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Most Important Facet - DIET! *Please Help*


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2021
Im going to take my diet and training more seriously but would like to focus on diet here. This is something I calculated last night and will use as a starting point. It's easy to measure and prep and I actually love eating the same food everyday - it makes my digestion run very smoothly/efficiently.
The only thing that is not written down is 8 oz orange juice as vitamin C is the only hole I can think of micronutritionally in what's basically the steak and eggs diet plus carbs.
Essentially three 1000 calorie meals.

187 lbs
13-15% bf

Super supps:
450 test cyp
6mg aromasin ED

I want to have a classic physique which for my height would be around 200-205 lbs by 35 years old (just turned 32). I need to gain around 10 lbs a year roughly to achieve this. There is a pic out there of me around 175 at 10% bf.

Anyone have any suggestions/ additions/ subtractions/ critiques?

I'd use an app to track accurately. Protein 1.5-2gr per lb. Fats and carbs can play with. Maybe training days 40g fat, the rest carbs. Off days lower carbs higher fat, protein stays the same. Me, I'd do 5 meals. Make sure pre and post workout have a good amount of protein+carbs. The app will make sure sodium, potassium, iron etc are where they need to be
My diet is so inconsistent these days..still clean but I will go forever without eating sometimes
I'd use an app to track accurately. Protein 1.5-2gr per lb. Fats and carbs can play with. Maybe training days 40g fat, the rest carbs. Off days lower carbs higher fat, protein stays the same. Me, I'd do 5 meals. Make sure pre and post workout have a good amount of protein+carbs. The app will make sure sodium, potassium, iron etc are where they need to be
Even 4 meals with 75-80gr protein with carbs and or fat to make the rest up would be better than the one listed. 5 is better if digestive system and time are allowed. OP 1gr of protein per pound is good till you hit where you're at. If you're looking to gain 20lbs over what you could hold naturally (and that looks like where you're at) 1.5g to 2g is better.
I'd use an app to track accurately. Protein 1.5-2gr per lb. Fats and carbs can play with. Maybe training days 40g fat, the rest carbs. Off days lower carbs higher fat, protein stays the same. Me, I'd do 5 meals. Make sure pre and post workout have a good amount of protein+carbs. The app will make sure sodium, potassium, iron etc are where they need to be
When I'm a surplus, I feel like I just get fat when fats are higher, even when carbs are low ☹️
Even 4 meals with 75-80gr protein with carbs and or fat to make the rest up would be better than the one listed. 5 is better if digestive system and time are allowed. OP 1gr of protein per pound is good till you hit where you're at. If you're looking to gain 20lbs over what you could hold naturally (and that looks like where you're at) 1.5g to 2g is better.
I could possibly do 4, 5 meals is hard with work... I do want to find a way to push protein up some but not with shakes. Trying to stay away from processed foods.
Im going to take my diet and training more seriously but would like to focus on diet here. This is something I calculated last night and will use as a starting point. It's easy to measure and prep and I actually love eating the same food everyday - it makes my digestion run very smoothly/efficiently.
The only thing that is not written down is 8 oz orange juice as vitamin C is the only hole I can think of micronutritionally in what's basically the steak and eggs diet plus carbs.
Essentially three 1000 calorie meals.

187 lbs
13-15% bf

Super supps:
450 test cyp
6mg aromasin ED

I want to have a classic physique which for my height would be around 200-205 lbs by 35 years old (just turned 32). I need to gain around 10 lbs a year roughly to achieve this. There is a pic out there of me around 175 at 10% bf.

Anyone have any suggestions/ additions/ subtractions/ critiques?

View attachment 168387
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who scratches this stuff out old school. I have a log book but same deal. Definitely some GH, but I would add a good anabolic as well to the mix. And this looks more like maintenence calories than growing calories.
Dude you have a great physique - very solid starting point to achieve your goal IMO. I feel like most guys come on here and discuss some goal but look like shit and have no clue what they’re doing. I’m no coach but I would keep doing what you’re doing with your current macro split and just start increasing everything in tandem if that makes sense. I think you’re over complicating things. Maybe a slight hormone increase and just start by adding a few hundred calls split equally to your macro mix and make sure to still add in some low intensity cardio. Just my 2 cents…
There's probably people here more well equipped to answer the questions re diet - however I can't help but notice the Asin dose seems crazy high compared to the test dose? Assuming you meant EW not ED?
Less fat and more protein, carbs and anabolics

Fat 20% protein 35%?

I'll consider pushing the dose but I'd like to do it without going over a gram at any point. Don't know if that possible. 450mg a week is the most I've ever done.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who scratches this stuff out old school. I have a log book but same deal. Definitely some GH, but I would add a good anabolic as well to the mix. And this looks more like maintenence calories than growing calories.
Respect for the old school, for sure. To be honest, I don't know what my maintenance is... But with this, I aim to find out. I weighed and measured my food a couple years ago when got serious about fitness and cut from 205 down to 165 (took a year).

And I would love to add GH!! I've increased my income over 50% over the past year but need a little more breathing room before I commit. Our resident academic @Type-IIx mentioned that a replacement dose of GH for a 30 year old would be around 1.8iu so maybe 3-4iu in the future for me.
Dude you have a great physique - very solid starting point to achieve your goal IMO. I feel like most guys come on here and discuss some goal but look like shit and have no clue what they’re doing. I’m no coach but I would keep doing what you’re doing with your current macro split and just start increasing everything in tandem if that makes sense. I think you’re over complicating things. Maybe a slight hormone increase and just start by adding a few hundred calls split equally to your macro mix and make sure to still add in some low intensity cardio. Just my 2 cents…
Thank you bro. I have some tren e on hand for spring time. Looking forward to that!!

One day soon soon I'd like to add in some GH, especially seeing what it did for your physique 😳
There's probably people here more well equipped to answer the questions re diet - however I can't help but notice the Asin dose seems crazy high compared to the test dose? Assuming you meant EW not ED?
No it's 1/4 of a tablet every day. I don't think 6mg a day is high dose of aromasin. I'm getting basic blood work after Xmas so I'll know exactly where we are then.
@bboy mentioned some macro tracking apps in a thread some time back. I ended up using the Avatar Nutrition one. The other is Carbon Diet Coach. I’m diggin the Avatar one though. I love the scan function where I don’t have to type in all the information of what I’m eating. Definitely helps keep you accountable.

I could possibly do 4, 5 meals is hard with work... I do want to find a way to push protein up some but not with shakes. Trying to stay away from processed foods.
A large can of tuna with some Avocado mayo is easy to eat anytime anywhere if you don't want to add a shake. Add that to your current diet should help gain lean. GH is pretty cheap at 3-4iu
Whats the training like ? How long have you been on that testosterone dose for ?
Are you actually growing on those calories? Asking because it seems a bit low to me, but than again everyone is different. Myself I would do more than three meals. I would increase protein slightly and lower fats a bit. But again everyone is different, so if this is what you setup, try it for a few weeks and assess. That's the best and only way to know what will work. Even if you have a coach, they all just make an educated guess on the diet, watch the progress (or lack of) week to week and adjust from there.

Only other thing I mention is the goal of 10lbs of muscle per year. Hopefully you will be able to do it, but that is not an easy task and will only get more difficult to do with every year that you progress. I remember around 15 years ago reading on the boards about guys hoping to put on 5lbs of muscle in a year. I used to think, wtf is wrong with these guys, I can do that in a month or two (lol at how naive I was). Now, in my 40s, if I manage to put on 5lbs or real tissue (not just fullness), I would be jumping for joy ha ha....

But again, don't take this is as a negative. Just work your butt off, tarin hard, eat consistently and be patient. Don't think to yourself that if you only gain 6lbs of tissue its a failure. Like the saying goes “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”
Calories/macros aside, with zero veggies/fruit/fibers/prebiotics your gut health and digestion are going to get screwed up sooner than later.
Not to mention the other dozens of health benefits you're missing.
Just a serving of green beens/mushrooms/bell peppers, an apple and a banana a day would make a substantial difference.

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