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what do you guys take when the insomnia hits?


New member
Dec 21, 2002
I don't have access to any benzo's anymore, well not on any regular basis. I'm gonna try phenibut from 1fast400, it's like GABA but crosses the blood/brain barrier better (or so they say). I wish you could still get l-tryptophan. I read a little blurn from Frank Zane and he described it as the best rest in the world.
Honeslty bro, for me. When I have bouts of insomnia and I usually do when I am dieting, I just live through it. I know thats not what you wanted to hear but really unless you have valium or xanax or some type of sleeping pill, just living through it is about the only thing you can do. I used to do cardio for 30 minutes at a high intensity and that would help on aoccasion but I found my insomnia comes from high stress and anxiety and only meds from a doc can help you do that.

i use a supp called Xpm
it has in it
20mg Corydalas B
5mg kava kava(35%)
5mg valerian root
i got 3 bttl some time ago and i know they are out of production now but i treat them like gold.
i use half a tab everynight that i use a eph based supp, along with 3 750mg gaba's and a ZMA
these coupled together work well for my deep sleep
3-4 ZMA's or 1 unison its an otc sleep aid. makes me kinda grogy.
I heard about some serious sides from Kavakava.
Dont quite remember what-I think its really liver toxic.

I wont get into RX Barbs or Seditives-wont even try Ambien; Most all have bad sides and addictive qualities. Im an ex-drug addict, so I stay away! I use Benadryl-generic store brand. 25mg Diphenhodromine-same active ingredient as Tylenol PM, Sominex, but lots cheaper.
Melatonin is a precourser to Tryptophan. But after I use Malatonin for
awhile its stops working. But if you use it once in a while it works good.
You still can get L-Tryptophan take between 1000-1500mg every night and it is not helping the sleep. I also take ZMA and NyQol or something like that, Hell I have taken Ambien and it didn't do much either.
Is GABA really that good? If you try the other product let us know how it works? http://www.biogenesis.co.za/pi-l-tryptophan.asp it comes for South Africa takes about 14 days, but is suppose to be the best around.
any kind of thc product normaly helps me sleep personaly if preffer not smoking and it its more intense in other forms and makes u just plain pass out
sleeping pills usually make me feel like shit...I used to take a lot of painkillers a couple of years ago and I feel like I sleep like shit almost every night now. I'm permanently ruined...lol

The only thing that helped me feel almost normal was taking 1/2 of a valium. (5mg's) That helped a lot...I slept better, and didn't have my normal anxiety problems...I tried not to take it everyday though, because benzo addiction is far worse the pain pill addiction.
gaba is useless. zma is about the only legal thing out there these days. i would say ghb or even gbl but thats illegal and a c-I now so i wouldnt go that route, although i have before

I have battle insomnia all my life and propavan is the only thing that has realy worked(I have never tried valium or any other benzo cause I would be hooked on them simply cause my sleeping problems are permanent and not temporary).

The beatuy of Propavan and Atarax is that they are non adictive and doesnt mess upp the sleep pattern. Totaly harmless and realy does help.

You could also try any otc anti histamin they usualy make people very drowsy.

Zink always helps. Maby not to fall asleep but to increase the quality of sleep.
i have found that the gaba helps my nervous system, thus helping me sleep better
coupled with the Pm pill i take they work wonders, esp when zma is involved,

Melatonin, benadril(sp), xanax. Check out superior nutraceaticals on the banner. He is a vet whose been around a long time. I think he might be able to help.

I suffer through as well... HATE it, is one of my worst things to bear when it hits, but like some I have an addictive nature so not about to start popping things which will become a crutch in no time.

I've heard good things about valerian from a lot of people (who don't have anything more potent to compare it to) and I've knocked myself out cold on Valiums when needed (sick, injured, after hospital etc) but always felt like I'd had hardly any sleep after... even after 12 hours.

IronMike said:
I suffer through as well... HATE it, is one of my worst things to bear when it hits, but like some I have an addictive nature so not about to start popping things which will become a crutch in no time.

I've heard good things about valerian from a lot of people (who don't have anything more potent to compare it to) and I've knocked myself out cold on Valiums when needed (sick, injured, after hospital etc) but always felt like I'd had hardly any sleep after... even after 12 hours.


Mike have you tried any of the 2 meds I mentioned above?? For some reason they dont seem to be popular in the states but here in sweden almost every bodybuilder eats them like candy when diet insomnia hits.
mike ross said:
gaba is useless. zma is about the only legal thing out there these days. i would say ghb or even gbl but thats illegal and a c-I now so i wouldnt go that route, although i have before
The Phenibut works BIG TIME though.It works a little too good,has some withdrawals upon cessation.
A good stiff belt of ol' Jimmy Beam does wonders for my sleep.

sleep problems

I'm with Mike on this one. Plain ole otc benadryl - cheap and effective. Just like mom told me before I had to try everything else.

On the way back to benadryl I tried just about everything you guys listed. I'd have to say ambien was the best. Melatonin is good but hit or miss. Xanax and valium - I would tend to take those more than necessary. Pks - led to anxiety. Kava kava - ok but hard to find since it screwed up a couple chicks kidneys. Valerien root - ok but not better than benadryl. G and G products - sleep hard but not too long. Hope the house doesn't catch on fire or one of your loved one's try to wake you and think you are dead.

Good luck - CH
I always liked melatonin and kava kava.
Number one prescription for sleep

The number one prescription is Ambien. Short acting 6-8 hours so that you do not wake up with medicine head. Also it is non habit forming physically, you have to watch out for the mental part.

Anyway do a search on it. Doc's prescribe it a lot.

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