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Roman Fritz offseason plan - nutrition

Great content from him lately
I find his training style really interesting and his diet approach is pretty much what i like doing! loving his vlogs
Just watched some of his training vids

Best not let any of the progressive overload at all costs guys see it cause they’re gonna be having a heart attack when they see him benching like 80kg 😂

Re watching some of the pros of current and past has made me re think my
Training. If a average gym bro is pressing 140 and a mr Olympia guy is doing sub 100kg then progressive overload via weight may not be the be all and end all
on the left I bench press 80-120kg for sets - on the right I used to bench press 180-220kg for reps

that's all from me on this topic😅

Just watched some of his training vids

Best not let any of the progressive overload at all costs guys see it cause they’re gonna be having a heart attack when they see him benching like 80kg 😂

Re watching some of the pros of current and past has made me re think my
Training. If a average gym bro is pressing 140 and a mr Olympia guy is doing sub 100kg then progressive overload via weight may not be the be all and end all


  • 98C18AD4-8B4B-4629-ADF0-586580E054B6.jpg
    63 KB · Views: 266
on the left I bench press 80-120kg for sets - on the right I used to bench press 180-220kg for reps

that's all from me on this topic😅
That’s crazy progress! I guarantee 9/10 people would think you train with heavier weights on the left pic and that’s why you’re bigger because you’re stronger.

On paper it makes sense (progressive overload heavier weights etc) but in reality it just doesn’t seem to add up to being that simple. Of course we have genetics (of the elite) and longevity to consider not gonna help you much if you work up to pressing 220kg and tear your pecs off from a bodybuilding standpoint.

My current thinking is if you can get stronger whilst truly working a muscle (example feet up bench trying to contract only your pecs to move the weight) then you’re getting the best of both worlds (progression and safety)

Take jay cutler just for an example and view his workouts over the years sometimes he’s pressing 180’s sometimes he was pressing 140’s or whatever my point being it’s not like every workout had to be heavier I think he treated each workout like its own thing irrespective of the last time he trained that body part “by feel” if you will
That’s crazy progress! I guarantee 9/10 people would think you train with heavier weights on the left pic and that’s why you’re bigger because you’re stronger.

On paper it makes sense (progressive overload heavier weights etc) but in reality it just doesn’t seem to add up to being that simple. Of course we have genetics (of the elite) and longevity to consider not gonna help you much if you work up to pressing 220kg and tear your pecs off from a bodybuilding standpoint.

My current thinking is if you can get stronger whilst truly working a muscle (example feet up bench trying to contract only your pecs to move the weight) then you’re getting the best of both worlds (progression and safety)

Take jay cutler just for an example and view his workouts over the years sometimes he’s pressing 180’s sometimes he was pressing 140’s or whatever my point being it’s not like every workout had to be heavier I think he treated each workout like its own thing irrespective of the last time he trained that body part “by feel” if you will
at the beginning to build a base of 100% yes - a typical progressive overload (i.e. after just getting damn strong without really caring how you lift) is necessary but when you become really strong everything looks completely different

And exactly as you write currently I also try to do progressive loads because it is necessary but I try to ensure that each repetition is performed mainly with the muscles that are trained during a given session and not simply lifted with the whole body - it makes a huge difference
Yah i think its important to have that foundation and get strong first because once you develop that strength i think you then have the capacity to get back to it pretty quickly.And then from that point lighten the load and train the muscles. Youll see a lot of bodybuilders train very light but theyre very strong humans and they got that way training a specific way for a long time. And then it became no longer necessary.
on the left I bench press 80-120kg for sets - on the right I used to bench press 180-220kg for reps

that's all from me on this topic😅
Jesus Christ mate….wtf have you done to your arms!!??? I’m not sure how judging works in the rest of Europe but im guessing it’s the same as in the uk where you’d be seriously marked down for the blatant SEO use.
Jesus Christ mate….wtf have you done to your arms!!??? I’m not sure how judging works in the rest of Europe but im guessing it’s the same as in the uk where you’d be seriously marked down for the blatant SEO use.
I don’t believe he competes anymore just trains for himself
on the left I bench press 80-120kg for sets - on the right I used to bench press 180-220kg for reps

that's all from me on this topic😅
What the time frame between the photos? Wudnt that and time on doses be the greater factors here
Jesus Christ mate….wtf have you done to your arms!!??? I’m not sure how judging works in the rest of Europe but im guessing it’s the same as in the uk where you’d be seriously marked down for the blatant SEO use.
Bro, honestly, I don't care what anyone thinks about me or my arms - if I cared about other people's opinions, I would be a very unhappy person
What the time frame between the photos? Wudnt that and time on doses be the greater factors here
Not speaking for him but sharing my opinion

They will of course be contributing factors who knows what %


If the general consensus of progressive overload EG lift heavier every session or you’re not making progress was the case then in that timeframe he should of regressed massively because he lifted lighter weights
Just watched some of his training vids

Best not let any of the progressive overload at all costs guys see it cause they’re gonna be having a heart attack when they see him benching like 80kg 😂

Re watching some of the pros of current and past has made me re think my
Training. If a average gym bro is pressing 140 and a mr Olympia guy is doing sub 100kg then progressive overload via weight may not be the be all and end all

This is a good point and for most of us, this is how we should guide our training. Keep in mind though you don't need a lot to drive sarcoplasmic hypertophy. I had a long conversation with Dexter Jackson about this who was remarkably familiar with the science. We are all chronic lifters beyond MND size limit and not to mention we have the repeated bout effect to deal with...so...take drugs, get a pump, eat carbs. Dexter is the best example (well phil too). Are either of them really adding any myofibrils? Yeah...probably some as this concept isn't mutually exclusive...but overall we are just hitting the nail of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy over and over and over and to do that there is really no need at all for training with crazy weights.

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