Agree with
@danieltx 100% re: credibility. If you’re going to spew advice on here, especially the dudes who do it with such “authority”, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to then show you practice what you preach.
And I don’t want to put words in Brad’s mouth but I don’t think he’s saying everyone on here needs to be a competitive bodybuilder. But this is a bodybuilding lifestyle forum and we have dudes on here posting insane drug protocols of grams of gear with no real goals or directions and eating like a 5th grader. And on top of that some are too embarrassed to even post a pic of their physique. Seems pointless…
I don’t mean to dump on
@Fleezy because he’s my boy. But it’s a good example of what Brad was talking about. He made a post about taking a gram of Test and 800mgs of NPP with no set goal in mind. That’s a tonnnnnn of gear to take just to take…