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Just sad to see the 90's and 2000's bodybuilders continually going thru this

NOPE...probably the sick amounts of Insulin and GH that guys in the 90s and 2000s LIVED ON.

Now that I've seen people I know personally have EXTREME health issues from GH...It's completely changed my mind on the drug. I never touched it and never will.

Care to elaborate of the extreme health issues and their abuse of it which makes you draw that apparent conclusion?
If anyone spells Resveratrol in this thread correctly, they get a high-five.
Overall, I need to do better with daily supplements towards health and have a better diet. You should come on down to a nice lean fit 220 like me... trust me, the women love it :wink-wink: nudge nudge lol

Fuck women and what they love, big pains in the asses every one of em.
I hope they think I look like shit, gonna get more ink too, I know they HATE THAT.
Seriously, I feel good at 260 but what I did to make my body get this size over the years was NOT healthy.
And I wonder if at any moment I wont be stricken by serious heath issues, I can live with my life being shortened but its not that simple, getting sick, rotting away in a hospital bed is no death I want any part of.
If I had a stroke or massive coronary, ok, dead is dead, but dying a slow death is a nightmarish way to go IMO, oh that and being eaten by a shark or some other large predator.
3.5 grams a week! i hope not a lot of you are taking that much. those guys did more anabolics and orals then androgens then i'm fairly certain. i know i never did more than maybe 1.5 grams in a week but even that i thought was insane.

i think a lot is genetics. i think if you were likely to have a heart attack at 60 and you did a ton of juice you might have one at 40. if you are not predisposed to much heart disease you may never have a problem or maybe you do so intead of living to 96 you die at 80.

besides who knows the amounts of mercury and lead and other impurities are in that bottle from powder from who knows where. some of the stuff isn't even whats on the label. i think the size above all metallity and putting more time into your juice stack then your training could be something.

And also stress is stress. we take more drugs today and put more stress on our bodies than ever. extreme physical stress in the gym emotional stress whatever. stress stress stress. yeah. i believe it shortens lives definitely. i'd be surprised if it didnt
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Your welcome! From the most recent study I read you need a minimum of 360mcg MK-7 per day to significantly decrease the bad forms of MGP (matrix Gla protein) that are responsible for vascular calcification, which in turn helps to stop calcification in its tracks

If your interested in the article look up: DOI 10.5001/omj.2014.44
We have several health supplement threads including a couple I started and many I have contributed to. In them, I have provided tons of info...as well as many other intelligent bros. Dante and Emeric have even given a run down of stuff. I don't think we need another thread, but Dante giving us an in depth article here would be fantastic. Mike too, if he wants.

You just contradicted yourself.

If you dont want another thread or information by Mike, dont click and open it.
You just contradicted yourself.

If you dont want another thread or information by Mike, dont click and open it.
What are you talking about? I didn't contradict a thing. They can both leave their thoughts here..in this thread.
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Your welcome! From the most recent study I read you need a minimum of 360mcg MK-7 per day to significantly decrease the bad forms of MGP (matrix Gla protein) that are responsible for vascular calcification, which in turn helps to stop calcification in its tracks

If your interested in the article look up: DOI 10.5001/omj.2014.44

Or you could save $6 a bottle and get it here...
LIFE EXTENSION Super K with Advanced K2 Complex on sale at AllStarHealth.com

You are extremely knowledgeable and, it also would be great if you could put in your 2 cents. Many of us I am sure would love to hear things you can recommend.

Thanks, but I am not going to hi-jack Dante's thread. :)
I also take the Super K which apparently is the highest dose brand around.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk 2
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Your welcome! From the most recent study I read you need a minimum of 360mcg MK-7 per day to significantly decrease the bad forms of MGP (matrix Gla protein) that are responsible for vascular calcification, which in turn helps to stop calcification in its tracks

If your interested in the article look up: DOI 10.5001/omj.2014.44

Awesome. So 2 caps a day gives 400mcg of the MK7.

As for the citrus bergamot, is this one the right product to buy?

Jarrow Formulas Citrus Bergamot -- 500 mg - 60 Capsules - Vitacost
Think he lost his brother earlier in year and seem to remember that he had gotten a bad infection while in hospital. Sad was a favorite of mine. You see this and others have passe than I'm amazed at Labrada , Priest, Yates, and Strydom and big Lou all looking so good.
I noticed those guys you mentioned and wondered the same thing. So after watching video upon video over the years I came to the conclusion when I heard yates and Priest said something in one of their videos. Both of them stated at one point they came completely off during the year and only used when they began their pre-contest training and the amounts aren't as astronomical like people think they are. And of course when they retired they completely come off. Don't know if it's all fact...

Boston Loyd has now said in an interview with Palumbo something to the fact that those high amounts he bragged about taking was a mistake and aren't necessary and Palumbo agreed. So...
this looks solid. i need something for heart health, something im really starting to think about
I know nothing of the product but Curcumin, Ubiquinol, Magnesium, and Hawthorn Berries should be looked at.
Im also assuming the person reading does not have

Factor V Leiden or

the Prothrombin gene mutation

so please pertain anything I suggest that could effect clotting (Vitamin K2) to yourself...I know Emeric would have to be careful about certain things he supplements because I believe he has factor V Leiden (If I remember correctly...I might be wrong Emeric)

Yes, I do.
Care to elaborate of the extreme health issues and their abuse of it which makes you draw that apparent conclusion?

The guys I know that are screwed up from high doses of GH have serious insulin issues - type 2 diabetics - the kind like all the fatties create with their years of destruction from blood sugar destructive diets.
Tren Deca EQ Winstrol anavar dbol etc are terrible on the lipids - that's where the cardiac issues come from along with the damage from the super high blood pressure, thick blood and cardiac enlargement - simply put.
GH and insulin aren't helping the heart either - then add in the extreme heavy weights and the damage to the heart valve(s) and it's a prescription for heart health death.
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