I know anadrol can be sucessfully used on a cutting cycle. I used the snake & arrow British Disp (EQ and Omna too) and leaned up quite nicely and I didn't bother using an anti-E. I feel the S&A A50 were real, but didn't pack the punch everyone experiences with the Turks. If I used the Turks, would A-dex keep down water retention? Would it really be best to stick with the "snakes" since I know what to expect (minimal water retention)? I'm leaning more towards lean gains/cutting down than an out-right 35lb bulker. The Turks are almost double the $$, so I want to use them to their full potential. I guess I'm lucky that I've never had to worry about gyno, thus my lack of knowledge about A-dex, femera, nolvadex etc. Water retention didn't used to be a concern either, until I figured out women weren't attracted to a bloated (but strong!!) Michelin man.