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The Synthetine Experiment

My diet has been relaxed for this break so I am not really concerned with macros each meal or as a whole in the day. When I was training yesterday I noticed my sweat smelt really badly of ammonia. That means your body is using amino acids for fuel and is obviously something we want to avoid. As a result I have decided to make sure I have carbs pre workout and I will also add 30g HBCD's whilst training. I have rice packs that contain 80g carbs so had one of those with steak for my pre workout meal today. As a result no ammonia smell and I will continue with the same intra nutrition.

Tonight I trained back and bi-ceps for about 2 hours. A good mixture of reps and techniques and I had an amazing session. I won't write it all down but will mention some details. When I train arms I often perform many supersets and lot's of random movements so it's hard to write it down in it's entirety anyway.

For back I often start with rear delts and that included reverse pec deck and seated machine high rows. I kept the weight on the high rows to just 2 x 15kg plates a side but done higher reps and pauses on every one. I do a lot of partial range of motion reps for reverse pec deck as it targets the rear delts very effectively. I will use a heavy weight for the partials then lower and do full rom reps to finish off. I still have issues with pulldowns and my bi-cep tendons so done a variety of low-moderate weight sets and also some assisted pull ups for the same reason. Lot's of standing unilateral cable rows pulling from high and low and squeezing the lats hard on every rep (went fairly heavy). Heavy weight machine rows going up to 4 plates a side. That machine is very heavy so 4 plates feels more like 6 on other machines so the reps were very low. 2 sets of seated cable rows holding in the contracted position for 10 seconds and on the 2nd set holding in the stretched position. Then I done 2 plate a side shrugs focusing on form.

Tonight I done more volume for bi-ceps than usual. A good variety of movements. The main one was incline bench hanging ez bar curls. I started with standing cable curls. I also done some concentration hammer and standard curls. Some heavy weight db hammer curls. Very heavy weight partial rom db curls. Reverse curls for 2 sets spaced apart. For forearms I done the above but also a number of sets using the gorilla grip machine. I went up to 50kg for high reps on that and it's great for grip strength. It's also known as the Bruce Lee Grip Machine. Then 2 sets of barbell twists supersetted with hanging from a bar to failure. I finished with about 10-15 mins of back, leg and hip stretches.

I did feel a bit crap before training and my sex drive has lowered a lot but that's no surprise being off everything. I am going to stay off until I get my new supply and I will probably start straightaway as I am eager :D I have lost some fullness but still lean due to the higher volume training so things are good. Post workout I had a massive bowl of special k with milk. I might cook a steak now with pan fried cashew nuts in spices.
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I trained legs yesterday and they are really sore now and I can tell tomorrow I will be struggling to walk. Very basic and intense.

Seated Calf Raises... many sets going up in weight finishing with 2 crazy drops sets.
Standing Leg Curls... 10 sets of 10 reps with each leg.
Squat Machine... 3 sets of 10 reps.
Hack Squat... 10 sets of 10 reps.
Leg Extensions... 10 sets of 10 reps.
Standing Knee Raises... 5 sets of 10 reps with each leg.

The 10 sets of 10 rep movements I used a moderate weight I could probably get 30 reps with. The difference is I rested 10-30 secs between each set so it was brutal. I slowed down the reps and focused on form. By the 7th set I was struggling badly. For the leg curls I barely rested between all 20 sets and just rotated legs. I started the squat machine but my lower back felt tight so I decided to use hack squats instead. For the hack squats I didn't rest the weight for the last 5 sets so it was brutal. For the knee raises I used the standing leg curl machine and like the leg curls had next to no rest between all sets.

For calves I would estimate about 10 sets as well. The last 2 I used 10 x 10kg plates so 5 per side. I had my mate help with some assisted positive reps with the 5 and 4 plate sets. I done many partials reps throughout as well. I also had my mate push down hard and hold the negative stretch for approx 20 secs at the end of the 4 and 2 plate sets. The other drop set was a basic drop set with many partial reps included. Just 2 brutal sets that hurt but I like training calves like that. They are really sore now which is unusual so I am happy. I will never had great calves but continue to improve them over the years.

Today was a day off and 2moro I plan to train chest, shoulders and tri-ceps and looking forward to it.
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I was going through old threads of mine and just found this gem from over 5 years ago :D I remember it wasn't long after injuring my lower back badly so I couldn't do any squats and started doing more higher rep stuff. My 1st ever video so crap quality but it's funny to look back. 12 plates for 54 reps at the end of a big leg workout that was brutal.

kevin 169 - YouTube
In the last year I have started uisng more machines and cable movements for my back exercises. I started this due to my messed up lower back. However the change was only positive and my back responded better than it had with the basic heavy free weight movements. I really concentrate on form and I am highly focused during every rep. I would love to do some heavy barbells rows or deadlifts like in the past but they are not possible. Anyway I trained back on Sunday and for a change I added in a lot more free weight stuff. I had to keep the weight very light and focused on form and had a great session. I trained back, bi-ceps and abs for just over 2 hours. I won't go into full detail but will mention a few things.

For rear delts I like using the reverse pec deck and after warming up I put the weight very high and do partial rom reps. Literally just the first 1/4 of the rep and will do high reps. That first 1/4 really targets the rear delts hard and I overload them with heavy weight. Then I immediately drop the weight and perform full rom reps to failure again. I finished this with a drop set with 4 drops which started with 2 partial rom sets and fiinished with 3 full rom sets.

I added some deadlifts moving into barbell rows for high reps with 1 plate a side. In addition to barbell rows later on with an over and underhand grip and I went up to 30kg a side. Very light but my lower back is bad so I focused on form and done higher reps.

Another technique I like to use are pull ups supersetted with assisted pull ups. Although this time like with the reverse pec deck on the pull ups I used a partial rom focusing on the bottom half. I immediately go to the asisted pull up machine and do full rom reps with very slow negatives to failure.

For bi-ceps I kept it simple and after warming up with a few fast movements I done a drop set with cable bicep curls with a straight bar. I done a drop set with 70kg, 55kg, 40kg and 25kg. I rotated hand position so wide, medium, narrow and wide.

Then I completed a drop set with DB hammer curls starting at 15kg db's. I can do much heavier but with my tendon issue plus I slowed the reps down and squeezed on every one so this was brutal in the end. I performed 5 drops and 10 reps each drop so 50 reps in total. I used 15kg, 12kg, 10kg, 8kg and 6kg. I done 2 drop sets like this.

For abs I started with the seated crunch machine (plate loaded). I go slow and make every rep count. The only rest I get is putting the plates on/off so 10 secs max. I start at no weight for 40 reps, 10kg for 30 reps, 20kg for 20 reps, 10kg for 30 reps and no weight for 40 reps.

Then I just done some cable twists supersetted with planks.

I finished with 15 mins of back, leg, hip and glute stretches.

I felt great afterwards but it's hard work so a pre workout is essential for me. My hormones have dropped and my sex drive is definitely down and I have softened up a little. I have been having some big meals and I notice the difference in my lower abs. I definitely don't process food the same way but it's to be expected on low test and most likely higher estrogen. I am still doing fine and will do a mini diet for a few days before I go back on. I will also get a full blood test fairly soon as well.

Gonna train legs tonight which will be fun :eek::D The old leg press vid as put me in the mood for some higher reps. Although most of my main movements tonight will be 10-15 reps. Have a good day everyone.
Totally agree on the back training. My back made so much more progress with cables and plate loaded Hammer Strength equipment than it ever did with DB rows, barbell rows, traditional pulldowns, etc.

Given your height I'd imagine you have long arms, as do I. I think cables and machines are key in back development for those with long arms because they make it easier to maintain tension throughout the movement - it's a lot easier for a 5'6" guy to do heavy barbell rows and maintain tension than a 6'2" guy.
Totally agree on the back training. My back made so much more progress with cables and plate loaded Hammer Strength equipment than it ever did with DB rows, barbell rows, traditional pulldowns, etc.

Given your height I'd imagine you have long arms, as do I. I think cables and machines are key in back development for those with long arms because they make it easier to maintain tension throughout the movement - it's a lot easier for a 5'6" guy to do heavy barbell rows and maintain tension than a 6'2" guy.

Exactly the same for me. My arms are very long so I had the same issue. My lower back is messed up now so I can't pull anything heavy unless my chest is supported. I lifted very light with the free weight stuff last time and even after that my lower back has been very tight so I have to be careful. I will still add in a few bits from time to time but I have to be extra careful. I used to lift heavy on dl's, t-bar rows, barbell rows etc and with decent form. I remember t-bar rowing 9 plates for reps for example but it never done much for me. My back is wide and quite thick but never impressive. Since I stated using cables my back has improved a lot. I get very techinical with my back training now and it's definitely helping. Although I do love loading up the hammer strength rowing machine and going for it :)
My strength is down but I feel good. Sounds bad but I have never wanted to inject steroids more in my life :D Although I am still off and will remain it for a little longer. I am really going to go for it when I get back on though. I stretch a lot but still have issues with my left hip but I am sure after a few weeks on deca that will fade away. My joints definitely feel dry and it's always the case when I come off hormones.

My legs are so sore from 2 days ago but I trained chest, shoulders and tri-ceps earlier. I pushed it and it felt good. My workout consisted of...

Warm Up.
Seated Chest Press... about 8 sets of 20-10 reps... basically playing about with grip width and going up slowly in weight. A lot of 10-5 reps wide and 10-5 reps narrow in the same set. The last 2 sets were to complete failure and lower reps.
DB Presses... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of I think 7 reps. The worst part of these were putting the heavy db's on my legs as my quads were so sore :D
Cable Flyes lying on a bench... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
High Incline Machine Chest Press... 3 sets of 20 reps (10/10 wide/narrow).
DB Lateral Raises... about 6 sets of 15-10 reps.
Machine Lateral Raises... 3 warm up sets and 2 working sets with the last being a big drop set with about 5 drops.
Tri-cep Extensions... about 8 quick paced sets using unilateral over and under hand and rope etc for 20-15 reps.
Machine Tri-cep Dips... 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets.
Lying on the floor EZ Bar Tri-cep Extensions... 3 sets of 15 reps. 10 reps normal and 5 dead stop reps using extra slow negatives.
Machine Tri-cep Extension... 1 working set.
Back, leg and hip stretches.
My gf wanted pizza last night so I got one for me. I don't even like pizza that much. It was nice but I get bored eating them and it upset my stomach a little. It's also amazing how shit that 1 pizza made me look :D From now on my cheat meal of choice will be a chinese and if I am really good museli, greek yoghurt, blueberries and dates in one giant bowl.

I never posted my leg workout from the other day but will mention a few details. I couldn't walk properly for 3 days and my legs have only just started feeling better.

20 sets of 10 rep unilateral leg curls (10 sets for each leg)
5 sets of 15 rep stiff leg deadlifts with toes elevated on a 10kg plate.
5 sets of 20-10 rep sumo leg press with feet very high pressing with heels.
10 sets of 20-10 rep leg press.
5 sets of leg extensions supersetted with 5 sets of sissy squats.
10 sets of seated calf raises.
3 sets of high rep tibialis raises.
Back, leg, hip and glute stretches for 15 mins.

63 sets total.

Tonight I trained back and biceps/forearms. Just a variety of movements and a 2 hour workout. Lot's of cable work today and some very heavy hammer strength rows. I won't go into detail but it felt good. I finished with a good superset for forearms. I think I done about 7 supersets so a lot and as a result my forearms have been cramping. I have had plenty of electrolytes but with the pump ingredients and the super intensity it's no surprise. I would do barbell twists with 5kg a side which means twisting a barbell around in my hands for as long as possible. I rotate each set with an overhand and underhand grip.

Barbell Twist as long as possible.
Hanging with super tight grip for as long as possible.
Closing Grippers (I used the clips/springs for the barbells in the gym).

I will get my aas very soon and will start my new cycle when I do. I am looking forward to it. I actually used peptides the last 2 nights. I have had 1 vial of ipamorelin and 1 tesamorelin in my fridge for about 2 years. I was going through everything I had in stock the other day and figured I might as well use them for the sleep benefits. So I have dosed 1mg of each both nights. It's not gonna do much over 5 days but the dreams alone are worth it. I had the most realistic and crazy dream I have had in years and it was incredible. I never have dreams like that. I also slept a lot so good recovery. I am hoping when I start hgh I get the same dreams.
20 sets leg curl!

My gf wanted pizza last night so I got one for me. I don't even like pizza that much. It was nice but I get bored eating them and it upset my stomach a little. It's also amazing how shit that 1 pizza made me look :D From now on my cheat meal of choice will be a chinese and if I am really good museli, greek yoghurt, blueberries and dates in one giant bowl.

I never posted my leg workout from the other day but will mention a few details. I couldn't walk properly for 3 days and my legs have only just started feeling better.

20 sets of 10 rep unilateral leg curls (10 sets for each leg)
5 sets of 15 rep stiff leg deadlifts with toes elevated on a 10kg plate.
5 sets of 20-10 rep sumo leg press with feet very high pressing with heels.
10 sets of 20-10 rep leg press.
5 sets of leg extensions supersetted with 5 sets of sissy squats.
10 sets of seated calf raises.
3 sets of high rep tibialis raises.
Back, leg, hip and glute stretches for 15 mins.

63 sets total.

Tonight I trained back and biceps/forearms. Just a variety of movements and a 2 hour workout. Lot's of cable work today and some very heavy hammer strength rows. I won't go into detail but it felt good. I finished with a good superset for forearms. I think I done about 7 supersets so a lot and as a result my forearms have been cramping. I have had plenty of electrolytes but with the pump ingredients and the super intensity it's no surprise. I would do barbell twists with 5kg a side which means twisting a barbell around in my hands for as long as possible. I rotate each set with an overhand and underhand grip.

Barbell Twist as long as possible.
Hanging with super tight grip for as long as possible.
Closing Grippers (I used the clips/springs for the barbells in the gym).

I will get my aas very soon and will start my new cycle when I do. I am looking forward to it. I actually used peptides the last 2 nights. I have had 1 vial of ipamorelin and 1 tesamorelin in my fridge for about 2 years. I was going through everything I had in stock the other day and figured I might as well use them for the sleep benefits. So I have dosed 1mg of each both nights. It's not gonna do much over 5 days but the dreams alone are worth it. I had the most realistic and crazy dream I have had in years and it was incredible. I never have dreams like that. I also slept a lot so good recovery. I am hoping when I start hgh I get the same dreams.

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20 sets leg curl!


Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

It was 10 sets per leg so not bad at all. I pretty much go through the 20 sets non stop. Well for the first half I rest approx 20 secs between sets. Then for the last half/10 I rotate right to left with no rest between sets. Those 20 sets do not take me long at all. Then the 5 sets of stiff leg deadlifts were fast pased as well. I didn't go very heavy due to my lower back. I went heavier for the 5 sets of sumo leg press and took more time. Overall hams were 30 sets over approx 40 mins. Leg Press for quads I went very heavy so took much more time. The leg extensions were moderate weight and the sissy squats just bodyweight but intense. That superset was intense so I rested 2 mins between sets but for the final 2 sets I had no rest whatsoever and ended with leg extensions. My quads were also approx 40 mins. Well my timing may be off by 10 mins but you get the idea. Training usually lasts me 2 hours total but I never time it and just do what I want to do for that given day going on energy levels and mood etc.
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It was 10 sets per leg so not bad at all. I pretty much go through the 20 sets non stop. Well for the first half I rest approx 20 secs between sets. Then for the last half/10 I rotate right to left with no rest between sets. Those 20 sets do not take me long at all. Then the 5 sets of stiff leg deadlifts were fast pased as well. I didn't go very heavy due to my lower back. I went heavier for the 5 sets of sumo leg press and took more time. Overall hams were 30 sets over approx 40 mins. Leg Press for quads I went very heavy so took much more time. The leg extensions were moderate weight and the sissy squats just bodyweight but intense. That superset was intense so I rested 2 mins between sets but for the final 2 sets I had no rest whatsoever and ended with leg extensions. My quads were also approx 40 mins. Well my timing may be off by 10 mins but you get the idea. Training usually lasts me 2 hours total but I never time it and just do what I want to do for that given day going on energy levels and mood etc.
Sounds more like cardio when u do your leg curls like that don't you think?

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20 sets leg curl!


Ever since he came to my gym many many years ago and I watched Serge Nubret train for several weeks straight while he was prepping for his comeback at the Olympia as a guest poser (he unfortunately died before he could attend the event :(), I've gotten rid of ALL my certitudes about training or what was the best way to achieve results... dude was literally (he was known for it and I had the opportunity to validate this urban legend :p) pilling giant set of 50+ reps with very light weight after giant set for 2-3 hours straight... and believe me, at more than 60 y.o. back then, he was changing and looking more phenomenal by the day! :eek:

Bottom line: find what works for you and just do it, without paying attention to those telling you you're either doing too much, or worse don't know how to train... lol... ;):)
Sounds more like cardio when u do your leg curls like that don't you think?

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Whilst it improves cardiovascular fitness I would definitely not call it more like cardio. When I do these type of sets I am not using light weights. Well sometimes I use light weights (slow the reps right down so more tut) but for example if I were to do 10 sets of 10 slow reps on leg press with 10-15 secs rest between sets it's gonna be approx 6 plates a side. It's just an intensity technique which hits the muscle brutally hard without me risking injury and having to load up the leg press.

For the leg curls I didn't use a lot of weight but you don't need it for the equipment (standing) I used. I started failing by the 10th rep on approx the 7th set for example. If I fail on the 8th rep I will rest pause until I get to 10. So I am still going to muscular failure but again in a way were I don't have to load up the machine and risk straining my lower back.

Ever since he came to my gym many many years ago and I watched Serge Nubret train for several weeks straight while he was prepping for his comeback at the Olympia as a guest poser (he unfortunately died before he could attend the event :(), I've gotten rid of ALL my certitudes about training or what was the best way to achieve results... dude was literally (he was known for it and I had the opportunity to validate this urban legend :p) pilling giant set of 50+ reps with very light weight after giant set for 2-3 hours straight... and believe me, at more than 60 y.o. back then, he was changing and looking more phenomenal by the day! :eek:

Bottom line: find what works for you and just do it, without paying attention to those telling you you're either doing too much, or worse don't know how to train... lol... ;):)

Exactly. I love training this way so that's why I do it. It's funny you mention Serge Nubret as I think that's the first time I heard of this type of training and I copied it from that. Basically pick a weight you could probably get for 30 reps but do 10 sets of 10 with minimum rest periods. Plus when I say minimum I mean 10-15 secs. For unilateral movements I started doing about 20 secs but for the final 5 sets out of 10 I would take no rest and rotate right to left so I would always start failing on about the 3th set and the last 2 would be brutal.

It's in me to push it but I think for many people (especially for older guys) I think this style of training without pushing it too much is great. Basically go the gym and pump the targeted muscle with as much blood as possible. Lift a variety of weights and some heavy stuff but nothing silly. Take in tonnes of eaa's and some fast acting carbs intra and push those nutrients into the working muscles. I see some older guys pushing it in the gym and trying to put weight on the bar every week and it 90% of the time ends in injury. Although I can't blame them as it's in me to push it as well so I sometimes do some stupid things.

I am ok now but even today I was getting a wash and bent to one side a little and the right side of my lower back went a bit. That was just from washing my face :eek::D Plus I know 100% it's from adding in some free weight barbell rows and rack pulls recently even though I kept the weight very light. So it's back to machines and chest supported stuff for me. I did still train legs today for approx 2 hours and it felt great but left out and free weight squats or stiff leg deadlifts for that reason. Well I did do stiff leg deadlifts but unilaterally as my back feels safe the way I do them but it still hits the hams hard.

My AAS have been shipped so I should have them in about 5 days :) This is going to get good :D
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Legs again yesterday...

Seated Calf Raises... about 10 sets of 20-10 reps going up in weight. I finished with 2 drop sets (brutal).
Tibialis Raises... 4 sets of high reps.
Unilateral Standing Leg Curls for 15-10 reps supersetted with Unilateral DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts for 15-12 reps... 5 sets for each leg (20 sets total).
Machine Glute Raises... 3 sets for each leg going up in weight each set.
Leg Adductors... 5 sets going up in weight to the full weight rack.
Machine Hack Squat... 3 sets of 40-20 reps then 10 sets of 10 reps going up in weight. I used the full weight rack for the last 5 sets.
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 10 sets of 15-10 reps for each leg going up in weight. This machine is old and feels very heavy but still went up to most of the rack with 1 leg. I try to make the negatives as slow as possible.
Standing Knee Extensions (used the standing leg curl machine)... 4 sets of 10 reps with each leg.
Abs for 15 mins (my machine Crunch megaset, hanging knee raises and planks).
Leg, Back, Glute and Hip stretches for 15 mins.

Even my crap legs are improving training like this. Although probably not the smartest way of training on no gear but in a few days when I receive I will be loading up so watch me grow :)

My intra nutrition does wonders for my recovery though. I also had some high carb (and protein) meals post workout. Then pre bed I had a small snack of 4 whole eggs with added salt. I also drink a lot of aminos between meals so I am optimizing recovery even in this hormonal state. I had a long sleep and feel good so later I will train chest, shoulders and tri-ceps :)
My push session the other day went well. Chest was mainly decline smith presses, db flyes and cable presses. Shoulders db lateral raises, standing barbell presses and 1 working set of machine lateral raises. Tri-ceps barbell skull crushers supersetted with close grip bench then some extensions.

Earlier I had a pull session and I wasn't fully feeling it but pushed through. My left bi-cep tendon has started again so I lowered the weights and done a variety of tri, super and giant sets. I even skipped bi-ceps and added quite a few sets of abs. I utilized the smith machine for incline bench rows for my 1st movement (after warming up) and planned to go very heavy but the tendon was causing me issues so I changed my approach. I also performed more neutral/hammer grip rows as that feels better on the tendon for me. I ignored my stick to machines due to my lower back post the other day and decided to throw in some t-bar rows at the end. I only went up to 4 plates which felt light but I done high reps and concentrated on squeezing on every rep.

This thread was about high dosed synthetine and I have posted my overall thoughts a few times but haven't used it since before my holiday and having a break from it. I should have ended this log awhile back but carried it on as I like posting about my training. I will stop it now as I have new goals and this is outdated and it will make things more clear. So gonna have a few days off the gym and start my new cycle when it comes and will post a new thread. More of the same but hopefully lot's of growth. I have been off everything for it seems awhile now but not too sure but it must be approaching 2 months soon. I am eager to get to work and start growing. My libido is also non existent so the hormones will sort that out too :D

If anyone wants to know about high dosed synthetine/l-carnitine just read through this thread or pm me. Thanks
i always like following your logs elvia , always well detailed!
i always like following your logs elvia , always well detailed!

Thank you. I am having a long break from synthetine. I have a new log going and gonna try and grow. I may add in a small dose of synthetine to help minimize fat gain whilst I grow but in no rush to do so just yet. It's great stuff but the less injections the better for me as I have started using syntherol again.
fuking nice read, here other one that gona try carnitine and somethings!!

Thanks. I just read a few pages. It's always good for me looking back at old threads. It gave me a few ideas for training over the next few weeks as well. I have been lifting very heavy in the 5-12 rep range recently so it's about time I lower the weight but push the intensity. My joints will fall a part if I carry on doing my 5-8 reps maxes on presses :eek::D

Weird you bumped the thread as I have had a break from synthetine recently but today I woke up and dosed 3ml and had a shake and trained afterwards. I usually wait until I have had a few meals to train but felt like something different and it felt good.
Thank you. I am having a long break from synthetine. I have a new log going and gonna try and grow. I may add in a small dose of synthetine to help minimize fat gain whilst I grow but in no rush to do so just yet. It's great stuff but the less injections the better for me as I have started using syntherol again.

Looking forward to seeing more progress pictures. You seem to be making progress with every new set of photos!

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