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Roman Fritz offseason plan - nutrition

If only someone else could prepare and feed me 400g of protein and 1100g of carbs a day then clean up after
For real... I remember him saying that he didn't miss a meal while in the hospital because his wife took complete care of all of that for him. That's a quality woman.
Since yesterday Roman has finally returned with his #TheGrowth series, I don't think he will compete this year, he wants to aim to grow in his arms, back and chest

Since yesterday Roman has finally returned with his #TheGrowth series, I don't think he will compete this year, he wants to aim to grow in his arms, back and chest

Crazy to have shredded glutes year round like that 😳
will compete
luki a curiosity or rather your opinion, what do you think of Roman's training method? (not in terms of frequency, he almost always trains 7 days a week), I mean the weights used, they are still "light" weights for someone of his size, seeing some bodybuilders who train with much heavier weights but who however do not they have the details that Roman brings to the stage
luki a curiosity or rather your opinion, what do you think of Roman's training method? (not in terms of frequency, he almost always trains 7 days a week), I mean the weights used, they are still "light" weights for someone of his size, seeing some bodybuilders who train with much heavier weights but who however do not they have the details that Roman brings to the stage
it works for him although I am 90% convinced that for example his back would respond to much heavier training maybe even some ballistic but I understand his approach because he simply has a lot of injuries and if he hurt himself using an ego lift he would not be able to progress for many weeks

I for example train my legs and back very hard but I train my chest or delts arms with a large volume and quite small weights, e.g. on the incline bench I do not exceed 120 kg DB press 40-50 kg on the arm, etc. when I press e.g. 180 kg incline bench I had chronic tendonis in my elbows now this I don't have any at all
on the other hand while for example I do rows on 4 plates per side or hack squats on 6-7 plates (the machine is probably even heavier than the Cybex Hack SQ), so I train different parts of the body in different ways
Crazy to have shredded glutes year round like that 😳
Roman doesn't gain any fat tissue at all the only thing he gains are tons of subcutaneous water and fluid and when he starts the diet 3 weeks are enough and all the water disappears and he is completely shredded

To some extent I have a very similar situation but not as extremely low %bf as Roman but every time I think I'm too fat and start a diet after a week I realize that it wasn't fat only water lol
Thats a good video by Roman Fritz. I train twice a day - six days a week. Basically if I train too heavy I get tired quickly. But if I keep the sets in the 10-16 rep range and get some sleep my recovery is good. I can eat like 4000-5000 calories a day and still maintain abs and leg separation.

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