Whats wrong with machines?
I know a lot of bodybuilders who train with machines, and can accomplish just as much size + strength gains from machines than they would be able to with free weights. And hell, most people that i know definitely switch over to more machine use closer to precontest, as with less water lubricating the joints, some free weight exercises CAN become dangerous.
But the whole free weights vs. machines debate has been beat to death over the years. personally, i believe that the only benefits free weights offer over machines is the development of stabilizer muscles.
Hammer strength machines and smith machines are pretty close to normal body movement as well, so i get pretty good gains from them, without having to worry about a spotter. Just as good of gains that i would have gotten from free weights? probably.
Resistance is resistance. period. the way it affects the muscle, and what muscles it affects is what is different. Like i said, stabilizer muscles.
Because stabilizer muscles are being activated, there is a possibility that your body thinks its straining more.. so more muscle fibers could be working.
but ive completely hijacked the thread
sorry ahhaha.
in short, yes, i know a few amateurs + semi pro bodybuilders that train with machines just as often, or more often than they do with free weights.. especially closer to precontest.
and on a side note, i prefer to train with free weights, but do incorporate machines into my training cycle. I just love the feel of pushing or pulling some heavy free weight. but i also love the feel of being *completely safe while pushing.