I am thinking bout adding this into a cycle does anyone know what a typical weekly does of this is? i tried a search and only got info about test cyp.
two hydro groups on a boldenone molecule? What the hell is that?
DHB - the evil cousin of boldenone, much like Test's DHT counterpart, lol.. I've never heard of it, but it seems like alot of steroids have their DHx cousin (also heard of Nandrolone's DHN)
Planning on injecting? I think 300mg a week was considered normal for this, but run at least a small amount of test while on it (100-150min) as its recipe for shutdown as fast as if it were test. I have some 1-t non-cyp as well as 1 bottle of the VPX 1-t cyp, but thats not enough to be worthwhile, and 1-t no ester, I dont feel like bothering with
yeah, that should be nice. honestly I dont think you need that much test-e, personally i'd stay lower just to avoid bloating or much need for an AI. 1-t is roughly 2x as anabolic as test, and along with the tren (you mean 350 right, 100mg eod?) thats plenty of androgenic compound already too.
Now you've got me pondering a 1-t no ester/4ad no ester cycle Whats interesting on the 4ad is that its roughly 90-95% as anabolic as test even though its actual conversion to test is under 20%. So less estrogen/dht that way too. or maybe the combo of those and low dose deca? hmmm
Tried that stuff long ago when it was legal along with M1T. Did 200mg/week of 1-test cyp and 20mg/day of M1T, got wickedly strong while dropping about 10lbs of fat. The M1T was dropped about halfway through due to crazy blood pressure issues and general "feel-like-ass"-ness, but the 1test was great stuff. I wish it was still available and legal!
Hey TheBD , Did anyone mention that the 1test could be extremely irritating at the sight? I did a bit of it when it was available and I guess I liked it alot cuz I would put up with the pain that I would get every single time. So if I could make a suggestion start with half a cc per site and if its pain free and none irritaiting then increase it to 1 cc until u reach u'r desired amount. By the way this is a great site.
So is there any UG making this in liquid form ???
there seems to be alot of talk about prohormones as of late