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Training to failure


Oct 27, 2009
This is something I am struggling with. I train by myself. How do you push yourself to true failure? Get that last one two or even three more reps that you really have in you, but for whatever reason you stop short of?

I'm using much more weight than I use to but I think I'm leaving something in the tank?
A good spotter always helps. Other than that, it's about making yourself give that extra push. I liken it to when you're doing fasted cardio and you just want to quit, you have to push through the pain and continue.
I find when I train alone that I use other intensity methods...

rest pause, drop sets, negatives, supersets.

that way I can go to failure in other ways but not risk harming myself with heavy weights all alone.
This my be blasphemous to some here but, you can train to failure if you know how to utilize machines to your advantage. I do.
use the smith or dumbbells.i train alone also and have no probs going to failure.
The best way Ive found to train to absolute failure, is when youre at your last rep, and you think you cant go no more, you pause, all the while still keeping tension in the muscle, and you count to 3 in your head. ONE, TWO, THREE, and then just go all out and just try your hardest no matter what to squeeze out that last rep, even if youre fighting for dear life for a full 10 seconds to get that last rep.
A spotters pretty much the only way for me to do it.. drop sets really just burn me out more and give me a good pump. WHen i have a spotter forcing me to do an extra couple reps is when i am usually sore as hell the next day.

How often do you guys train to failure?
Been in the gym for 10 yrs and never asked for a spot, perhaps people volunteer becuase they see me struggle with the last rep. Wish I had a gym partner, very difficult to find especially when you're anti-social in the gym like myself.
Nothing like a good training partner to give you an extra push and a spot. Never felt this way until I had one for a few months when I belonged to a real gym.

Since moving and having no choice but to train at a 24HR I am on my own again. It has taken some getting used to.

Back to rest pause for the most part now. Not the same, but close.
having a good spotter/training partner helps a ton. also, depending on the gym you are in, if you are giving it a good effort people will notice and oftentimes will come over and yell/cheer you on.
for incline bench and shoulder press set up a retractable bench in a squat cage (assuming no one is squatting in there) and set the safety bars a little below the bottom portion of the lift. So if you do fail, it drops on the safety bars and not on your chest/head/legs.
Rest pause

Bingo!!! I hate training partners. They are unreliable, demotivating, and not trustworthy for shit IMO. :banghead: IPOD and earphones seem to be the best training partner I have ever had. They never show up late, don't complain, and are never hungover. The perfect partner! If you can't tell I have had some shitty experiences with partners. But to actually answer the question... Rest pause, drop sets, compound sets, etc...
This is something I am struggling with. I train by myself. How do you push yourself to true failure? Get that last one two or even three more reps that you really have in you, but for whatever reason you stop short of?

I'm using much more weight than I use to but I think I'm leaving something in the tank?

the type 2b fibers which are the ones that cause the most dramatic growth only fire off when u hit failure. so when i wanna quit i tell myself right then, "this is where i grow, these last 2 is when the growing starts." that gets the fire growing to push thru. i also train alone. i refuse to make eye contact in the gym to avoid some of those chatty kathy assholes there for their fat pass instead of really getting it done. for chest i stick with dumbells which allows me to get to failure easy without injury. smith for shoulders, barbells for bi's, weighted dips for tri's, power rack for quads, sldl for hams, db and bb for back. all can be taken to failure alone
TBH the only exercise I've ever wished I had a partner for was BB presses. So I switched and I do all DB presses instead, that way I can always drop the DBs on the ground if need be, without killing myself. Everything else I've always been able to accomplish solo NP.

Responses guys! Benji, I think your post will help me the most, I need something to spark that fire at the end.
"the type 2b fibers which are the ones that cause the most dramatic growth only fire off when u hit failure"

Where in the world did you hear that myth?
One thing I can't believe no one has said.... What about all the research that goes AGAINST training to failure?
This is something I am struggling with. I train by myself. How do you push yourself to true failure? Get that last one two or even three more reps that you really have in you, but for whatever reason you stop short of?

I'm using much more weight than I use to but I think I'm leaving something in the tank?

You push until you have nothing left to fire the muscle. Some exercises it would be dangerous to do without a spotter.

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