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For the serious competitors


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 29, 2003
Ok, im throwin this one out here, dont kill me for it. I have recently talked to a lot of good competitors. A few of which have won overall at more than 10 shows. After askin questions, im startin to find the MAJORITY of them use DNP when they are pretty damn lean already, to get that last bit of fat off and get absolutly SHREADED. I thought DNP was only for overweight people. Is this one of the hidden secrets that nobody talks about becuase they are afraid someone will hurt themselves? These guys get in sickly shreaded condition, and they all use the DNP until like 10 days out.
Never even heard of it?

I honestly have never heard of DNP , and dont use it so I guess I dont need it, what does it do is it a dieretic?

Once again there are no secrets and if your looking for a magic formula there just isnt such thing , training hard core and eating well are your best bets and I dont meen stuffing your face lol.
dnp is the mega fat loss compound on the market, i mean mega bro, like 1b of fat a day with only slight modification to diet
but u feel like absolute SHIT while using it, i have used it many times at smaller doses with great results, u need to do ure research on it tho, and dont be retarded abt the useage as it WILL AND CAN KILL YOU.

ill dig up some info on it tho
basically a pesticide that kills bugs (and people) by raising their metabolism so much that they cook from the inside out. 2 or 3 times the "normal" dosage and you're dead!
WeirdAl said:
basically a pesticide that kills bugs (and people) by raising their metabolism so much that they cook from the inside out. 2 or 3 times the "normal" dosage and you're dead!

damn has been bodybuilding really resorted to pesticide!!!!!! Why take that chance just to win a state show.....If its to win Usa's I can understand that...but if you need to get that serious to win a state show then you arent gonna go pro anyway.....
I really dont want to come off sounding like a asshole. so please dont think that but It just seems you are reading to much info and looking for the answer in AAS.. I have seen MANY people get into the "sickly shreaded condition" without chancing there life.
Hey Hutch

I know people they use the stuff that don't even compete. They are just too lazy to go on a diet or do any cardio.

I'd never touch it myself. Risks just do not seem worth it. I never knew it was made out of pestisides. Sounds pretty fucked up to me
Na, not lookin for the easy way out. I was just curious how many actually do that, since im findin out all these guys do do that, and look fuckin awesome. One i already know has done well in nationals as well. Im not competing again anyway for another 1/5yrs, so it wouldnt matter to me anyway. Just wanted the answers, i guess u all gave me.
plus the next problem you will encounter when you want to use DNP, is that you will have to be 100% sure if what you have is crystal or powder. Cause take 400-600mg of crystal and you're in a lot of trouble.

I would never touch it. I also have a good job and i have to wear a suit. When using DNP, you sweat extensively not normal sweat but thicker. Also your cum becomes yellowish and fluorescent :D
Another issue with DNP, you really have to know and trust where you recieved it from, only a minor slip in dosage....and BAM you very well could die....An old training partner of mine used it before a comp(anainst my better judgement) and his caps he recieved were not dosed correctly...he ended up in the Emergency room. Many have used this substance with good results but is it really worth the risk? I really can't justify it. Just like the others said, there is no substitute for hard work and dedication....
Conan21 said:
Hey Hutch

I know people they use the stuff that don't even compete. They are just too lazy to go on a diet or do any cardio.

This reminds me of a post this one kid made on mayhem or bb.com....He was askin how to use lasix..when we asked why is he using it he replied that he wanted to look really ripped and vascular for these girls he is going out with to the beach with.....LOL......I dont understand why someone would wanna put themself in jeopardy just to look good at the beach....maybe ill tell him to try some DNP.....:rolleyes:
I would never touch this shit. Its an uncouppling agent-it acts like
free radicals (very unhealthy)causing a disturbance in cells and
this causes heat=calories burned. I may have some detail off,
but thats the idea. It also seems like torture, unbless you likee swiming in your own stinky sweat 24-7. You bed will be drenched.
NO fucking way, but thats just me. :rolleyes:
I have 28 shows and i never used it and i will never use it, it drives you crazy, sweaty, hot, head pain, and beleaveme in the last 10 days to the show you dont want to fell this.

I now a lot of competitors and no one used it, and they compete ripped to the bone.

ONe friend from Argentina used it and he told me he never used again. Becarefull with some crazy friends frying their brains.
IMO, it's one of those things that can make the last month of dieting condensed into a week. I guess you have to weigh the risk/rewards. I'm glad you asked that question b/c even though I wasn't even considering it right now because of the nasty sides, I now plan on not even considering it in the future. A sincere thanks buddy.

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