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Update on Bush hypocrisy!


Jun 10, 2002
Many of you have been sickened by my posts on the duaghter of Jeb Bush who was caught with crack cocaine after being sentenced to rehab for prior drug offense. Jeb Bush said it was a family matter and not one for the courts! She ended up getting a measly 10 ten days. It amazes me why we do not hear anything in the media about any of this.

Daughter of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is released from jail after 10 days
Sat Oct 26, 6:37 AM ET
By SCOTT MARTIN, Associated Press Writer

ORLANDO, Florida - Gov. Jeb Bush's only daughter, Noelle, was released from jail early Saturday, 10 days after a judge ordered her locked up for violating terms of her court-ordered drug treatment program.

Bush left the Orange County jail around 4 a.m., said Allen Moore, spokesman for the county corrections department.

Noelle Bush, 25, was caught in September with a small amount of crack cocaine by workers at the Center for Drug-Free Living.

The governor and his wife Columba briefly visited Noelle in jail Tuesday. Besides her parents' visit, jail officials allowed C. David Brown II, a Bush family friend, to see her Oct. 19.

This was the second time Circuit Judge Reginald Whitehead has sent Noelle Bush to the Orange County jail as punishment since she entered rehab in February. She was jailed for three days in July after a worker caught her with another worker's prescription pills taken from a cabinet.

After she gets out of jail, she was to return to the drug treatment facility.

Bush, the president's niece, was arrested in January at a Tallahassee pharmacy drive-through window for allegedly trying to buy the anti-anxiety drug Xanax with a fraudulent prescription.

She was admitted to the treatment center a month later, with the possibility charges would be dropped if she completed the program.
What does this have to do with AS ????

Jag you should goto animal's board it is more political, to be quite frankly it is sicking me to see everyone attack George Bush etc when he is doing a great job. If only george would get on say a gram of test a week, IRAQ would already be taking care of.
Im not even from the U.S and I like Bush alot. Hes whats needed, not someone asking if "we should" but "when and ready!". Now thats a dude of action, fuck Saddam and his rule.!
This was not ment as a political thread. I am not going to get into a discussion of Bush. I have a problem with the war on drugs. What does it have to do with AS. AS are drugs and I feel that we should have the right to do with are bodies what we want.

MikeS has done an excellent job trying to get people involved writing letters on the lies and misconceptions of AS. In futt=ure letters maybe we should point out the double standard. When you have good bros like Jeeves sitting a jail cell for months for AS and a Bush Duaghter getting 10 days for a second offense with crack cocaine I think it has relevence.

It was not my intention to start an pure Anti Bush thread but I do see why it is percieved that way.

P.S. MIkeS

Please PM with Jeeves fund addy. I that last few months I have paid for a wedding (mine) bought a house and been basicly stapped. I am back in a position where I can donate something. I tried to email Wolfman with no response. Thanks
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attack Bush??

Hey, he is a good and decent man!! Unlike that Scum B-G before him!! Yeah its hypocracy what is happening with his brother Jeb...BUT....These liberals claim to be for fairness and against discrimination..I am a white male and my government LEGALLY discriminates against me!!! By the way, unlike some people, I do write to my congressman about the ripoff the so called age clinics charging 250.00 for a bottle of cyp!!
just my 2 cents
When I read Jag's post it was just a rant against the injustice of the DEA and drug policy.

We all know bros either sat in jail or having to pick up the pieces of their lives from law enforcement action, fortunately Ms Bush will not have to deal with any of this and can basically wait around to go score some more (and who can argue life/socially threating) drugs

My $0.02

Boing "the English_Bulldog"
JAG said:
This was not ment as a political thread. I am not going to get into a discussion of Bush. I have a problem with the war on drugs. What does it have to do with AS. AS are drugs and I feel that we should have the right to do with are bodies what we want.

MikeS has done an excellent job trying to get people involved writing letters on the lies and misconceptions of AS. In futt=ure letters maybe we should point out the double standard. When you have good bros like Jeeves sitting a jail cell for months for AS and a Bush Duaghter getting 10 days for a second offense with crack cocaine I think it has relevence.

It was not my intention to start an pure Anti Bush thread but I do see why it is percieved that way.

P.S. MIkeS

Please PM with Jeeves fund addy. I that last few months I have paid for a wedding (mine) bought a house and been basicly stapped. I am back in a position where I can donate something. I tried to email Wolfman with no response. Thanks

Is Jeeves in jail for possesion or intent to distribute?
Is Jeeves in jail for possesion or intent to distribute?

It was not ment as a direct comparison.

What kind of sentance do think joe juicer would get for a second offense? It would be a lot longer than 10 days.

When I read Jag's post it was just a rant against the injustice of the DEA and drug policy.

Exactly all it was. As far as I am concerned as long as AS is scheduled Americas drug policy is revelent.

I have been following your posts with great interest as I completely agree with the bullshit hypocrisy...

WAKE UP!!!!!

This affects us all, we get caught with a bottle of dbol and get years, this little bitch has fucking crack and a number of priors for drugs, and gets 10 days??!?!? OUr "drugs" huh??

Bush and the rest of the govt. are riddled with corruption, hypocrisy, and basically are professional crooks. I have been through the system and if you have too, you know what I mean. Bunch of fucking crooks, all of them!

Ivan said:
I have been following your posts with great interest as I completely agree with the bullshit hypocrisy...

WAKE UP!!!!!

This affects us all, we get caught with a bottle of dbol and get years, this little bitch has fucking crack and a number of priors for drugs, and gets 10 days??!?!? OUr "drugs" huh??

Bush and the rest of the govt. are riddled with corruption, hypocrisy, and basically are professional crooks. I have been through the system and if you have too, you know what I mean. Bunch of fucking crooks, all of them!

I still REALLY do not know what Jeeves is in jail for. Can you tell us?

Who has received YEARS in prison for a bottle of D-bol for a first offense??
Whats Bush's daughter look like again? :p :D It gets me thinking......If i could start banging her, maybe I'd only get 10 days in the can if i ever get popped by the pigs. haha!:rolleyes:

My asst. wrestling coach was pulled over for speeding coming back from seattle. they founnd a full bottle of dbol and 20 sust amps. They charged him with felony possession of a controlled 3 substance, intent to distribute (felony) he got 2 years, 1 suspended.
wasnt it a Liberal Congress

that passed the 1990 steroid act? Liberals are the rot in our country, what gets me about these moronic libs in hollywood is that they with there low morality and run away homosexuality based agenda will be the first to be shot by these radical muslims. A GOD Damn liberal will sell out this country to anyone who is anti Bush or republican no matter what the end result would be. "Party before the country", is the democratic party line.
liberal sellouts!!!

with all due fairness..and believe me..i think demorcats are communists! but bush senior did sign that shitty bill..it was a democrat congress! yes, libs hate this country and want to bring it down..IMMIGRATION...it will kill this country, but libs dont care!
of course he signed it

With his back against the wall mind you, can you imagine all the "bush hates children" crap that the libs would have spouted had he NOT signed it? anyway glad to hear that your on the side of reason warchild:D
I completley agree. Lets face it, if you are a celebrity, or a relative of some elected official and you are charged with a crime you are going to get off, or get a slap on the wrist. Look at the actor Robert Downey jr. total coke junkie, he gets busted multiple times for hard drugs and after the fifth time he gets some minor jail time. If it was a poor black man he would be breaking rocks in the hot sun, and taking up the ass from his cell mate. There is definatley some serious double standards going on here.
Face it-Democrats suck. Republicans suck. Everything is for the bottom line - power and money. Both are corrupt beyond words.
No decisions are made any more with regard to fairness. Im voting Libertarian.

Shawn-I remember during the elections, I think Bush's daughters were hot! Shit just approach her with a $10 rock, she'd do anything Im sure. In face, she is probably doing it as we speak.

Damn right this post is revelant. It show the govt's hypocricy in the war on drugs. And the Bush's suck! Ol' George SR signed the ACT, I dont want to hear about any democrat congress-his sig is
the straw the makes us risk jail to improve our personal physical standing. And George present was a drunk, with a DWI, and had done coke. I bet he is in full support of a hard line stance in the WAR on drugs, though. Another damn hypocrite. And this shit about Jeb makes me want to puke. 10 days for a repeat offense, while on probation and in rehab? Stealing a workers script?
Anyone of us would be in jail for a good while...

It is a class thing I agree!! But these Hollywood libs are rich and powerful and also hypocritical..they are rich and give lots of money to liberal democrats..thought dems are for the poor and middle class?? It is true that Bush senior signed that crappy bill about steroids making it equal to cocaine..BUT, why didnt that scumbag Bill clinton try to get rid of it??? by the way, did not bill clinton brother, roger get busted for selling drugs?? I am a middle class white catholic male...The dems dont want me and their policy is to LEGALLY discriminate against me with this incidious affirmative action(racial quotas)..why do they expect my vote??? Hail to G W.Bush!!!
Warchild, I hate both Demo and Repub. And I dont want to get into a political debate defending one or the other.
But some of your statements are ridiculous. Why should Clinton be responsible for undoing Geo SRs mess? Especially as it is not exactly a major issue, and would be surely be tougher to overturn than it was to sign and pass.
And so what if his brother did/sold dope. Was he running for office? Did Clinton come out defending him and trying to get his
problem handled as a family matter (while holding onto a hardline stance against drugs otherwise)-like the damn hypocrite Jeb is doing? That was the point made here, you must have missed that thought.
It seems so silly when someone defends their party no matter what the issue, right or wrong. Can never admit their Democrat (or Republican if that what they support)is wrong, ever. Not very open minded.

Vote libertarian.

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