I am 27 years old. I have been working out since i was 16. I am 5'11 and 3/4 inches LOL! Here are some stats. I weigh 318, 38inch waist, 20 inch arms, 31 inch thighs. Bench 390#x1, leg press 630#x10. My bf is about 20%. I have been in the gym weight traning 3 days a week. Full body workouts. I'm just not losing the fat from my gut, and inner thighs. To cut off this excess bf is it ok to change to like one day a week weights, and like 6 days a week of cardio for an hour, combined with a clean diet and 2500 cals a day? Is this going to deplete my lean mass before my fat? I want to cut off at least 20 pounds. I have been bulking up the last few months eating about 300+ grams of protein with about 3500 cals. I get 30 mins of cardio 3 times a week. I can see improvements, i am replacing bf with lean mass, it is just to slow. I want to drop below 300# by summer. Any suggestions or input is greatly appreciated.