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Soon this will be the U.S.


I would sterilize them or make them pay a tax for each additional child they have that they can't afford.

Thats around 67,000 US dollars a year.
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Wow, that is beyond belief to me. I understand that systems are put into place for people that truly need it, but they really just don't care at all. I hope the government does a investigation into their benefits and determines that they don't deserve or require them, especially upon reading that article. No effort to cut corners in daily life or on holidays....you gotta be joking you dumb fat cow!!!
Ok, that is disgusting. I bet that happens over here more than you would realize although i dont think that people in the US can get benefits that high.
Only 1/2 the people in US pay taxes

Not all of those people are the poor. Believe it or not, many are mutlimillionaires. My wife is a loan officer for a major bank doing commercial realestate loans and she has seen the tax forms of many of her clients. By the time they invest in realestate and write off their "losses", they show a net loss of income for the year. It makes me sick. So those guys are even worse IMO than this brood. Corruption at the top is rampant, although they really arent breaking any laws. They are just using the laws we have to their advantage and they pay no taxes! One guy bought a brand new Ferrari and decided after a month that he didnt like it and traded it in for another car,lol. Hell, I wouldnt even do that with a pair of shoes!!
Like that friggin Octomom....she gets over 300K in benes for her 14 kids...wish the gov't would step in & allow those children to be adopted by families that could give them a good quality of life

here in slovenia, there are way to litlle births and more and more old people abowe 60years...situation will soo come to the point, that 1 worker will pay taxes for 1 people pension...
pensions are low as hell anyway...people are lossing their jobs, big companys, that were in the past gold maker, are now sold or closed...

you can have as many children as you want, and you will get max. 50eur per child a month...

our payes are low as hell (600-900eur) and prices of goods are going rapidly up...1liter of petrol costs 1,5eur per liter at the moment...

taxes are 40%, one of the lagest tax payers...

if it will go that way, i will go away, probably in U.S.
and our country will bancrot or fell apart...there are only less pure blood slovenians and number of imigrands from balkan-srbia,bosnia are rising rapidly...
all our sucsesfull people are going out...

fuck that system...you are lucky...

I would sterilize them or make them pay a tax for each additional child they have that they can't afford.

Thats around 67,000 US dollars a year.

67,000/9 people = $7,400 per person to live off a year... that's roughly $620 a month... that barely even covers food and clothes...it's not like they're swimming in money guys??
We have 11 million illegal immigrants and we are worry about 1 family? :rolleyes:
That's from the uk. And I was browsing the webiste, and it appears to be a BS news source.

Kind of like those papers you would run into with 'batboy' on the cover.
Im surprised at people who buy into this kind of hype. Come on guys ;)


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don't blame the people, blame the system. there are always going to be people who take advantage of things like this. the government needs to close these loopholes and the taxpayers need to voice their opinions that this crap can not be tolerated. the same stuff goes on here in the U.S. i've done a lot of work in public housing throughout the nyc area. these people live in these apartments for free, meanwhile the parking lots are filled with luxury cars and the apartments are full of 50 inch flat screens and stuff that people who pay taxes cannot afford.
Not all of those people are the poor. Believe it or not, many are mutlimillionaires. My wife is a loan officer for a major bank doing commercial realestate loans and she has seen the tax forms of many of her clients. By the time they invest in realestate and write off their "losses", they show a net loss of income for the year. It makes me sick. So those guys are even worse IMO than this brood. Corruption at the top is rampant, although they really arent breaking any laws. They are just using the laws we have to their advantage and they pay no taxes! One guy bought a brand new Ferrari and decided after a month that he didnt like it and traded it in for another car,lol. Hell, I wouldnt even do that with a pair of shoes!!

i saw a chart the other day of how much the ultra wealthy use to pay in taxes...it went from 80's% in the earlier part of 1900's down to almost nothing (10-15%)being the lowest a few years back being the lowest with the weatlhy tax incentives etc
don't blame the people, blame the system. there are always going to be people who take advantage of things like this. the government needs to close these loopholes and the taxpayers need to voice their opinions that this crap can not be tolerated. the same stuff goes on here in the U.S. i've done a lot of work in public housing throughout the nyc area. these people live in these apartments for free, meanwhile the parking lots are filled with luxury cars and the apartments are full of 50 inch flat screens and stuff that people who pay taxes cannot afford.

ever hear of the rent control stories around nyc...few wealthy old hollywood stars paying like 1000 a month for 12,000 a month apartments on park ave etc...not the same but similar in how people take advantage of these things when they really shouldnt if they cared anything for others
They should all be hung. Look at that assholes smile on his face. What a prideless fag. That is absolutely disgusting,and they feel they deserve it. I wont even get into the liberals that fight for this. That is one reason i am leaving ny...politics.I cant take it.
They should all be hung. Look at that assholes smile on his face. What a prideless fag. No pride at all. That is absolutely disgusting,and they feel they deserve it. I wont even get into the liberals that fight for this. That is one reason i am leaving ny...politics.I cant take it.
What astonishes me is that the majority of you guys are taken aback by this. Why do you think trashy families who can care less about their kids keep having them? Their kids are nothing but a paycheck from a sissy ass welfare system that takes the backbone out of people and turns them into scum! Don’t worry though our welfare system is only getting bigger and the liberals won’t allow it to be stopped anytime soon. That’s the majority of the voting party they need the scum like these “parents” if you can call them that. If you can’t afford the kids DON’T FUCKING HAVE THEM!!! She said her goal was FOURTEEN KIDS!!!! Sometimes I just do not understand people and hope to lord I never understand these dim-witted assholes and the welfare program that promotes this behavior

Now if you a single mother with the father being passed away I can understand that completely. Our system needs to develop a backbone for this type of scum though!

And they wonder why we are always in debt :rolleyes:
67,000/9 people = $7,400 per person to live off a year... that's roughly $620 a month... that barely even covers food and clothes...it's not like they're swimming in money guys??

Thats some equation there.Broken down like a typical libby. Yeah 620 a month PER PERSON!!...living under the same roof. And their not paying for that roof! What kid needs 620 a month. You say their not swimming in money,but 67,000 is much higher then our national average. IT IS SICKENING

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