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Aug 19, 2004
HELP Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani Petition

Mods ,BigA... please don't delete this but allow it to be posted in the main forum for all the exposure it can get. This woman is sentenced to death by stoning in Iran . By signing the petition it is hoped the Iranian government can be shamed into not doing this barbaric execution. Here is the complete story from AOL news:

Iranian Family Works to Save Mother From StoningUpdated: 1 hour 47 minutes ago
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Dana Kennedy

AOL News (July 6) -- The fate of an Iranian mother of two sentenced to be stoned to death at any time hung in the balance today as a last-minute campaign to save her gathered strength and her lawyer said even he did not know what the outcome will be.

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, who was convicted of adultery in 2006, is "very frightened and very sad" as she sits in a prison cell in Tabriz and worries about the two children she has not seen in four years, said her lawyer. Her son and daughter started the crusade to save her.

"Sakineh is supposed to be stoned to death, and I still think it could happen at any time," her lawyer, Mohammed Mostafaei, told AOL News in a telephone interview from Iran Tuesday.

"She feels helpless and hopeless," he said. "She says she is not guilty, but the government says she is guilty. The conviction is a sham. I would like to think that the news of this case will help her, but I can't be sure."

Mina Ahadi, head of the International Committee Against Stoning and the Death Penalty, told AOL News today that the Iranian government may meet Saturday to decide Ashtiani's fate.

Ahadi, an Iranian human rights activist who fled Iran for Germany in the 1980s, began helping Ashtiani's children, Sajad, 22, and Farideh, 17, spearhead a campaign to raise public awareness about their mother.

"I spoke to her son today, and he has a little bit of hope," Ahadi said. "Sometimes these death sentences are overturned because of public pressure."

Though Iran supposedly enacted a moratorium on stoning in 2002, the practice has continued, according to Iranian human rights activists and Amnesty International. About 40 stonings were reported in Iran between the 1979 Islamic Revolution and 1997. Since 2002, men and women alike have been stoned despite the moratorium, but reliable statistics are difficult to come by, according to Ahadi.

Under Sharia law in Iran, a woman's death by stoning involves being buried up to the neck and having stones hurled at her head. The law even specifies the size of the stones: not so big that the victim dies quickly, but not so small that death takes an inordinately long time.

Sakineh received a sentence of 99 lashes after her conviction for adultery in 2006. Her lawyer said she was forced to confess to the adultery charge and has since retracted the confession. A further complication is that Sakineh speaks Turkish and does not understand Farsi.

Her son, then 17, witnessed her flogging.

"They lashed her just in front of my eyes," Sajad told the London Guardian. "This has been carved in my mind since then."

The case against Sakineh was reopened when Tabriz officials decided she might have murdered her husband. She was ultimately acquitted of murder, but a judge then reviewed the adultery case against her and sentenced her to death. In doing so, the judge used a legal loophole called "judicial knowledge," which permits judges to make decisions based on their personal feelings, regardless of actual evidence.

"Imagine what's she's going through right now," said Maryam Namazie, an Iranian human rights activist based in Britain who works with Iran Solidarity, among other organizations. "Knowing she'll never see her children again. Facing the torture of being stoned. Being flogged 99 times is bad enough."

Namazie told AOL News today that the only thing that will help Ashtiani is if people contact their lawmakers and sign online petitions for Ashtiani.

"People should make some noise," Namazie said. "Bring stones out to public places and make a pile of them with Sakineh's name on it. Call your government officials, Do something."

Namazie told AOL News that many other women are stoned in Iran, but the government carries out the executions in secret.

"It's only when families are brave enough like Sakineh's family to come out and fight for their loved ones that the world finds out what is happening in Iran," Namazie said.

Movies like the 2008 film "The Stoning of Soraya M." have focused attention on stoning women in Iran and have embarrassed the Iranian government, Namazie said.

Amnesty International reports that 126 people have been executed as of June 6 this year in Iran and said another woman, Zeynab Jalalian, is in danger of being executed at any time for the crime of "enmity against God."
But what if she is guilty? How do we know she's truly innocent?
Who gives a damn if she's guilty or not!!!! Stoning another human being to death is by no means a measure of justice or law. It is barbaric and inhumane.
its definately sad and wrong (in our culture at least) even if she is "guilty"...but who are we to judge another culture or religion. Its funny how many of these people ask for our help but then get pissed off and offended when they feel we are pushing our agenda on them.
Who gives a damn if she's guilty or not!!!! Stoning another human being to death is by no means a measure of justice or law. It is barbaric and inhumane.

you are definately right...but the sad thing is that it is considered "ok" to stone people to death in their culture.
The law is the law right? I think what is sad is that we live in a culture where adultery is not only okay, but considered a sub culture by some. We need to quit trying to convert the world to Americans. Especially considering we set a terrible example of how life should be lived.
dont worry, they will be throwing stuff at america next
dont worry, they will be throwing stuff at america next

dude, are you serious? was that racial slur really needed? Come on.
The law is the law right? I think what is sad is that we live in a culture where adultery is not only okay, but considered a sub culture by some. We need to quit trying to convert the world to Americans. Especially considering we set a terrible example of how life should be lived.

You know what I think is sad. That there are actually human beings that would stone a woman to death for adultrey. These radical idiots don't deserve to breathe. If there is a hell, these radical muslims will be roasting. It disgusts me and your post disgusts me. :mad:
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You no what I think is sad. That there are actually human beings that would stone a woman to death for adultrey. These radical idiots don't deserve to breathe. If there is a hell, these radical muslims will be roasting. It disgusts me and your post disgusts me. :mad:

relax man...personally I think the whole situation is fucked up and wrong, but the fact of the matter is that this part of the world has been doing this shit for centuries...who are we to tell them they are wrong???
Am I missing something??? what racial slur are u referring to?

I agree... not sure what "slur" they are referencing. I took the comment as that Iran will eventually be throwing bombs at us.


This is jacked. I realize the US shouldnt be the moral compass of the world...but stoning?
not a debate!!!

this is not a political or religious debate here. it's about trying to stop an atrocity against another human being. they want to bury her up to her neck and throw stones at her head till she's dead. NOBODY in any country or of any religion deserves this. if you want to sign, then sign but don't get this locked.
Fuck it...I'm leavin it up for now.

If any of you have an issue with me doing so, let it be heard.
Fuck it...I'm leavin it up for now.

If any of you have an issue with me doing so, let it be heard.

lol......"for now" being the underlying phase

how about....."for now, but not for long"

all good here Tyrone

Will this really even help though?
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lol......"for now" being the underlying phase

how about....."for now, but not for long"

all good here Tyrone


Naw, I say 'fuck it' and 'for now' cause I want it up right now and I'm just a dick some say lol(No offense tenny:) ).

"It aint right!":eek:

Everyone as well as everything dies and so will the thread most likely at some point if it doesn't get cleaned up or takes 'that' route.

Any person or any real animal should not be tortured, ever...I know it happens.

If anyone has an issue with me or anything I stand for, hit me up...Maybe we will have a great time...maybe not...

Tenny! You're all good in my book bro:)
most likely a petition like that will not help at all... let me explain something to you about islam in the act of "adultry"...
there are two kinds of crimes that fall under adultry...
adultry while being unmarried
adultry while being married

to prove the act in both cases, either:
there has to be 2 or 4 witnesses (i'm not sure about the number) that saw the act clearly and saw, and i qoute, "an original penis head enter a vagina"... these witnesses have to be "blessed" by an emam that they pray on time everyday, 5 times a day, in the mosque.


the person who committed the crime admits 3 times that they did it (they are turned away the first 2 times) AND THEY DO NOT TAKE BACK THEIR ADMITANCE STATEMENT!... if they take it back, it is overthrown.

in the case of being unmarried, i think the punishment is 200 lashes.
in the case of being married, stoning til death

I have never ever seen or heard of a case where there were witnesses, or there was a confession...

it is all usually a power trip driven by hearsay from a family who wants to get rid of daughter/mother/whatever and for the "government" or powers that be prove that they still have authority and that "god's word and commands" are taken seriously and there is nothing that can change it...

sadly, in most middle eastern societies, people are brainwashed to actually cheer for this kind of punishment... in my country, if you ever say "this is wrong, this is barbaric, this is stupid" to something like this decision, you will be rendered as someone who does not believe in the word of god, have converted, are an infidel, and considered a traitor to islam and should be beheaded (as "god" said)....

sorry.... no one can do shit about this.... a main reason is that iran wants to prove they have their own power and aren't influenced by any other country. if they change their decision, the people would not be happy... and that would spell a lot of trouble for them.

I truly believe that even the most barbaric anamils would not even consider a punishment like this and that it is WRONG, regardless of culture or whatever. but... you can't reason with unreasonable people.
just trying to tell you what really goes on there.

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