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What kind of a Job do you have?

What kind of a job do you have?

  • Sales

    Votes: 152 18.8%
  • Teaching

    Votes: 20 2.5%
  • Food Service

    Votes: 24 3.0%
  • Healthcare

    Votes: 106 13.1%
  • Law Enforcement

    Votes: 53 6.6%
  • Administrative

    Votes: 39 4.8%
  • Health and Fitness

    Votes: 64 7.9%
  • Customer Service

    Votes: 35 4.3%
  • Military

    Votes: 35 4.3%
  • Labor/Skilled Labor

    Votes: 237 29.4%
  • Accounting

    Votes: 31 3.8%
  • Non-Profit

    Votes: 11 1.4%

  • Total voters
Decisioner in the Loss Mitigation department of a major bank by day.

Bouncer(called a floor man) at a new strip club by night.
Nearly 15% (law Enforcement) of those polled are trying to bust the rest of us for taking roids...LOL
Decisioner in the Loss Mitigation department of a major bank by day.

Bouncer(called a floor man) at a new strip club by night.

Wouldnt be BofA would it? Damn Equator system is frustrating! I could use a good contact to get some of these short sales I have for my clients pushed through and approved.
I didn't see IT or Computer Admins. on your list. I guess the stereotype of computer jobs would make people think we don't lift or body build, but I would have to disagree. Most the guys I know and work with or work out with at the gym are in some form of computer related job. I'm 39, 245, 15% BF and I don't know of anyone who would look at me and think "computer geek." I'm no Ronnie Coleman, but I'm a pretty big dude and can lift more than most. The IT jobs we have pay a shit ton of money, the hours and benefits are good which makes it affords us the opportunity to workout and afford supplements that are harder for others to afford. Maybe it's just an Indiana thing.. but there are a ton of Big, strong, supplemented computer guys here.. I'm just say'n. :headbang:
Decisioner in the Loss Mitigation department of a major bank by day.

Bouncer(called a floor man) at a new strip club by night.

Decisioner, so I'm assuming it's credit related. And since you said Loss Mitigation, I'm assuming it's the review of existing accounts to determine whether or not adverse action needs to be applied in order to reduce high-risk contigent liability. Am I warm?
Nearly 15% (law Enforcement) of those polled are trying to bust the rest of us for taking roids...LOL

Lol. I had actually thought about going into Law Enforcement for a while, but two things stood in my way.

1) I am COVERED in tattoos. Arms, hands, neck, legs, back, etc.. No agencies even close to where I live allow tattoos.

2) I would be one crooked cop, lol. Not bad, I just wouldn't bust anyone, like myself, for things like AAS usage. ..and if I did catch someone, I'd let them go if they gave it to me. :p
I didn't see IT or Computer Admins. on your list. I guess the stereotype of computer jobs would make people think we don't lift or body build, but I would have to disagree. Most the guys I know and work with or work out with at the gym are in some form of computer related job. I'm 39, 245, 15% BF and I don't know of anyone who would look at me and think "computer geek." I'm no Ronnie Coleman, but I'm a pretty big dude and can lift more than most. The IT jobs we have pay a shit ton of money, the hours and benefits are good which makes it affords us the opportunity to workout and afford supplements that are harder for others to afford. Maybe it's just an Indiana thing.. but there are a ton of Big, strong, supplemented computer guys here.. I'm just say'n. :headbang:

I have to agree with most of what your saying...except the money part... I am an IT mgr and I DONT make a shit ton of money... unless my definition of "Shit Ton" is different than yours...

I do have to say I am probably the strongest guy in the company... :) (physically that is)
lol.. I guess it is all relative... the paycheck.. seems you always spend what you make.. It doesn't surprise me to see that COPS are a larger percentage of the group. I know where I live... the police look... well... unusually large with veins the size of power cables... I'm just say'n.. Maybe that's why crime is almost non-existent where I live...lol. :D
I work for one of the worlds largest search engines (think yellow smiley face ;) ). I do IT work, mainly troubleshooting system outages in any of our offices world wide, or assisting any of our engineers with their various Unix problems that they may encounter doing their development work.
Like the other IT guys that posted on here I by all means do not fit the bill of your general IT person. People look at me and instantly think, there is no way that guy works on computers. He looks like he smashes the keyboard and truly believes the files are physically located somewhere in the monitor he is looking at.

Love my job, between the pay and the hours it keeps me more than happy.

Who know's what the future will bring, served 5.5 years in Army, and there are times I consider going back since I'm still young enough to serve. But who knows where the wind will blow next.

That's funny.. we sound a lot alike... I served 6 years in the ARMY too... 96D-20 (Imagery Analyst).. Intelligence, another oxymoron. I use to have those thoughts about re-upping, but life outside is so much better. I loved when I was in, but I also love life now.. so I'll leave it to the young bucks to fight the bad guys...
That's funny.. we sound a lot alike... I served 6 years in the ARMY too... 96D-20 (Imagery Analyst).. Intelligence, another oxymoron. I use to have those thoughts about re-upping, but life outside is so much better. I loved when I was in, but I also love life now.. so I'll leave it to the young bucks to fight the bad guys...

I hear that, I was 11B-20 a grunt of the airborne variety. Once it's in your blood it's in your blood. But I hear what you are saying, what's the sense in beating your body up more then you really have to. Gracefully falling from airplanes gets old after a while :)

Lol. I had actually thought about going into Law Enforcement for a while, but two things stood in my way.

1) I am COVERED in tattoos. Arms, hands, neck, legs, back, etc.. No agencies even close to where I live allow tattoos.

2) I would be one crooked cop, lol. Not bad, I just wouldn't bust anyone, like myself, for things like AAS usage. ..and if I did catch someone, I'd let them go if they gave it to me. :p

Damn here in NY they'd love you and also DEA would love you too for looking like that (my friends cousin is undercover and looks like a big fat tattoo biker dude). As far as #2 - you describe something that happens all too often, I have cop friends and they aren't scum bags but they keep getting bigger and bigger after acquiring some items and letting people go :D Oh and you have to see what happens when they bust guys for weed and other drugs, they used that for other parts of their job and it does not entail them getting high or using it themselves.
Damn here in NY they'd love you and also DEA would love you too for looking like that (my friends cousin is undercover and looks like a big fat tattoo biker dude). As far as #2 - you describe something that happens all too often, I have cop friends and they aren't scum bags but they keep getting bigger and bigger after acquiring some items and letting people go :D Oh and you have to see what happens when they bust guys for weed and other drugs, they used that for other parts of their job and it does not entail them getting high or using it themselves.

Wow really?

I have been told that if I moved to a bigger city it would be much more accepted. I mean, I do live in one of the most conservative cities (Henderson), in one of the most conservative parts (east) of one of the most conservative states (Texas). Lol.

I'll definitely look into moving into a bigger city.
Im in the medical field (not doctor) but have several who work for me. I get to help people look and feel better :) I think I work about 8 hrs a wk lol. then again I did bust my ass to get them going.
Gym Manager/Personal Trainer.

Manage a small gym that just opened two years ago. I came in the gym and started working out and eventually got offered a job training there. After I got hired, I continuously made suggestions that I thought would make the business run more efficiently. Eventually the owners got tired of me "suggesting" things all the time, and said, just go do it already dammit.

It was originally a power lifting / bodybuilding gym when it opened, but we've since expanded and now do mixed martial arts too. I used to love watching UFC but after having to deal with a bunch of broke fighters who want to come in and train for free all the fucking time, I can't stand it any more. Also the guys who teach the MMA classes are always bitching about something.

One trainer got fired, and I gave the trainer I felt was most qualified his classes, and the other two come and bitch saying they want to split the classes. So theres 5 classes a week, and I tell them to split the classes up, and rock paper scissors for who gets 2 classes instead of one. Anyway the end of the month rolls around, and I'm not sure how much any single one of them is owed, so I just give them an envelope full of cash to split amongst themselves since they're all contracted anyway and don't need a pay stub. They come back and tell me it's short. I'm like what are ya'll talking about? Turns out that all three of them had been showing up to every single class, and expected me to pay all three of them to be there at the same time. AS IF. One guy got really butt hurt about it, and ended up kicking the glass front door in later that night, and I had to fire him.

So long story short, I do not like the MMA program. However everything else is great, I can be choosy about who I want to train since I have the extra income from managing.
Im an Ironworker

Nice. I did that for awhile myself, just didn't like having to get up at 4am to drive to NY ed.

I'm Diesel Mechanic now, I work for family which sucks. I don't make the money I should.

it;s not what I want to do but it's a means to an end. I am getting my credit sorted out b/c I want to open up my own supplement store. I love that part of BB'in and have always wanted to do something with that. I thought I wanted to start a supplement company at first but I looked at what it would take to do that and it's just crazy at the competition and the mount of money I would need to start it up. There are a lot of other reasons why I'm not doing it but don't feel like going through it all. So I want to open a store and e\ventually maybe two stores. And after all that I could maybe have a house supplement brand. There are a couple specialty things I want to do with the store too, that I think will help me stand out. It's just getting the money together, and as it stands now there's not a bank in the world that will lend me the money.
Professional Chef for over 22 years and Food Safety Consultant.

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