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Tired of speed eating at work

Eating is indeed a problem for working all day long. sigh....
Miss the perfect meal during the Spring festival.
Just eat baby food, Gerber. Haha.

I eat fairly fast too. Like someone else said, digestion is unique to you. I eat larger meals and only 2-3x a day. I have one shake and snacks (almonds, peanut butter, etc) throughout the day. I fast during the morning.
I cant see any issues with downing lager meals. As long as its real food your consuming, you will digest it sooner or later...
Shakes on the other hand, I dont know for sure, but folks always say you cant absorb more than 50ish grams of protein at once..

How much your body can absorb and how much protein the body needs for maximum muscle synthesis at any given time are very different things.

It's still going to get utilized....but there are studies that show that roughly 20-30 grams depending on the subjects were the upper range for maximizing muscle synthesis after exercise...and adding more did not show it to increase synthesis even farther.

You can have as much as you want as it will still be absorbed by the body, it just won't give any added benefits above what they tested for that specific reason.

Now there are variables...but it seems that 30-40 grams is a good place to start for getting the most potential out of it....but it doesn't mean you can't have more especially if you are in a surplus and some of your extra calories are coming from protein.

But who knows...studies change all the time!
anybody getting any gains or losing gains on plain greek yogurt?

below video not related to greek yogurt question...

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uokx4fNsSL4"]Jerry Brainum: Clarifying the Protein Confusion - YouTube[/ame]
The eating like a non thinking machine every 2-3 hours month after month after month. That was THE most difficult task and of course the shopping/prepping, carrying your meals everywhere. Friends thought I was obcessed. They were right. Most here probably don't remember Vander V's blended tuna shakes? lol
The eating like a non thinking machine every 2-3 hours month after month after month. That was THE most difficult task and of course the shopping/prepping, carrying your meals everywhere. Friends thought I was obcessed. They were right. Most here probably don't remember Vander V's blended tuna shakes? lol
I remember them. Blended up with apple juice. I even tried it once....and wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

He was a character....good times!!

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk
I remember them. Blended up with apple juice. I even tried it once....and wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

He was a character....good times!!

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk

Was it Apple? I always thought it was orange. Either way lol

Now, I HAVE taken chicken broth, sweet potato and a chicken breast and blended it up. It’s pretty damn good considering. Like a bisque soup lol

I tried drinking a carton of egg white. That was a big fail. I was shooting fireballs out my ass. Horrid gas lol

I’ve been doing 75g, 75g 50, 50,50g protein meals. So I cut one meal out during work. Does help a little.
Was it Apple? I always thought it was orange. Either way lol

Now, I HAVE taken chicken broth, sweet potato and a chicken breast and blended it up. It’s pretty damn good considering. Like a bisque soup lol

I tried drinking a carton of egg white. That was a big fail. I was shooting fireballs out my ass. Horrid gas lol

I’ve been doing 75g, 75g 50, 50,50g protein meals. So I cut one meal out during work. Does help a little.

I think it was both depending on the mood he was in at the time.

If it's needing to be a quick meal...I'm usually shaking up a bottle of blended (whey,Casien) protein....and some P2B powder in with it.

I'm at work around 5:30....so by 10:00 am most of my carbs are done for the day. But one of the first meals at work I have is eggs, egg whites, and a pack if instant grits in a cup that has enough water mixed in that I can just drink it.

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk
Without Shakes I would instantly Loose 30 lbs in a month and my Alpha Dad status.
In No way could I eat as many calories as I can Drink!
Not to mention wanting to sleep all Day.
I remember them. Blended up with apple juice. I even tried it once....and wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

He was a character....good times!!

Sent from my LG-H871 using Tapatalk

I did the tuna shakes for a couple years. Tuna has gone up a bit in price now though and I can get chicken breasts dirt cheap so ive been doing chicken shakes the last several years. Quick and easy and doesn't taste too bad
The eating like a non thinking machine every 2-3 hours month after month after month. That was THE most difficult task and of course the shopping/prepping, carrying your meals everywhere. Friends thought I was obcessed. They were right. Most here probably don't remember Vander V's blended tuna shakes? lol

Add the obligate gallon jug of water everywhere you go long before people started having a water bottle all the time lol.

Looking back now...................so unnecessary. It does make me wonder what I am doing now that I will look back at 20 years from now and shake my head at. Life is funny that way.
Cottage cheese with rice and some fruit can come in handy when don't want to chew your protein. Maybe not long term but just to give yourself a break

This is a great idea (as I'm choking down my overcooked 93% hamburger, ugh).
I've been doing an egg white and sweet potato shake for two of my meals at work. Egg whites, mashed sweet potato and protein powder and a little almond milk for extra liquid. Top with pumpkin pie spice before blending. Pretty damn good. Tastes like sweet potato pie. You can adjust the amounts to fit your needs.
I did the tuna shakes for a couple years. Tuna has gone up a bit in price now though and I can get chicken breasts dirt cheap so ive been doing chicken shakes the last several years. Quick and easy and doesn't taste too bad

Are chicken shakes exactly how they sound lol?
U bring hard boiled eggs to work?

Low key: your co-workers hate you...they might not say to you face...[emoji3]

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Probably a foul breeze about the general vicinity eh?
Just eat baby food, Gerber. Haha.

I eat fairly fast too. Like someone else said, digestion is unique to you. I eat larger meals and only 2-3x a day. I have one shake and snacks (almonds, peanut butter, etc) throughout the day. I fast during the morning.

Reminds me of drinking breast milk. Some guys are buying it now, id be scared of communicable diseases. When my wife was breastfeeding there was always extra to go around though! We had extra so I didn't want to waste it.;)


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