Ok, I'm 5 weeks into current cycle. Are there any contraindications to having a vasectomy performed while on cycle....I can't imagine there are, but wanted to ask any that may have had this done while cycling...
no problem..doc gave me 10mg of valium before he cut my nut..i said this is not going to cut it..with a few rum and cokes i was perfect at 8am...i was wasted as hell...and the nurse said "do me a favor and call back to let us no you got home safe."
my doctor made a comment about my nutz being substandard. I told him I was on a 500mg Test C cycle. I got a shot of something, he cut my left side... no prob. Did the right side and GOD DAMN HE FORGOT TO DEADEND THE AREA!!!!! Actually, he did, but I felt that scalpel slice my nut sack... Oh, he knew real quick that I could feel it.