I started to respond to some of the comments and then I decided I just don't want to. Most responses started with, "Why don't you just do..."
The answer is simple: Please try to understand that in almost 40 years of training, I have tried just about everything there is to try. There is almost no combination of muscle groups and no training schedule I have not used. However, training every other week hasn't been tried and I laid out the reasons why I am going to do it. I wasn't asking for advice or permission, to be quite fair and honest; I was giving my reasoning behind why I was going to experiment with it.
Now, if anyone here has experience with training in a fashion like this, I then would listen. Every person who has responded against the idea has nothing more than "I feel it won't work." It's the internet so as much as you can give your opinion, but in the end 1 really don't care what anything thinks. I'm just surprised that more people aren't intrigued but I won't respond as to why I think that because I don't want to sound disrespectful.
This is how people learn and to learn, sometimes you need to do what is not being done. I was very clear that this was my starting point. It could very well be that it will need to be modified to some degree. I don't take offense if you disagree with my position on doing this; what I take offense with is not seeing the logic behind it when not one person who has responded has anything to back up why it won't work other than they "feel" it won't work because it seems unorthodox. Hell, even if it flat out does NOT work, I will be able to find out why it doesn't work (instead of guessing) and adjust from there to find a better balance between training and recovery for me.
There once was a time when someone would say they were going to do something different and people were intrigued and thought, "Damn, this is kind of extreme but I'm curious how this is going to work" but instead we now live in a time where people think, "Well, I certainly wouldn't do it that way and you should do it this way because it will be better."
If you're interested in how it plays out, how I respond, and what tweaks and modifications I make to fine-tune it, stay tuned. If not, I'm good. I'm not demanding deference; I just want to continue to learn, and I assumed people listened to me because of my experience and sensical opinions on all things bodybuilding.