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week 4 update


Jan 5, 2003
tonight ended week 4, im not that impressed. but the last week i have done cardio at 3.8mph at 12% grade on the treadmill for 45 minutes. i only skipped 2 days. anyway, for now i came off of everything, i know you guys are going to give me shit for it, but i came off a week ago. i dont have arimidex and dont want any more estrogen problems!! when i can afford it, then i'll cycle some test prop with it. my sex drive is coming back so thats good.

as for results, i am waiting for the water retention to leave me completely from the test. but i am bigger and stronger, i think im eating too much protein. i gained like 3 pounds, this must be muscle or water or both. but i am building muscle for sure. i am definately stronger though. i think the cardio is helping me with the training. during training, i dont get exhausted anymore and dont sweat as much as i did before. i feel like i can keep going. im training each muscle group every 4-5 days and im doing more volume than ever and it works for me. so, i want to get leaner quicker, and i think i will have to lower calories a tad bit for that to happen, maybe some protein, im having like 300g per day at a body weight of 154. so i think i will lower that to 225-250g, keep carbs at 140-150g per day and my fat at 1-2 tbsp flaxseed oil. also, i take in some natural PB but i think i will drop it completely because i cant handle only 1 tbsp, sometimes i take like 2-3 but skip the next time i need to eat it again, which is only twice per day along with my protein/flaxseed oil shakes. im somewhere at 2000-2200 calories i believe. i think one of my problems is that i eat too close to bed. my last meal is sometimes only an hour from when i fall asleep. is this really bad? i didnt cheat once, and dont plan on it either. i dont crave anything really im too psyched out to get ripped!
This is my diet right now:

45 minutes cardio.

8 egg whites
2 whole eggs
2/3 cup oatmeal

2 scoops protein shake (Isopure)
1 TBSP flaxseed oil
1-2 TBSP natural peanut butter

chicken breast (natural chicken, no sodium)
4 oz potato (only yams, sweet potatoes and baby reds)
rommaine lettuce

chicken breast or low sodium albacore
2/3 cup oatmeal

1 hour later i will TRAIN for about an hour

MEAL #5: Post-Workout:

30g DEXTROSE, 2 scoops protein shake (isopure)

MEAL #6 (1 hour after post-workout)
eye of round steak
4 oz potato
green beans

THATS IT!! i dont even do the second protein/flaxseed oil shake as i have no room to fit it in, i train at around 8-9 pm. i only measure carbs. theres no point in measuring chicken or steak, as that just frustrates me. so let me know what you guys think!
Only 2 comments:

You should NEVER begin a cycle until you have EVERYTHING in hand, including post cycle ancillaries! (this is the Golden Rule)

I weight my food and just recetly had chicken breast as big a 7 oz and as small as 3 oz - BIG difference. You could at least say small or big chicken breast - or do you care.

bro, have you ever tried slim fast. Maybe that will work for you.

Didn't we go through this awhile back and told you about getting everything before starting.

The hardest person to train is YOURSELF. Good advice is only that.....you have to train yourself 24/7 not just in the gym.
ok iam not going to suger coat this u need sit down and think about what u are doing and where u are going. The peanut butter thing is a no no straight away know your weaknes's and dont put your self in a sitation where they will be exploited. Without being on a cycle u will chance alot of muscle mass.
Well I do care about what I am doing and where I am going otherwise I wouldn't be doing this at all! I do know what a 7oz chicken breast looks like and i have just about that, it should be a 6 oz chicken breast but i dont think 1 oz matters. just because i got off the juice doesnt mean i quit everything. i am still training myself day in and day out doing the cardio, training hard, preparing the food the night before, eating every 3 hours, eating exactly when i should, the PB its not like im cheating so relax with the sitting down part and thinking bro because i do that all day, i quit the PB, only 1 tbsp per day from now on.

i also think my metabolism slowed down or i need to carb load at least once per week, or cheat purposely or do something out of the ordinary with the diet. its been a month so far, my body became stagnant to the low carbs i believe.

i am bigger and leaner and of course stronger and more energetic but i do expect this to be quicker so i need positive comments here, not negative please. thank you.
bigarms said:
bro, have you ever tried slim fast. Maybe that will work for you.

Didn't we go through this awhile back and told you about getting everything before starting.

The hardest person to train is YOURSELF. Good advice is only that.....you have to train yourself 24/7 not just in the gym.

i dont need to hear some bullshit comment like this, if you dont have anything nice or productive to say, don't say it at all. i cant afford to use juice, i can afford the food and some supps, the gear can only come once in a while. when i have the cash for it, i will get on it of course, but i dont think i need to use juice to get ripped! especially at my level. im not beyond my genetic potential at all.
No you need this foot up your ass!!!

Dude you have to get with the program...."I CAN"T" IS NOT IN MY VOCABULARY.... If you expected us to give you a shoulder to cry on then forget it.
You need to say that looking in a mirror.

You just don't get it........
jawbreakerkid said:
did you really expect to get LEAN in 4 weeks? Give it time.

NO I DID NOT. I am giving an update and just saying it could be quicker, should i lower my calories or increase cardio? i have been doing 45 minutes almost every day. if you guys want to laugh at me, thats fine, i'll stop posting and leave. i dont need the negative feedback.
Also, should i carb load every week? ive been eating 150 carbs for 4 weeks now so does it make sense to carb load once per week? i would drop fat down probably to nothing, except for maybe 1 tbsp of the flaxseed oil separately from the carbs. i would use oats and potatoes, only yams and sweet potatoes. i would have protein at 1.5g per pound of bodyweight. does this sound right? if you guys think i should carb load once per week, how high should i go on the carbs and how many hours before bedtime should i cut out the carbs? thanks for any input.
Your daily carb intake is around 185g (not counting green vegetables or eggs), which is not "relatively low." I think that for a carb load day to be effective, you need to be taking in under 100g a day with most (if not all) post workout (within one hour of workout).

I wasn't flaming you, I was just making sure you did have unreasonable expectations. Try eating some red meat to get some fats, olive oil works well too (hey, I'm Italian!) I'm with xcel as well, get your carbs down to 75g daily or thereabouts (taper down slowly) then on a carb load day you'll really feel it and it will shock your system. As you progress I would continue to taper down your carbs beyond 75g. Along the way you'll find what works best for you, we're all different.
hey bro, i have red meat daily, eye of round steak an hour post-workout. as for carbs, i dont know how im at 185, 2/3 cup is 36g, and a 4oz yam is 20g, every oz is 5 carbs, but i could be wrong. so as for tapering the carbs, should i have most before and after my workout like 36g before and 40g dextrose after? should i increase my fat or keep it the same (as in for breakfast, should i just eat the egg whites?)
Best site I've found for macro-nutrient breakdown is: **broken link removed**

**broken link removed**
1 cup (136g) is about 4 oz (114g) - 37.5g carbs

**broken link removed**
1 cup (156g) - 103.4g carbs

Did you read my suggestion on when to take carbs?!? I didn't make this up - it's from others who've done it successfully.

I believe whole eggs are fine (fat). You need to keep a handle on total calories and only cut back fat if you're gaining too much fat.

well i dont think 1 cup of oats is 103.4g carbs because the container says 1/2 cup is 27g so i would think 1 cup is 56g. if nutri-facts is correct, then man i am in for a big surprise.

also, when i buy potatoes, and read the facts, 5oz is about 26g carbs, this led me to believe that each oz carries 5g carbs. i could be wrong. also, i think dextrose is bloating me, so im going to have either 30g malto or just a 4 oz yam post workout with a protein shake.

yes i read your suggestion on when to take carbs, mostly post-workout which makes sense but dont you think i should be having carbs earlier in the day as well? (i train in the eve). thanks.

xcelbeyond said:
Best site I've found for macro-nutrient breakdown is: **broken link removed**

**broken link removed**
1 cup (136g) is about 4 oz (114g) - 37.5g carbs

**broken link removed**
1 cup (156g) - 103.4g carbs

Did you read my suggestion on when to take carbs?!? I didn't make this up - it's from others who've done it successfully.

I believe whole eggs are fine (fat). You need to keep a handle on total calories and only cut back fat if you're gaining too much fat.

ok i looked at the oats, theres no way 1 cup has 86g sugars!! i would taste that lol. i am eating old fashioned 100% natural dry rolled oats. is this possible, i mean the container says 27g per 1/2 cup so 2/3 cup is 36g. im confused here.

xcelbeyond said:
Best site I've found for macro-nutrient breakdown is: **broken link removed**

**broken link removed**
1 cup (136g) is about 4 oz (114g) - 37.5g carbs

**broken link removed**
1 cup (156g) - 103.4g carbs

Did you read my suggestion on when to take carbs?!? I didn't make this up - it's from others who've done it successfully.

I believe whole eggs are fine (fat). You need to keep a handle on total calories and only cut back fat if you're gaining too much fat.


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