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Took a shot and thought I was gonna die


Jan 28, 2008
Really weird. Took a shot of 100mg prop. Just recently switched brands but the company im using is well known so I found this odd. Took the shot in the butt with a 1.5" 25gauge and afterwards I got really dizzy and started coughing very hard. Felt like my lungs were kinda constricting and heart started beating really fast. I've heard this can happen if you accidently inject into a vein but I aspirate and all was fine, so im thinking a little bit of it must have somehow made its way into a vein. What the hell happened? Anyone else get this. I've actually had this happen a few times in the past when using a very high npp/prop mg/ml but this was by far the worst. I also got a weird taste in my mouth, almost a metallic taste.
This happens to me every once in a while. Always when I hit the glutes, never any other muscle. The taste is what bothers me the most. I think it's from hitting a vein or blood vessel or something.
Really weird. Took a shot of 100mg prop. Just recently switched brands but the company im using is well known so I found this odd. Took the shot in the butt with a 1.5" 25gauge and afterwards I got really dizzy and started coughing very hard. Felt like my lungs were kinda constricting and heart started beating really fast. I've heard this can happen if you accidently inject into a vein but I aspirate and all was fine, so im thinking a little bit of it must have somehow made its way into a vein. What the hell happened? Anyone else get this. I've actually had this happen a few times in the past when using a very high npp/prop mg/ml but this was by far the worst. I also got a weird taste in my mouth, almost a metallic taste.

The taste thing has happened to me before thats no big deal. You might have allergy's to the ester they use. Prop is a painful Test to begin with but I love the results. Keep us informed on your results hopefully it was just a bad shot..
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no thats how you feel when you injected it in the vain.dont worry it go's away after a few minuts you will be alright.
You injected the oil in a vein. The taste is the oil coming up through your lungs ( you are expelling it when you cough). Scary as hell the first time it ever happens.
I happened to me once a long time ago when I used to be involved in all that.

It happened with Tren. I coughed for about 15 minutes. It was bad.
Wow so the taste is the oil huh? I've noticed I always get "the taste" on almost every shot when using UG labs. So this cant mean im always injecting into a vein does it?
Wow so the taste is the oil huh? I've noticed I always get "the taste" on almost every shot when using UG labs. So this cant mean im always injecting into a vein does it?

It's the BA. UG products have higher BA usually, so it finds it's way easier in the capillaries. The TASTE is the BA. The cough is the oil.
It's the BA. UG products have higher BA usually, so it finds it's way easier in the capillaries. The TASTE is the BA. The cough is the oil.

Can this be extremely harmful to lung tissue??
It's the BA. UG products have higher BA usually, so it finds it's way easier in the capillaries. The TASTE is the BA. The cough is the oil.

Makes sense b/c the hrt cypionate I use is in just sesame seed oil I believe from an american pharmacy, but all the other UG stuff i've used I usually get somewhat of a metallic taste 1 outta every 4 or 5 shots at least.

I too wonder what health risks are associated with a bit of oil going into a vein? Im presuming your body just naturally gets rid of it, but that contraction of the lungs, rapid heartbeat and faint sweating cannot be healthy.
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I always have this with tren. I always tried to withstand the cough as I knew that I would end up in bits.

But sure enough I'd let out one little cough then i'd be in friggin pieces. My heart would go nuts then I'd be sweating up loads.

Put me off it for a while.
I have felt the same with Tren & Prop. I have also had a glute feel like it was on fire twice. I couldn't even finish the shot had to turn the other cheek.. Not cool but i survived. Both mishaps only happened when shooting in the glutes.
I've had it happen a couple of times definitely sucks. scary s--t the first time it happens seems to be usuallly the glutes
Seems to be alot of this lately.

I have never gotten it.
Really weird. Took a shot of 100mg prop. Just recently switched brands but the company im using is well known so I found this odd. Took the shot in the butt with a 1.5" 25gauge and afterwards I got really dizzy and started coughing very hard. Felt like my lungs were kinda constricting and heart started beating really fast. I've heard this can happen if you accidently inject into a vein but I aspirate and all was fine, so im thinking a little bit of it must have somehow made its way into a vein. What the hell happened? Anyone else get this. I've actually had this happen a few times in the past when using a very high npp/prop mg/ml but this was by far the worst. I also got a weird taste in my mouth, almost a metallic taste.

man that just about happens to me with most Test E shots ( I use all high dose stuff). I am told it is the BA that is going to the lungs that makes you cough. One time it was so bad i almost passed out from coughing. My doc gave me albuterol pump to breathe albuterol before the shot and I have no trouble at all with the coughing. BUT I always breath out that sickining alcohol breath and strange taste in my mouth.

man that just about happens to me with most Test E shots ( I use all high dose stuff). I am told it is the BA that is going to the lungs that makes you cough. One time it was so bad i almost passed out from coughing. My doc gave me albuterol pump to breathe albuterol before the shot and I have no trouble at all with the coughing. BUT I always breath out that sickining alcohol breath and strange taste in my mouth.


bro you have a cool doc lol

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