I saw it too man. Sure I feel for the guy for losing his son, but all he is doing is like you said, just making the witch hunt worse. It seems like the more research that is done, and the longer AAS has been around, people seem to think it is worse and worse, while the research proves when used safely, is not worse and worse. The media and gov't wants these anecdotal stories to use to help them rid the streets of the "steroid using criminals". I cant say it more, i know kids who use juice, and almost all are great, smart, driven, and good people. Sure maybe they use AAS too young, but at least the rest of their life is in order from being influenced by the bbing lifestyle. Then I know plenty of the average kids/young men today who booze hard 3 times a week, do rec drugs, etc. and they throw their lives away by the minute. Like i said before, i feel bad for the guy, no one deserves to lose their kid like that, but hes just making the mentality of the nation geared even more against AAS. I see where his anger comes from but I think its gonna make this country's drug situation worse. It seems like now, and in the future, getting these AAS producers off the streets will become higher priority over taking down the meth labs that make drugs that screw peoples lives over. unbelievable. btw, db i need to email you, expect one here soon.