day on Mon and Thurs ONLY

Hope that helps,
Blitz Cycles

That be sum cycle Mr Ry. If you cant brake threw plateus with that cycle....then you has to be a zombie. Even worse...be dead.
Hey Mr Ry......Paul Borrensen be your frend. He be the same guy I be thinkin of. Have like a bachelors degree in biochemisty and a masters in pharmacology. Be published in medical journals. Publish a bunch of articles. Advise the big boys on stacks and cycles. I reed his articles sumtimes.
Last edited:
Yes I knew him and kept in contact w/ him. I dissagreed w/ a few of his concepts but, he was a smart guy. It was a sad day when he died but, pain that man was in would have broken many.

What did you not like about some of his methods...

What do you think about his usage of GH...High doses for 4 days on and 10 days off...

chris250 said:
What did you not like about some of his methods...

What do you think about his usage of GH...High doses for 4 days on and 10 days off...


His GH theories I really liked. He wasn't a big fan of using orals as he said they were more harm than good. I disagreed on that. He also likes using 70/30 slin and I had A LOT of problems w/ that particular kind. More shit but, can't think of offhand.

good info--now i understand why you told me to run my slin that way
RY, or anyone else, i am interested in the results of this gh approach. i know several on here like to do 6 day blasts with equigen doses of 20 ius or more.

anyone one whos tried this, please elaborate on your experiences for us.

i am also curious as to if a dose that large is needed for HGH as opposed to equigen.( i believe its bovine, correct me if im wrong)

this study suggests that a much larger dose is needed with ovine gh, so, what do we say is a reasonable dose of HGH for this protocol? If you have used GH this way, also include which brand and dosages for comparison.

Effects of local administration of GH and IGF-1 on longitudinal bone growth in rats
J Isgaard, A Nilsson, A Lindahl, J O Jansson, O G Isaksson

The effect of local administration of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) on longitudinal bone growth was studied in the proximal tibia of hypophysectomized rats, by using the tetracycline method. Human GH (hGH) stimulated local bone growth when administered into the epiphysial growth plate, into the epiphysis through an implanted cannula, or into the knee joint intraarticularly. In contrast, hGH administration into the metaphysis did not cause such a stimulation.
The effect of hGH was dose dependent, and the lowest daily dose of hGH that caused a stimulation was 50 ng. hGH produced by cloned bacteria was as effective as pituitary-derived hGH, excluding the possibility of a pituitary growth factor being the active compound. GH from other mammalian species (rat GH, ovine GH, and bacterially produced bovine GH) also stimulated local bone growth. Ovine prolactin (oPRL) stimulated local bone growth but the threshold dose of oPRL was approximately 100 times higher than that of hGH, suggesting that contamination of this preparation by GH may account for the stimulation.
Reduced carboxymethylated human GH, that has a greatly reduced anabolic activity, did not stimulate local bone growth. Local administration of 5 micrograms of bacterially produced human IGF-1 per day produced a small but significant effect on unilateral bone growth. Simultaneous administration of hGH had no additive effect with, nor did it potentiate, the stimulatory effect of IGF-1. The present study confirms and extends earlier investigations, showing that local injection of GH at the site of the epiphysial growth plate stimulates unilateral bone growth. The study also shows that local administration of IGF-1 stimulates longitudinal bone growth.
Well to answer your question big_byrd52 you will ALWAYS use less Regular GH than you would Equigen. I am in NO WAY bashing it but, that is the fact. I usually will run GH in offseason for 6-10 days per month(First 6-10 days of each month) at 16-18iu's per day and that works great for a lot of people.

So Ry, after doing your Blitz, then you would go back to one of your usual dose cycles (which is still higher than average)? Would you still be able to grow off of a regular cycle after doing doses that high? Thanks.
ry , u got a link to buy his paul borrenson's book "THE STACK " ?
wud definitely like to read his ideas , also a link to his articles wud be appreciated man .
Big_Byrd do a search on gh blast. There is alot of info on that and also blasts with equigen.
DIEZEL666 said:
So Ry, after doing your Blitz, then you would go back to one of your usual dose cycles (which is still higher than average)? Would you still be able to grow off of a regular cycle after doing doses that high? Thanks.

Yeah after that I would back off and do a lower dose course or even a stricly anabolic one.

mike, ive done a search for GH blast, burst, bath... everyname i can think of, along with Paul Borreson, on every board i know of.
still, answers are vague. their goals are not specified.

ive read that u along with others say the fat burning properties are the same, but im interested in more size.
Also, many people said they were going to try this method, then a normal protocol and compare and post the results. i guess they just forgot about it or never got around to it as there are no follow up posts on it.

i dont think too many have tried it since gh is so expensive, they would opt to take it in a fashion that has proven results, and dont want to risk wasting the money.
Im thinking of trying using GH that way (4 day blast of GH, then 10 days off) I was reading it, in Borrensen Stack book, and it sounded pretty interesting...

Has anyone on here tried that yet...

If so, what were your results...


the stack , u all mention it , can someone tell me where to buy it !!???
RY RY RY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You just had to write your cycles for all to read didn't you!LOL Please understand gang I have known Ry personally for along time and I consider him a very dear and true friend but in no way would I ever want 99% of the people on this board to ever try what RY does supplement wise as it would kill them quite literally. keep in mind RY is well over 300lbs. and Icline bench's 405lbs on light days for 12-15 rep's! he is a BEAST in the truest sense. I know because RY and I swap cycle and nutritional info back and forth almost daily and bounce ideas off eachother as I respect his opinion immensly. Please just use safe dosages gang. more isn't always better and I can't stress that enough and RY will tell you the same thing. best wishes wyldeone.
Re: RY RY RY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wyldeone said:
You just had to write your cycles for all to read didn't you!LOL Please understand gang I have known Ry personally for along time and I consider him a very dear and true friend but in no way would I ever want 99% of the people on this board to ever try what RY does supplement wise as it would kill them quite literally. keep in mind RY is well over 300lbs. and Icline bench's 405lbs on light days for 12-15 rep's! he is a BEAST in the truest sense. I know because RY and I swap cycle and nutritional info back and forth almost daily and bounce ideas off eachother as I respect his opinion immensly. Please just use safe dosages gang. more isn't always better and I can't stress that enough and RY will tell you the same thing. best wishes wyldeone.

Only 405 for 12-15. I can do 135 for 20 :eek:

Ok, seriously, some great info here for the newbies and other novices on the board about dosages and being safe. Great advice from top notch individuals and I'm extremely happy to be apart of a board like this; one that not only helps out, but looks out for other bros as well. One big, happy ProMuscle family.

Wylde is just blowing my head up!!

I am IN NO WAY a freak!! I would never suggest anyone try the doses that I have used. I have found over the years that dose aint the key and Wylde has gotten me to really knock my doses lower and the gains keep coming. Right now am botu 310 and starting 4 month diet MOnday.sniff sniff I do NOTHING w/out getting Wylde's blessing though as he really makes dieting unboring.

Hey Ry

I just ended a major winter cycle about 2 weeks ago,and am considering doing a Borreson type 1 month cycle within a week or so.I have not done one in a couple years,but remember I had gained 1 pound per day for 17 days,when I first did it. Your test dose is higher then I need since I weigh only 260 and your 310,so I'm thinking 500mg of test enanthate per day/150mg Anadrol per day for 15 days before switching to anabolics and prop,for the last 15.Once Im done I'll just go into a lighter cycle in the 2-3 gram per week range,and probably stay there through the summer,switching compounds every few weeks. I should put on a good 15 pounds in the one month,if not more.What do you think?

Also can i do a GH blast during this one month,or should I save it for after the month to help me harden up?Im curious to see what all that gear plus growth and slin can do in 1 month.Should break plateau easyyyyyyyy.

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