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What is your experience with anadrol


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
For those of you that have used it what results did you see as opposed to D-Bol or in comparison to anything else. I tried it once and it crushed my appetite so after a week I gave up on it , was using it during a “bulk” years ago.
Posted about this in a similar thread not too long ago;legit Syntex Anadrol from back in the day was absolutely amazing literally in a league of it's own...not so much from any of the UG drol and I've tried from several different sources. I stick w dbol now.
One of my first experiences with gear was Syntex Anadrol. Remember they used to be green in a brown glass bottle. I was a young man obsessed with my bench press. I put 50lbs on my bench in 4 weeks! That was the last time had a major monster gains like that LOL. 10 years later I was banging 1200mg test, 600mg Deca, plus whatever else was the flavor of the week chasing those kinds of gains! Dayum! UG Drol? not so much.
The old 2902 abombs

One of my first experiences with gear was Syntex Anadrol. Remember they used to be green in a brown glass bottle. I was a young man obsessed with my bench press. I put 50lbs on my bench in 4 weeks! That was the last time had a major monster gains like that LOL. 10 years later I was banging 1200mg test, 600mg Deca, plus whatever else was the flavor of the week chasing those kinds of gains! Dayum! UG Drol? not so much.
I love Anadrol. Blows Dbol out of the water imo. Strength gains, unmatched muscle fullness and hardly any water retention for me. The leaner you are, the more it will give you that muscle pushing against the skin-look. I will never use Dbol again unless my source runs out of Anadrol lol
My favorite anabolic. When I was 20 I had the Syntex 2902 tabs. Worked up to six tabs a day and added almost 100lbs to my incline bench in about a month. About a week later I think I passed pure bile while visiting the men's room. Backed off that quick!

Used on and off over the years, 1-2 tabs, no more.

I'm using a single tab right now from my supplier and it is working incredibly well.

I had used a lot of Anapolan from Abdi ibrahim, not nearly as good. Brazil hemogenin (25 years ago) quite good.
Works extracellular fluid into the surrounding muscle nearly immediately which is an effect we typically only see with adrol and sdrol, unlike sdrol anadrol can be used for long periods. Works much better in pulses than everyday IMO and actually works much better cosmetically if you only use it intermittently.
Not magic for me.
I prefer SDROL or the timeless DBOL
I love Anadrol. Blows Dbol out of the water imo. Strength gains, unmatched muscle fullness and hardly any water retention for me. The leaner you are, the more it will give you that muscle pushing against the skin-look. I will never use Dbol again unless my source runs out of Anadrol lol
Same experience for me. Much better results if you are not a slob.
50 a day did so much, can't imagine more than 2tabs a day. No big bp difference for me either at 50, but I never run orals more than 4weeks.
I notice size gains in days, strength goes up fairly fast (not as fast as tren), blood pressure climbs instantly and dramatically. Appetite is killed. All this at 25-50mg.

I don't like it due to the BP issues.
Puts weight and strength on me VERY quickly. Didn't feel outstanding on it mentally. Dulled but it didn't kill my appetite. Did raise my bp but caused less overall water retention than other compounds I've used. This at 75mg a day(25mg morning and 50mg pwo). If I wanted to try to try gain as much overall mass as possible then I feel like I would have to include it. That's just not my goal any longer.
If you respond well to it, it will be the most powerful compound you 'may' use for weight gain and strength. For some reason, i've seen some guys not respond at all to it, not sure why that is the case (yes they had real anadrol too). I think most people will always gain from dbol, but some will not always gain from Anadrol.

I got less water retention from it than dbol, though obviously, there is some degree of water retention and moonface that develops...kind of an individual thing. I have used Anadrol while cutting, and it was phenomenal....yes, i got idea after reading Duchaine use it on that Vicky Gates lady back in the 90's.

Blood pressure is the main side effect i'd be wary of, and i'd definately keep it on tabs...unless it's only for like 2-4 weeks. However, if you are already prone to having BP issues, i'd recommend not using it.....'maybe' it might work in a cutter and be less harsh on BP...but it also depends what else you are taking with it. Probably nmot worth it form most.

Liver issues can arise, mostly in the 150mg/d and above dosings...and yes, length of use will factor in.

Gyno can be an issue! It's a tricky fukking compound if you are susceptible to gyno. What I would recommend is....if you start developing nipple sensitivity, just stop the compound. I see people try to chase the gyno issue and it usually never helps. I'd use something before starting, and then during, and if it still finds it's way in the mix (nipple sensitivity), then i'd recommend just d/c it.

I never was able to use the old Syntex 2902's:( I tried like a mother-fukker to find them....but I was a few years too late to the scene, and by the time I got into the scene, they had stopped production, and everything out there were fakes (Mexico). I was able to use the pink Syntex tabs that came in the foil blisters, and they were pretty good. I got them from both the TJ hospital, and a guy named randy who had his own pharmacy down there, and who was getting them from the pharmacy. This was fall of 1994. I emailed Dan Duchaine about them, and he was like, "they are fake." I keeped emailing him they had to be real from the size everybody was getting, and the beginning of 1997, he had them tested, and they were real. At that point, they were in more demand, and harder and pricier to get. We brought back truckloads of those before they got popular from Duchaine's mention of them. The real ones were in the foil blister packs....the fakes were in the glass bottles. By the time Duchaine mentioned them being real, the message boards had already been going on for 2-3 years, so word traveled fast, lol.

I tried Brazilian Hemogenin's, and they were very good, probably the best I used.

My very first cycle had anadrol in it my senior year of high school....it went 1/4 tab/d for a week, 1/2 tab/d for a week, 1 tab/d form a week, then tapered back down. These tabs I used came from Europe, and the guy I bought them from raped my ass for a $8 per pill rip-off:( They worked well, even at that small dosage. I remember he was scared to sell them to me because I was already in good shape, had fairly large arms, and big ass trap/neck. He was scared i would grow and get caught.

I eventually used British Dispensary and a few other brands....as well as UGL's. Some good, and some not so good. I have some IP's right now...but not sure when i'll use them, lol!
Over the past 20 years I've noticed that 90% of UG Drol is underdosed or fake(can easily take 3-4), as is much of the dbol...
When you get a REAL dbol the euphoria off the bat is a give-a-way, full yet watery gains...Drol much dryer yet you feel like shit
Only REAL Dbol I've had in the past decade was IsoVet(many years ago russians, triangle, pink thais etc)
Only REAL Drol I've had past decade was ShreeVanketesh and Hilma(yrs back 2902, Hemos etc.)...Real Drol makes me feel I'll at 1.5 tabs/day
Gyno can be an issue! It's a tricky fukking compound if you are susceptible to gyno. What I would recommend is....if you start developing nipple sensitivity, just stop the compound. I see people try to chase the gyno issue and it usually never helps. I'd use something before starting, and then during, and if it still finds it's way in the mix (nipple sensitivity), then i'd recommend just d/c it.
I actually wanted to mention the opposite of this. I personally felt my nipples were way less sensitive on adrol than other compounds like dbol. It gave me a stronger headache at higher doses but my nips felt fine. Dbol absolutely messed with me, tho. Even just having the ceiling fan on while attempting to go to sleep tickled my nips.
Loved dbol

All the drol I've used was fake

I imagine real drol would be better suited for pre contest due to the appetite -suppressing effects, strength preservation... Etc

Also, if it's going to be making your BP increase, may want to use it when cutting as well for obvious reasons (losing weight, doing cardio, cleaner diet etc.)
i havent used it in years but used to be my favorite aas.
ran off and on for 10 years and always keep some around but scared to use it. lol
if you are sensitive to prolactin have some sortof med like prmai or caber as it can make you lactate!
when using i usually used an and nolva to keep nips in check but also was using much more aas at the time too.

if you are one of the ones it works well for you will know right away!
For just results only adrol are one of the best things to run. The problem I have is they destroy my appetite even at lower doses. Although there are ways around that so they can be hugely effective. They also make me feel ill but it's manageable (sdrol is x5 for me). The effects from adrol can vary depending upon your diet. Dbol for me generally causes more water retention but if you are on full bulk mode with adrol you can gain the same amount of water retention. That's why they can really shine when calories are controlled or in full diet mode. Muscle fullness and strength are the main things that come to mind. I much prefer them to dbol and I think most should experiment at least once with adrol to see what it can do for you (50mg should be plenty).

I have used numerous brands of adrol including pharm and ug. Obviously nothing will beat the first few times you use the drug especially when you are much smaller. I gained massive amounts of weight and strength each time I used it earlier on. It's not going to be the same when you are 250+ pounds and using it for the 20th time and at the same dose or even less than the past. The best results I ever got were when I used British Dispensary's androlic (green giants). I would have to rest after 5 mins of walking because my calves and shins would get so pumped up I could barely walk. My lifts went up about 20-50kg within 1-2 weeks. Some other brands I have used that were also fantastic are Balkan, Genotec and Pharmacom. I have also used the brands Abdi Ibrahim, Iran Hormone, Razak, British Dragon, Mao, Geneza, Wildcat etc.

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